On August 17, President Clinton, after giving a deposition to the special prosecutor, concerning his involvement with a young lady, which I choose not to mention, faced the American people and admitted he had, what he called, an inappropriate encounter with her. And not only that, he did it in the White House, with guards, right outside the door. In other words, we were paying the guards to provide protection for him, while he committed adultery.

As far as I can tell, from the part of the speech that I heard, this was an admission, to something the he had sternly denied several months back.

Now that he as admitted to it, many say we need to put it behind us, and move forward. Let's forgive and forget, they say. And that would seem to be the right thing to do. And it would, in normal circumstances. After all, we are talking about actions between two consenting adults. Right??? It has nothing to do with his job, Right??? Wrong!!!

Because this man, is the leader of the most powerful nation on the earth. Because he commands the most powerful military on the earth. Because he is the CEO of the richest nation on the earth. Because he is, the chief of the law enforcement agencies of this nation. Because he represents the very spirit of what this nation is supposed to stand for, he has to be held to a far higher standard than you, or me.

The office he holds, commands respect from all that look at it. Yet, today, the respect and integrity of that office is dimmed, considerably. In the eyes of many, both here and abroad, the man in that office, can no longer command the respect that that office commands, in order to maintain the integrity and respect for this nation.

Both friends, and enemies of this nation, now have to figure, what is the integrity of the American people, really like??

For him to stay in the office, would mean that we have lowered our standards on what is right. And, if that is the case, then we might as well quit trying to make others do right.

People say, 'He lied. So what??' 'He had sex with her. So what?? 'It's not like he killed anyone.'

This is true. He didn't do any of those things, as far as we know. But, with a person that is a known liar, just what is it are you supposed to believe, when they say it??? The reason I call him a liar, is that he has a history of saying and doing things, that totally contradict what he has said before, on many issues. If he lied about this woman, then what about the others that have claimed he had affairs with them??? I'm thinking about Jennifer Flowers, and Paula Jones, for example. Then we have white water gate, file gate, travel gate. There is too much that has to be re-examined, that will probably take up a lot of time, and the president won't be able to effectively do his job.

Some have said he has a history of this type of thing, dating back before he was governor of Arkansas. It is public knowledge that he dodged the draft through deceptive means. Not only that, but he kind of sympathized with the enemy, while in Europe by protesting our involvement in Vietnam. While thousands of our young men and women were losing their lives, he was living it up, and aiding the enemy. He even visited Russia. The reason I say aiding, is if you are not for us, you are against us. Most of us are too used to straddling the fence, in this country. We do that with everything, including God. Jesus said, (Lu 9:50) And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. Jesus did not leave any room for 'common ground' like some preachers I know, try to make it seem that there is.

But, what I really want to say is this. If our leader is not trustworthy, handling things like family values, something many of you don't like to hear, then how do you think our enemies will respond when he tells them what he will and will not tolerate??? If it were me, as an enemy of the US, I would not believe anything he says, and might try him out, by using terrorist tactics, to see what he does. Maybe that is why, under his administration, we are seeing more overt acts of terrorism and defiance, against this nation than ever before.

Remember Bosnia??? The Serbs, began, what we called 'ethnic cleansing.' Clinton told them to stop it. He drew a line in the sand, and told them not to cross it, or we would respond with force. What did they do?? They crossed the line. What did Clinton do?? He backed up, and drew another line and dared them to cross it. They did it again. This scenario went on and on for years, while thousands, lost their lives.

If the president, is the cause of hostile forces thinking they can do what they want to, to us, then we need to get someone in office whose word and actions will be respected. Otherwise, the longer we keep him there, the worse things will get. Look at Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush. When our people or interests were threatened, these men, did not play 'patty cake' with the enemy. Once they found out the guilty parties, they gave them a warning verbally, or went after them. We don't have that, here.

Can we really afford to be put at risk, because of the actions of our leader??? Even in the bible, nations, including Israel, suffered because of the actions of their leaders. And in those cases, many times, the leader was one, not of their own choosing. With us, we choose who will lead us. And this time, you made a mistake. If he will lie about small things, then what about big things???

I believe there is a far greater problem, with this president, than just an illicit affair. He should resign, for the good and integrity of the office. To try to hang in there, will only bring more disdain for us in the eyes of the world, which may be the beginning of our downfall.

And you see, people like myself, warned the nation, that this man had no moral character. What was the response from his supporters??? 'Character doesn't matter!!!' Even while he was giving his speech, he didn't say he was sorry. But, what he did do, is use slick words, like 'I never asked anyone to lie.' A careful choice of words, from a man who uses words to slick around the truth, and get out of jams. What he should have said is, 'I never asked or suggested that any one lie.' You see, he may not have asked directly, but he may have hinted at or suggested it.

Then, if that is not enough, he attacks the special prosecutor, for trying to get to the bottom of all this. In order for justice to be served, someone has to investigate. The man, is doing his job, and the president, wants him to stop. Is he trying to stop him before he finds out what is at the root of all this mess??? Or is it all a great deception??? We will have to wait and see.
