After reading all of the articles that I have written in this newsletter, I am sure, that you are probably thinking that I am on something, have lost my mind, or just out to get the Democratic party. You are thinking, 'If what he is saying is true, then he is saying there is a conspiracy going on. Not only that, but it is the greatest conspiracy of all time!!!'

Friend, I couldn't have said it better, myself. For, you see, everything that is happening in this nation, right now, has been well thought out, and planned, down to the 'nth' degree. Every 'I', has been dotted, and every 'T', crossed. Every player, is following their script, almost to the letter.

Who, you might ask, is the mastermind of this conspiracy?? Before I answer that, let me give you some of the details of how all of these things are adding up.

First, the bible says, 'the people, are destroyed, for a lack of knowledge' [Hos. 4:6]. The first way an enemy can destroy a nation, like the US, is to get the people in it, to believe that it can't happen, or worse yet, isn't happening to them. And the best way to do that, is to play to their greatest weakness, pride. The bible says 'pride comes before destruction, and a haughty spirit, before a fall. [Prov. 16:18].'

Pride, is the door, that opens you up for the enemy to literally make a total fool out of you. It can make you totally abandon common sense, and go off in to dillusional thinking, that will inflate your own self destructive tendencies [ego] like blowing up a balloon until it bursts, that will end up, destroying you, or rather getting you, to destroy yourself.

It comes in several forms, some of which are healthy. Being proud of your accomplishments, is healthy, because it helps you to keep going on, to face newer challenges. This pride, has to kept under control. The problem comes in, when, because of that same pride, you get a haughty (high) spirit.

A haughty spirit. This type of pride, is devilish, because it gets you to think that you know it all, and no one is as smart as, let alone smarter than, you. There is nothing that anyone can teach you. To put it quite frankly, in your own mind, you have become, a god. You have lifted yourself up, to be equal with God. And God says, 'He will not share His Glory, with anyone' [scripture]. Or in this case, 'any nation.'

The US, today, has many accomplishments to be proud of. In a little more than 225 years, we have become the world's greatest superpower. We took pride in that.

We did it, I believe, because, when we officially became a nation, we proclaimed, God, as our Creator, and even made sure that anyone that came in contact with us, to do business, would realize that fact, because our money, has emblazoned on it, 'IN GOD WE TRUST.' This nation became great because God, was with us, period.

This nation quickly became known as the, land of the free, and the home of the brave.

People from all over the world, came to this nation, because of that 'freedom' that was proclaimed around the world. Of course, it wasn't always like that. At one time, during a dark period, the specter of slavery, was accepted as common, but, men of courage, and men with an understanding that it was wrong, stood up and fought to abolish it. And God, backed them, in their endeavors, and we moved on, ever upwards.

We were victorious in wars, both from within, and without, because God was with us. We became a true superpower, when, through scientific development, after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, we developed the atomic bomb. That bomb, or rather two bombs, were all it took, to end a war that had threatened to engulf the whole world. Despite what some may think, I believe God, backed us in that.

However, in the middle of all of this success, as what happened with the children of Israel, and even before them, in the garden of Eden, there was conspiracy at work, and that was, how to get them, to turn away from God. They had an enemy that knew, if he could do that, then God, would have no choice but to destroy them. For Him to do otherwise, would make Him unjust.

The plan was to get them, to doubt God. If you doubt God, then it is likely that you will go against what He says, thus entering in to sin. Satan said to Eve, 'Did God really say that?' "What He doesn't want you to know, is that you can be, just like Him (this is what got him kicked out of Heaven), if you eat the fruit off of this tree.' [paraphrasing scripture]. Because of him, they were kicked out of the garden, and man's decline, from the position that God had meant for him to be in, began.

With the children of Israel, this same tactic, caused them to stay wandering in the wilderness 40 years, after God delivered them from the bondage of Egypt, in which they stayed nearly 400 years. Then when they went in to the promised land, the enemy continued to cause them to doubt, and turn away from, God. And many times, they paid dearly for it.

