Imagine that you have been told that you have only 24 hours to live unless you get a particular type of medicine that is in only one place.

Now imagine that, that place is so far away that it would take you 24 hours to get there. But, if you get there, the medicine would be ready for you to take, and you would live a normal life.

It is obvious that in order to get there, you would want to take a direct route, 'as the crow flies', so to speak.

This is what is known as the shortest distance between two points, being a straight line.

Well, let's say that you decide to go a 'round about way', thinking that you will have plenty of time. However, when the 24 hours is up, you drop dead.

My point is this, everyday, we are faced with problems that have many ways of being solved. However, depending on the way you go about solving them, some take longer than others.

This nation is suffering from the effects of taking the 'long way' in solving our social, economic, and moral ills, because many look at all the alternatives, and decide, the shortest, straightest route, is too undesirable, because it means that we will have to alter our way of thinking, and we don't want to do it.

The quickest way to solving our problems, quite simply, is to get back to the bible. And that means, Jesus Christ.

But, there are those that say, that is too narrow minded, and we need to pursue a different way. One that includes everyone's beliefs and accepts their own way of thinking.

Problem is, time is running out, and many are suffering and even dying, while we take a longer path than is necessary.

Compromise on the bible, is a detour that will lead to destruction.

There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death.
