Several weeks ago, an 11 year old girl, who was the victim of incest, was given an abortion, after several months of publicity, pitting the rights of parents, and the girl, against the laws of the state in which she lives.

The whole thing came to light, when she, was found to be pregnant and that the father, was her 19 year old brother.

Now, while this case, being unusual in itself, is not what brought the parents and the state to bump heads. What brought up the legal issue in this case, is the fact that the state, had a law on the books, that only allows abortions up to the second trimester, meaning 3 months or less. The girl, was about 5-1/2 months pregnant, at the time.

The law, is fashioned in a way, to give people a window of opportunity to abort a pregnancy, before the child in the womb, is actually considered human. Any time before that, it is considered a fetus (their words, not mine). To me, it is still a human being.

Anyway, since the girl is a minor, she needed parental consent to get the abortion. But, since she was in her second trimester, the doctors said there was nothing they could do, without breaking the law. Tie that in with the fact that, because of her age, and the circumstances surrounding her, pregnancy, government intervention occurred.

If I am not mistaken, social workers, got involved in the case, after they were contacted by the doctors. At some point in their investigations, they found reason to remove the girl from her home, and put her in protective custody.

This move, occurred when it was learned, that the parents, knowing that she could not get an abortion in their state, were planning to take her to another state which allowed these abortions. This brought about challenges to the law of the state, concerning taking the girl to keep them from leaving the state to get something that was against that state's law.

After several court challenges, the parents got permission from the courts, and they got the procedure done.

This whole issue, brings about some concerns as to the role of government, in involving itself in the affairs of families, and more so, the consequences of the court, giving permission to abort, what the law has defined as a viable human life.

Government, is supposed to be the servant of the people. Each employee of any government agency, from sanitation workers, all the way up to the president, are our employees. We are their bosses, if you will.

Any laws on the books, are there because, we have decided what we want to accept and what we will not. For the most part, since we all have differing opinions of what we want, usually, the majority gets what they want. That is the only fair way to do it.

After it is decided on what we will accept, we have agencies, that enforce these laws. Police agencies and the courts, are just two of them. They are supposed to protect and serve, us. However, some among us, may not feel that the laws that were passed, concerning certain issues, is something they are willing to accept. Therefore, they can try to get the laws changed, or in certain instances, go to the courts, to get an exception rendered.

In this case, certain things occurred, that may have set the stage for situations to get out of control, if we do not begin to consider the roles each of us have, in making sure that all our rights are protected.

The state in which the little girl lives, has a law that, the parents felt, was unjust, and wanted to get around it by going to another state, to get what they wanted. Even though I am against abortion, they have the right to do that. That, is the law of the nation. For any agency of a particular state, to try to hinder them from doing that, is not in the best interest of any of us. It sets up a situation where the employees(government), become the bosses, and we, the slaves.

Now, if the girl was removed from the home, to keep her from contact with the brother, then that is another story, and I agree with it. In my limited understanding of the law, that is child protection. Of course, they could have arrested the brother, but who would have filed the complaint, which the agency needed to do that?? If the parents weren't going to do it, then who??? When government agencies, our employees, can arbitrarily file charges against someone, because they (the employees) can't get anyone else to do it, especially without evidence, or by trying to stop someone from exercising their constitutional freedom, then that is wrong.

Now, the parents, who are supposed to be so caring for this little girl's well being, seem to have missed it, when it came to what happened to her, I guess, in their own home. Somehow, this eluded their, watchful eyes. How this could have gone on, and they not being aware of it, is anyone's guess. Any way, what happened, happened.

But, my other main concern, has to deal with the abortion.

This little girl, has been victimized again. First the incest. Then the spectacle of having the entire nation hearing about it. Then, the abortion itself.

As bad as it is to have an abortion, in the early stages of pregnancy, I hear that having one, in the later stages, is a lot worse. They can't extract the baby by suction. They can't introduce a saline solution and literally dissolve it. From what I understand, in order to abort the child, they have to induce the girl in to labor, to get the child to start out. But, they have to get it to come out, feet first.

The reason for this being done, is when the head comes out, and the baby is alive, if you then end its life, it is murder. However, if the child is dead, when the head comes out, then there is no problem.

So, what they do, is pull the baby out feet first, and just before the head starts out, they stick a long needle like instrument, in to the back of the skull, and up in the brain, suck the brain out of the skull, thus killing the baby before the head comes out.

