What do all of these have in common??? Unions, welfare, Social Security, civil rights (i.e. affirmative action), the president, politicians, preachers, public schools, athletes, movie stars, rock stars, our power, and prestige in the world, and other things that we hold in high esteem??? They are all crumbling before our eyes.

In looking at what is happening in Washington these days, and the turmoil that it has caused, I can only recall what God had revealed to me several years ago. It didn't happen through any great dream or vision, so to speak. It happened while I was reading the bible [1 Sa. 5: 1-12]. It was a story dealing with the Ark of the covenant, that was taken from Israel, by the Philistines, and how, when they put it in the temple of their god, Dagon. And when they went in to the temple the next morning, the statue of Dagon, was on the floor, on his face, before the Ark. So, they sat him back upright, and went away. The next time they came in the temple, Dagon was on the floor again, with his head, and both palms of his hands broken off. This showed me that when they tried to compare, or even put their god over, God, that He will tear it down, and make it little more than the dust that it is.

These Philistines, thought that they had the most powerful god, and brought the ark in, as a sort of prize for Dagon. But, they soon found out, how big a mistake that was. Not only did their god, get destroyed, but they suffered as well.

When I look at what is happening in this nation, with the president, and politics in general, as well as those among us, that many of you worship (are fanatics about), and the things that you hold in such high esteem, that you would rather go against God, than to give up some of these things, I see that what is happening to them, is what happened to Dagon. God, is tearing them to bits. Most of you, have a Dagon in your life, and sooner or later, God is going to tear it down, right before your eyes. Why?? To let you know that He is the One True God, and He will not share His glory with any one, or any thing.

You see, in our society, there are those among us, that we tend to hold up on a pedestal. As far as we are concerned, they can do no wrong. Whatever they say, or whatever they do, we will find a way to excuse them and sweep it under the rug. We have movie stars, rock stars, sports stars, rappers, politicians, and yes, even preachers, that we tend to look at and say, 'if only I could be like that, I would have it made. Wow. They really have it together.!!!' And, if someone tells you that they have been doing something wrong, or should not be idolized (worshipped), you want to give that person a piece of your mind. You don't want to hear any thing negative about them. They, my friend, have become a god (Dagon) to you.         

I used to be in the same boat, and so were, and are many other Christians, when it comes to men and women that are in leadership roles, in the Church. I can think about Jimmy Swaggart, and Jim Bakker, and how I looked at these men and thought so highly of them, that I would rather listen to them,

than to what the bible said, or my pastor. Many times, I would not go to church, just to listen to them. Without realizing it, I had made them my Dagon. If anyone, said anything that disagreed with what they had been saying, or doing, I would dismiss them, as being of the devil. Well, we all know what happened to them, don't we?? They became Dagon to me, and God, tore them down. I learned my lesson. Sure, I still listen to, and pray for them, and other men and women of God, that are in leadership positions, but I came to realize, that God still is the One through whom all my blessings flow. There are pastors, that I know of, that are dead now, that I really do believe, had to be removed out of the way, not because of any wrongdoing on their part, but because members of their churches, made Dagons out of them. You know how it is. "My pastor says that this is the way it is, and that's it!!!' Have you ever heard that before?? Even if you show them in the bible, where their pastor may be mistaken, they don't want to hear it. God help anybody, that feels that man's interpretation of a scripture, is the only way it can be interpreted and that's it, especially if the bible clearly shows another way. That is one of the reasons we have all of these denominations (demon-ations)in the church.

Denominational thinking, is keeping a lot of Christians from fellowshipping with each other. Many are told that fellowshipping with those of other faiths,(we all have the same faith if we have Jesus as our foundation), will cause a lot of confusion and it will be better for you to say with your own, and let them stay with theirs. Of course, if they want to join you in your denomination, then that is all right. But, you don't go to them. What does that sound like??? It sounds like bondage, doesn't it??? It sounds like someone, is trying to enslave you, to rule over you, to be your god. To be Dagon. Well, God, in His infinite wisdom, has started tearing down those walls, by seeing to it, that there are people like myself, that preach, not along denominational lines, but along biblical lines.

Over the past decade, I have seen people, leaving their strictly denominational way of thinking, and getting in to groups that are made up of people that attend a wide spectrum of denominational churches. These groups, do not seek to get you to leave your denomination, if the Word of God is being preached, but rather, they want to enrich your way of looking at things, and to be a helper in your church, to bring people closer to Jesus Christ. Another thing God is doing, is showing His power in churches that are not the traditional churches. Would you believe, that there are churches, that still teach that God, does not do the same things today that He did in times past?? I'm talking about miracles like raising the dead, opening blind eyes, causing the deaf to hear, healing the sick, baptizing in the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking with other tongues, and more. Even though the bible says He does, people will refuse to accept it, because of what their denomination teaches. As a result, many of them suffer more, and die early, because they refuse to believe any thing outside of their denominational teachings. Thank God, I wasn't in that type of mindset in June of 1986, when my stepson died. He wouldn't be alive today. That's right!! It's not a misprint!! He died in June, '86, and he is alive today. How??? By me having the sense enough to believe the bible, rather than some preachers. If I had listened to them, when he died, I would have just sat there and waited for the coroner to come and take him away. Some of you,

have been told that a loved one, or maybe even yourself, only has a few months, days, or hours to live, and you need to call for a clergyman, to administer the last rites. Hey!!!! Why do you, or they need last rites, if Jesus is able to heal them/you and raise them/you up, off of the bed of affliction??? And He is using people like myself and others, to get the message over to you, that He is there for you, if you will only believe. So, the Dagon of denominational thinking, is being torn down.

