$2.00/GAL. COMING UP???

Recently, it looked like one of the predictions of the Y2K scare, might be a reality, and many people started getting in to the mode of survival.

The prediction I am talking about, is the one that said 'gas prices will start going up, and will cause many people to seriously cut back on their recreational activities, which in turn would cause many others to get laid off, especially in the places where tourism, is the main support of the community.

Along with that, people would find prices for fuel oil, gas, and other things that are related to them, rising as well, which would cause a big crisis.'

We have the truckers, who are the backbone of this nation's commerce, saying they can't make a decent living, because of the prices of gas, for their rigs. They threatened to park their rigs, if the prices got much higher, which if they did, they would literally shut this nation down.

All of this, was staring us right in the face.

Gasoline prices started to rise, last year, when the Y2K predictions were all over the place.

The demand for gas, increased dramatically, at a time when OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, was cutting back on their production, which fueled the increases, and everyone, including myself, began to prepare for the high prices, by storing gasoline, wherever we could, just so we could be prepared.

But, when things seemed to be not as bad as anticipated, we fell right back in to the same mode we were in, before the scare, and prices began to fall back to normal, except for gasoline, and fuel oil.

While everything seemed to taper off, and stabilize, these prices continued to rise, slowly at first, then sharper.

It was reported in different communities in the Detroit area, that some prices jumped about 10 cents, in one day.

Prices of airline tickets, began to climb, and people started to alter their travel plans, where possible.

Then, someone began to predict that the prices would continue to rise, until they reached $2.00, then they would slow down or stop.

With all of this going on, many began to try to find who to blame for this mess.

Some, blamed the rich. Others, the corporations, and still others, OPEC. And if I would consider their reasoning, I would probably agree with them. But, there is more to it than that.

We live in a nation, that is one of the richest, if not the richest, in the world. This nation, has been blessed by God, to have all the resources we need, to be in that position. We shouldn't have to be dependent on anyone.

However, the policies of this nation, have literally handcuffed our ability to use these resources, and have left us at the mercy of others that want to have control over us.

There are those, that want to see this nation, become like all the rest of the socialist nations of the world. If they could accomplish that, then the other nations, that depend on us, for support, in all areas of their existence, would begin to fall apart. If America collapses, then the whole 'free world', will collapse.

Freedom, is something to be enjoyed by everyone. But, men of greed, and covetousness, with a lust for power, have led to this nation, becoming less willing to do anything, that makes it appear to be what it is, a nation that says, 'In God We Trust."

We are made to feel as if, we are the greedy ones for being so blessed.

The people in other countries are suffering starvation, sickness, and other maladies that plaque mankind, on a giant scale, and we, should be helping them, and we do, but it is not our fault that they are in that situation.

But, because of the guilt trips, that some people try to put on us, we started acting like we have to apologize for it, and begin to act as if we don't need God, and His blessings, and as a result, we began to lose our way.

As we departed from God, His blessings began to become curses, and slowly disappear. Now, we find ourselves at the mercy of others.

Those things that we have taken for granted, are now becoming something that, we could possibly become slaves to.

The situation with gasoline prices, is just one of many examples. If we look at it, what is happening to the stock market, is another example.

All of these things, started out as God's reward to us, for our acknowledging Him, and abiding by His statutes. But, as anyone that knows God knows, if you disobey God, you will be cursed. And right now, we are experiencing what it will be like, once God allows the full force of the curse that He has placed on us, to take hold.

Too many people in high places in government, and in other circles, are benefiting from having us in this situation, and they don't want things to change.

One thing we need to do, is to quit taking God, and His blessings for granted. What He gives, He can remove. Today it's gas prices, tomorrow, it could be food, or jobs, or maybe disease.
We have gotten, as some parents used to say, 'too big for our britches', and God knows how to bring us down to size.

One thing about Him, He always gives us plenty of warning, before it happens. We have time to change our direction, before it is too late.

The question is, 'will we??'


APRIL 2000