Now, I'm sorry to have had to go in to the gruesome details like this, but I want you to see how gross this procedure really is, and just why there is a law on the books, against it. This procedure, I believe, is something out of the books of an individual that had it performed many times while he was the leader of a country. His name, Adolph Hitler. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. That is just what this procedure is.

Now, if you can figure, this little girl, had to endure this procedure, possibly awake, and under local anesthesia If she was asleep, then, for all it is worth, that was a little less traumatic.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, this procedure is banned in many states, and as far as I am concerned, it needs to be banned totally.

If we consider just what this girl went through, she might as well have had the baby, and given it up for adoption. There are thousands of couples, that want to have children but can't, and this child, would have made one of them, very happy. Sometimes, I believe that God, provides a means for those that can't have children, to get one, from those that don't want the children that they have, or are carrying. This is the best way for both parties.

We hear a lot today about saving the mother's life, when people say a person may need an abortion. Now, while I might go along with that, I still feel that, if we have the technology to remove hearts, lungs, stomachs, and other parts of a person, and they still live, why can't they do it with a baby???

By giving permission for this procedure, abortion rights advocates, may now have a legal precedent to overturn laws in states that forbid it, by saying, if an 11 year old girl can have one, then a grown woman should be allowed to, also. They may state trauma, as the reason they want one, and some judge, may just say, 'if it was good for her, this little girl, then it is good enough for others.'

Every law on the books, that seems to be ungodly and immoral, has come about through cases like this. A case, with a hardship content, tied in with liberal minded judges, that think that they are the law makers, rather than those that enforce the law, and you have a scenario, where a good law, is struck down, or sharply curtailed. All the liberals need, is for a crack to be opened in the laws that the majority have put in place, and there will be a rush of those that don't like the law, to destroy it

You wonder why we have all these crazy laws and such??? Because the minority, feels that they should be able to do whatever they want, since this is the land of freedom. They don't want any constraints on their lives. They want to be free to do, whatever they want, they say, in their own privacy. However, what they fail to realize, is what they usually do in private, ultimately brings all of us in to the problem. And in a lot of instances, the nation, can end up suffering, because of what these people did in private.

There is a bible story that brings this point out, very clearly. It is found in (Josh. 7) in which the children of Israel, suffered a humiliating defeat, at the hands of an army that they should have easily defeated, because of the sin of one man. That's right, one man caused Israel, to have to turn tail and run. Read it for yourself. Before this, they were unbeatable. Being outnumbered sometimes more than 100 to 1, they conquered their enemies, because God, fought for them. Many times, they did not even have to lift a finger to do it. God struck their enemies down with disease, or had them fighting among themselves. So, they had all expectations of defeating this inferior army, but, there was sin in the camp.

One man, had done something that God had said, not to do. And, because he did it, (in private), God did not fight for them, and they were defeated.

In reading this story, you will find that because they got defeated, Joshua knew that something was wrong. He asked God what the problem was, and God told him, that Israel had sinned against Him. But wait a minute, it was just one man, wasn't it??? And besides, no one else knew about it, did they?? Evidently not, seeing that they had to search for him. So, you see, what one man did in private, caused the whole nation to suffer.

Now, look at us, America. We go around saying, 'What a person, including the president, does in the privacy of their own home, or office, is their business, and not ours.' Well, do you see why America is in the mess it is in today??? We have millions, sinning against God, everyday, and we know about it, and support it. We even have laws on the books that say it is legal. What do you think God is going to do to us, if He did what He did to Israel, even though they didn't know??? Hmmmmm!!!???

What you need to know, is, God holds a nation responsible for any sins that go on in it. All, or any part of that nation, may end up suffering, because of what it allows to go on, within its realm of control. If sin is going on, and we are actively trying to eliminate it, then God will narrow His punishment, to those that are trying to keep it going. That's just the way it is. The more we fight against sin, the more we will be blessed. However, more and more of us, have gotten in to the mode of, 'It's none of my business, what they do in their homes.' Well, as far as God is concerned, you are supporting it, and you will suffer for it.

There is no such thing as being neutral, when it comes to sin. You can't be straddling the fence. You are either on one side or the other. That's it.

It is because of this, that we find all sorts of things going wrong in our nation, not only concerning the grownups, but also our kids. God warns us that our children will even suffer because of our sin and defiance.

Yes, there are ominous signs on the horizon. It may seem like a small thing to you, but, this abortion issue, may just open the flood gates, that will bring about the end of America.
