In what seems to be a never ending theme, with the news media, A Republican candidate for the presidency, who just happens to be the front runner, and who happens to be the son of former president George H. W. Bush, is having to deal with questions about what he may or may not have done, more than 20 years ago. The question that won't go away, is, did he use cocaine in his past.

If you have been reading these newsletters, for any length of time, you know that I have always made the point, that if a person is a Republican, running for office, or being appointed to some high office, certain people in this nation, try to find dirt on them, in hopes of causing them to be rejected from getting that office. I have also made it clear, that in the majority of these cases, when they can't find anything recent, that is cause for rejection, they will go as far in to the past of a person as they can, to dig up this dirt. They have done this many times. And if that doesn't work, they will make up something, and when the person rejects it, and calls it a lie (like Clarence Thomas, for example), the mere thought that it may have happened, casts a shadow on the person, sometimes for the rest of their lives.

How do you prove you didn't do something?? We used to be a nation that required proof of guilt before we accused, convicted, or rejected someone. Now, it is the other way around. And, it is a double standard. We have a president in office, that is a confessed perjurer (lying under oath), an adulterer, and has been accused of rape, and these same people, that are so hot on George Bush's trail, about what may have happened 20 or more years ago, have completely ignored, and even defended what he, Clinton, is doing, today.

The Democratic party leaders, and the news media in this nation, in most cases, but not all, are the biggest bunch of hypocrites around, and yet, most of the public, fail to see it, or they just want to ignore it.

Ask yourself this question, 'why do they go back so far in to a person's life??? Is it because the person has straightened their lives out, and have been upstanding in recent years???' Here in Detroit, we have a judge, by the name of Greg Mathis, who has been in prison, for some criminal activity. Now he is a well respected judge, in the black community. There is an actor, by the name of Charles Dutton, who had his own TV show, a few years back called 'Roc", as well as starring in several well known movies. He is an accomplished actor, and is highly respected in many circles. but, he was once in prison for second degree murder. Both of these people, and many more, have done bad things in the past, but have straightened their lives out. No one on the Democratic side, or the news media hounds them. But, if they were Republicans, then the media would be on their trail, like white on rice.

With the present activities of many Democrat leaders, no one seems to care. If the Republicans say anything about it, the Democrats will call them mean spirited, and go back 20 years to find something to accuse them of.

When Bill Clinton, was first accused of having affairs with women, years ago, the Republicans, withheld going out and trying to make an issue out of it. The news media, covered it a little, because it was something that they couldn't ignore. Even though Clinton was their buddy, they reported it. But, they also went after these women, to, what else, dig up dirt on them. Accuse a Democrat, and you will be attacked. Accuse a Republican, and you will be a celebrity, just look at Anita Hill.

Here is a woman, who almost derailed a man from getting on the Supreme
Court, and she did it, with absolutely no evidence, whatsoever. The news media, and women's groups backed her up 100 percent.

Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, and other women, accused Clinton of something, and these same groups, turned on them. They called them sluts, and liars, put up to it by the mean spirited Republicans. On a talk show, Paula was asked by a studio audience guest, why did she go to the Republicans with her story. Her answer was, she went to the women's groups first, and was ignored. She complained to the Democratic National Committee, and they went right on supporting Clinton. There was no proof, they said, and it would have stayed that way, until Monica Lewinsky.

She had proof. She had what none of the others had. She had the one thing that forced Clinton to admit to his philandering. If it had not been for that dress, things would have been a lot different. The bible lets us know, our sins, no matter how secret they are, will find us out, sooner or later. And Clinton's did.

But, despite that, the Democrats, jumped to the defense, and did what they do so well. They diverted attention off of Clinton, with dirt on Republicans, that were to sit on the panel to decide if Clinton should be impeached. They even had someone pay money, to reveal any dirt they had on the Republicans. Clinton, even went so far as to start bombings, to get the focus off of him and on to other things.

Now, if they did all of that, and the news media was in on it, what do you think they will do to George Bush??? The same thing they have been doing, go in to his past, to find dirt.

And, most of this nation, including some Christians will condemn Bush, but say nothing about what the Democratic party, and the news media are doing. That is why this nation is in the predicament it is in. No sane, God fearing person, would even want to put themselves in the position of getting on the wrong side of the political aisle. They don't need the aggravation, and I don't blame them. Yet, if this nation is to have a hope of getting back in God's good graces, then someone will have to do it, and the people, will have to let the Democrats know, that enough, is enough, and send a lot of them packing, back to their districts.

The one thing the Democrats fear most, is an informed electorate. They know that if we can see through the cloudy water they keep stirring up, and really examine what they are telling us, we will see the lies and deceit that they are perpetrating on all of us.

But, they know that we, for the most part, are either too lazy to research the issues, or too ignorant to figure it out, if we do have it.

You think I am being too hard?? What do you call the Democrats telling us that tax cuts, across the board, would only help the rich???

First of all, the money, is ours, in the first place. Secondly, $500.00 back, would hardly be a speck, in the pockets of the rich, but would be a big help to middle, and lower class workers. But, as bad as many of us need the money, the Democrats get us to reject, the extra money so the rich won't get any. That, my friends, is lunacy. It shows the Democrats just how stupid we can be.

No wonder they have us in their back pockets. No matter what they tell us, we believe it. Or rather, you believe it. I jumped ship, in 1979.

The people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. [Hosea 4:6]

This knowledge, is not only talking about the spiritual, but also the natural. And unfortunately, many of us, are sorely lacking in both. And as a result, we continue to do things, and elect people to high office, who want to do things that will destroy us, naturally, and spiritually.

It is time to wake up, America!!! Our future is in the balance. One of these days, and it is not far off, there may appear something like what appeared to a king, back in the book of Daniel. A hand wrote a message on the wall, and Daniel interpreted it, after no one else could. It said

Da 5:25        And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.

Da 5:26        This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.

Da 5:27        TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.

Da 5:28        PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

America is a kingdom, that is walking in judgment, and when the full force of it comes, remember what happened to king Belshazzar, and his kingdom.

We tend to think we are too powerful, and have too much technology and such to be taken over by any other nation on this earth. Well, if God is against you, one person could take it over. And, as quietly as it is kept, he may already be in the process of doing it now.

He may already be in the white house, and you put him there.
