In addressing this particular issue, one might ask, what does this have to do with the bible??

Well, it, even though many don't consider it to be the case, is a religion, and is the biggest threat to the Church, in the world today.

Communism, is a man made philosophy, which was birthed by the architect of all ungodliness, the Devil, and is still, around, only in different forms, but pursuing the same goal, the destruction of belief in God, and the enslavement of mankind.

Other religions, are also a threat to the Church, but communism, seeks to eliminate all other religions, and be the religion, or god, over all mankind.

You see, when I use the term 'religion', many begin to think about the worship of God, or some other supernatural entity. However, that is not the whole picture. Religion is defined as, 'any philosophical belief system, that a person adapts their behavior after.' Simply put, all of us are religious, including atheists. A racist, is a believer in hating others not of his, or her own race, therefore making that, their religion. A person that has a mindset, that they don't believe in God, and patterns their lifestyle according to that belief, has made that, their religion. Likewise communism, which not only believes that there is no God, but seeks to eliminate all of those that believe in Him, as well as other 'gods', is a religion.

Many today, tend to believe that communism, died out with the fall of the Berlin wall, and Soviet Union. However, that is not the case.

Communism, by its very nature, is a complex group of philosophies, that are designed to adapt themselves to any situation, with the sole purpose of enslaving all of mankind. And most of it is done, in such a way, that the victims, never see it coming, until it is too late.

Deception, is the biggest tool that is has.

When we look at a man like Adolph Hitler, we can see communism, at it's most glaring point. Many wonder how he ever got in to power, in the first place. He did it by deception. Making those that helped him get in to power believe, that he was going to make government, take care of them, by solving all of their problems. This was because, the Germans were going through some very hard times. People were starving, there was little if any work, they had just been through a war, and the land was decimated (from what I understand), and they needed someone or something to pull them out of this mess, and Hitler promised to not only do that, but make them controllers of the whole world, as a 'super race.'

However, there was one big problem that had to be dealt with, and that was the beliefs of a lot of them, in God. This belief, had to be eliminated, in order for his ideas and purposes to work. So, he had many of the priests killed, and the churches burned. Other priests, were bought off, to slant their messages, to make it seem that Hitler, was 'God sent.' You see, communism will use religion, in order to bring about its own end. If it can't use it, it will destroy it.

If we look around us today, and what is happening in this nation, we can see signs of this same thing creeping in.

More and more of us, are turning to all sorts of philosophies, that are rooted in what is called, humanism, the worship of man, in which man is perceived as being his own god. This belief, essentially says that man, can control his own destiny, and can solve his own problems. He doesn't need any make believe entity (God), to be a servant to. This then, leaves the door open for a 'messiah', from the ranks of man, to deliver the rest of us.

We see that today, many politicians, are getting elected to office, by promising that they have the answer to the nations ill's, and if elected they will turn things around. The problem is, that most of their solutions, are ones, that like Hitler's, tend to tear down one's faith in God.

Look, if you will, at the attacks of the Democratic party, and other organizations that support them, on the 'religious right.' This is by design. In order to get rid of the Church, you have to make it seem that all of the problems we are facing, is the fault of Christianity. The notion being, if there was a God, then these things wouldn't be happening in the first place.
Or, because of Christians, many people are persecuted, starving, homeless and the like. Blame everything on them, and that will shut them up. If they continue to move forward, then, their ranks must be split, from the inside.

Today, as back in old testament times, there are men who name the name of Christ, that are only in their places, to help split the Church up. Denominational doctrines, are one of the chief means of doing that. That's right.

Denominations are, in their basic sense, a means by which communism, can infiltrate, and bring down the Church. But of course, we don't see it like that. To us, it seems like some of us are being too hard on people, while the others are easy going.

The idea of something being sin, and the need to realize that we all are, or have been, sinners, and that we need to repent, is being lost in the sea of 'love', where I love you, and you love me, and we are a happy family.

Attacks on the Church, took on dynamic proportions, when a man, by the name of Norman Lear, came up with the idea of putting on a program, that turned this entire nation nearly upside down.

'All in the family', a program that was inspired by one of the forms of Communism, to embarrass, and humiliate the Church, through what is called, 'situational ethics', featured a buffoon of a husband and father, Archie Bunker, who knew just about as much about the bible, as a 10 year old kid, a nearly brain dead wife, a daughter that was a loving 'flower child' type, and a son-in-law, that was an atheist, that was always making the father look like a fool, when he questioned him about God.

This, was not only an attack on the Church, but on the basic foundation of the Church, the family.

Situational ethics, is a term, that is used to say, if God is really like what the bible says He is, then if God sent a person to hell for doing certain things that were something, that they supposedly couldn't help doing, like being 'gay' or stealing because they had to feed their families or were homeless, because of their own drug abuse or gambling problems, then He would be totally unfair.

The various spin offs of this show, all carried much of the same message, and that is, man, not God, can change things.

Today, it is people that were raised on Archie Bunker, and the philosophy of Norman Lear, and his organization, 'People for the American Way', that are trying to take over this country, and turn it in to a communist oriented nation. Of course they are not doing it, in the open, but they are slow, and methodical with their goals.

All of the things that are happening in this nation, like drug use, high crime, teen violence, suicides, and pregnancy, are tools that are used to destabilize the nation, by tearing down the family structure, thus weakening the position of the Church, because the idea of trusting in God, has not, or can't, solve all of these problems.

As a result of this, a lot of churches, pastors more specifically, began to cool the views on 'sin', and in some instances, have eliminated it from their sermons altogether.

From there, as their memberships grew with people feeling that they could have the best of both worlds, having God, and still enjoying their sinful ways, the next thing was the ordination of these people. A clear mockery of what the Church stands for.

Those that still refused to accept this 'new gospel', like myself, became labeled as, 'the religious right.' Which to me, is a compliment, because that gave us the 'right' name, RIGHT. Because that is what we are, 'right.'

You see, unless you have someone whose word you can always count on, who has set standards, that remain stable, and never change, then you might as well have nothing, because as you can see, man changes his mind about what is right and wrong, whenever things tend to be an inconvenience to him.

People, don't seem to realize, they are either going to serve God, or some man, or group. Beware of people that promise they will provide all your needs for you, if you will put them in places of power, because they can, and often do, change. And when that happens, you will be a victim, of the monster you created.

In order to combat the forces of evil, the only weapons we have are the word of God, and prayer. And it is the job of pastors, to instill that in to all of their members. Then their must be unity between all of the body of Christ. The Catholic, the Baptist, the Lutheran, the Episcopalian, the Presbyterian, and all of those that name the name of Christ. Jesus prayed once, that we would all be as one, even as He and the Father were One. That means that a person going to a Catholic church, should see no difference, in the believers there, than they do in the Baptist church, and vice versa.

Actually, there should not be any denominational separations at all. The Church, as designed by God, was to be unified, with the only difference being, that they were in different locations, cities, towns and countries.

The Church at Rome, the Church at Corinth, the Church at Galatia, and so on. Different locations, but the same message. Denominations, change the message, and thereby confuse the people. And when they are confused, they tend to get away from the source of that confusion, which is the Church, and ultimately, God.

Then when they get away from Him, they begin to suffer. Then that leads them to seek a source of relief, apart from God, hence, man, or government. And when that happens, God allows destruction to come on you.

So, this nation may think that communism is dead, but, in reality, it has just changed its appearance, and it is thriving.

We all, need to be on guard.