Pride, is what was their biggest problem, because they began to figure that they, with their own strength, and their sheer numbers, were the reason for their victories, and accomplishments. But the bible says, 'Woe unto them that trust in their own strength, and abilities, [paraphrasing scripture Isa 31:1]

We were a nation that was high on morals, and decency. Willing to extend a helping hand to all that came to us. We always sought knowledge of things that would make us better, but still remembering that all knowledge comes from God. The bible says, 'the fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom [Prov. 1:7]'

Our resources, and technology, flourished so much so, that we became the nation, that could feed other nations, because we had so much bounty, we couldn't consume it all, if we tried. We excelled in all fields of endeavor. Whatever the challenge that came against us, there was always the hope of conquering it. All of these, because God was with us.

Diseases, that decimated the rest of the world, met their end, when they appeared in the US. I'm thinking about polio, and tuberculosis, as a couple, that were real terrors, 40 or more years back, but are almost unknown, today. All of these, because God was with us.

Our industrial capacity, has made us, number one in the world. From automobiles, planes, ships, even space travel, we lead the way. To date, we are the only nation, that has had men, on the moon. And not just once, but several times. We have sent more probes in to deep space than any other nation, as well. All of these, because God was with us.

In short, every thing that we are, and have today, is because there was someone with a vision (that came from God), on how to achieve these things. God says, 'Without Me, you can do nothing. [scripture] The bible also says, 'Without a vision [hope], the people perish [scripture]' If God, doesn't give us the revelation of hope, for better things in the future, then we will cease trusting in Him, and look to ourselves, and will eventually, self destruct.

Well, the enemy, has gotten some people, to further his cause, of getting this nation to turn from faith in God, to faith, in themselves. As I mentioned earlier, to do this, he had to get us to doubt God. And the primary tools he uses, are, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life [scripture]. If you will read all the way from Genesis, in the garden, when he was talking to Eve, to Matthew, when he tempted Christ after His 40 day fast, and all other instances in the bible where temptation arose, it was always one of these three, that was used. And, if I can get you to see this, then you will see the conspiracy that the liberal Democrats are using against you.

Earlier, I mentioned that education, is key, to understanding how things work, in our society. Those that are able to figure out, what is going on, and how to capitalize on it, get ahead, while the rest, fall behind.

The public schools that we have today, are nothing like we had in the 50.s and 60's. Back then, we had a moment of prayer, or recited the 'pledge of allegiance', and the 'ten commandments' posted in some of the classrooms, or at the entrance.

The principal, and the teachers, along with the parents, worked together, to ensure that the students, were being taught the key subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Discipline, wasn't a problem, because each child knew, that if they engaged in any foolishness, there was a strong possibility that they could end up being paddled at school, and spanked, at home. All of these things were in place, because they were then, and are today, the key to a successful endeavor, in raising our future leaders. It was known as discipline. It is something that is sorely needed in our society today.

So, with these things being the foundation of a strong nation, and people, the conspiracy, had to find a way to weaken it. Now, having mentioned that God, and our recognition of Him, is the basic cornerstone of all successful endeavors, there had to be a way, to turn the schools away from that. Enter, the theory of evolution.

The theory of evolution, quite simply put, challenged the belief that God, created man. Remember I said that one of the ways to get people to turn from God, is to doubt Him, or His existence.

This theory, had absolutely no proof, but was rather, something that had been thought to be true, long before its introduction in schools.

There were people that felt believing in God, and setting moral limitations on their activities, was a form of oppression, and they wanted things to change. They realized, that as long as children, who, being brought up to believe only one point of view, it was going to keep them, these people, out of the mainstream. If only there were a way, to start confusion, in the schools, and families, concerning God, and Creation, then these people, could begin to enjoy their lives.

So, they got someone, probably one of their own, supporters, to challenge that belief by teaching evolution, not really as theory, but, as a fact.

The result was, children started believing that they came from monkeys, and apes, and other forms of life. They began to question their parents about this, and that is where, the schools, more specifically teachers, began to feel, that parents, attacking one of them, for teaching something, that may possibly be true, and the resulting trial, set the framework, for the indoctrination of our children, in the public schools, that man may just have come from animals, and not have been created by God.

Then, another attack on the schools, some years later, removed any mention of God, the ten commandments, and prayer, from the public schools. This left, the theory of evolution to be taught in schools, not only as fact, but, without challenge.

Without this moral restrainer on them, the schools, began to slowly get away from anything that could be interpreted as biblical, and moral direction, and played right in to the hands of