Then we have the Dagon of politics. Political thinking, is about the most prevalent mentality, that there is. It, joins all types of people, Christians, and the ungodly. Political thinking, has a terminology that is called, 'politically correct.' No matter who you are, if you are not 'politically correct', then you are someone to be ridiculed, and treated like an infidel.

For years, the 'politically correct' crowd, has mocked believers in Jesus Christ, as being troublemakers. We stand up and call things 'sin', and warn of God's wrath, to which we get to old line about, 'God is Love', if they believe in God, at all. They are always so quick to put us down for what we believe, and to lift up their solutions for the world's woes. That is, until their own solutions backfire on them. Then they turn around and come up with other solutions, which eventually backfire also. Deeper and deeper into the pit, they are digging themselves, yet they won't come to one of us, for help. Because if they did, they would have to admit, that trusting in their own ways, has led them to destruction. [Pr 16:25] There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. [Pr 15:5] A fool despiseth his father's instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent. [Pr 15:32        -33] He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility. Rather than give up their erroneous ways, they would rather die, than admit they were wrong. And, sad to say, that is just what is happening to them.

You see, to them, compromise is the way to go. They think nothing about someone that stands on rock solid principle, like a lot of Christians. If God says something is wrong, they will not budge. As a result, they get called 'mean spirited', 'religious right', whackos and worse. Every time one us runs for office, we are portrayed by the 'politically correct' crowd as being insensitive to the needs of all the people. You see, to them, nothing is unchangeable, even God's principles, the bible. How many different versions of the bible are there out here today, that have removed all references to God as being a 'He'??? There are also versions of the bible, which portray Christ as being 'gay.' Still others, portray Him as not being sinless. Another version, says that He was married. Who knows what else is out here. And if anybody has the gall to say that these versions are from the pit of hell, then, they must be a 'homophobe, or against women's rights or something else, that should disqualify them from office.

But, once again, God, is tearing these Dagons down. He is exposing them for what they really are. Poor pitiful little fools, that build themselves up on high towers, then come crashing down, because they have built their foundations on sand. The same things that they used to condemn others, is

now condemning them. All you have to do, is look at Bill Clinton. As long as they could condemn Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Clarence Thomas, and others that stood on a solid principle of right and wrong, according to God's word, they were all right. But, as soon as their Dagon, got exposed, for what he is, then they cry foul, and want to change the rules. Now, the Republicans are being 'mean spirited.' God really knows how to bring things to light, to show, who is really in control.

The Dagon of entertainment, is another god, that God is tearing down, and breaking up. Rock stars, movies stars, sports stars and such. Idolized by millions of people, both young and old, these Dagons, have been elevated to god-like status, where they can do no wrong. Not all of them of course, but the potential is there, just like with preachers. To their fans, they can do anything they want, and the fans will defend them. They can sleep around, do drugs, molest youngsters, and such, and if they get caught, and have to go to trial, their fans, will be there, talking about how the system is unfair, and that everybody does it. They get on stage, and degrade women, defecate, perform simulated sex acts, and more, to the sheer glee of their supporters. Their influence on others, is like something unreal. They can turn teens against their parents. Turn them against authority, and incite them to riot and worse, just by what they say and do on stage. Drugs, flow freely at their concerts. Girls, stand in line, hoping to get chosen to go backstage in to these Dagon's dressing rooms, and possibly have sex with them. Years ago, a young man, named Axle Rose, from the group Guns and Roses, was stopped, enroute to a concert that his group was to be performing at, because his driver, was driving too fast. Mr. Rose, got irritated that his driver was stopped, and ticketed. When he got to the stadium, he refused to perform. The result, was a full scale riot, in the streets of the city. Several months later, the same thing happened again with his driver. Mr. Rose told the officer,' If you don't tear up that ticket, I won't perform tonight. You remember what happened last time I got mad, don't you??' The officer, tore up the ticket. Dagon, rearing his head. Movie stars, and sports stars, getting in trouble, for doing drugs and sleeping around, to the approval of their fans. The worse they get, the more popular they become. Hollywood (aka helly-wood), is full of Dagons, that walk around and snub their noses at the law, and at God. But, God is tearing them down also. Many of these gods, have been dying from overdoses of drugs. Many have AIDS, and have died, or are dying from it. Many of their lives are wrecked, because of mismanagement of their money, by agents. Many have been killed in accidents, while driving drunk or high. Others, have been killed by, fans, that just lost touch with reality. Many of them are in fear of their lives, because fans, are stalking them. From the entertainment world, to the sports world, God is breaking things up.

Then, there is the Dagon of.....unions. Yes that's right, unions. All for one, and one for all. That's what they say. Like some preachers, unions started out, to help workers, get a fair wage, and a healthy work environment. They were the lawyers, of the working class. And, as a result, the working class became strong, as union membership climbed, and companies realized that they needed to treat workers fairly.

But, in the midst of this, some things began to change. People, began to trust so much in their unions, that they forgot something. God. As the

21556 GD. RIVER
Phone (313) 794-6040
Robert McKee Jr. Pastor
Sunday School 9:30am

Sunday Worship 10:45am
unions began to expand their power base, a whole lot of shady stuff began to happen. Regular picketing, began to get violent. Especially if a company, tried to hire non unionized workers to do the jobs, union members walked out on. Union members, looked at that, as a threat to their jobs and their families. Therefore, that self-preservation mentality kicked in. Suddenly, otherwise peaceful, God fearing individuals, began to back, and in some instances, take part in the violence. Whatever the union said to do, they would do it. The union tells them what to think. What to do. And, how to do it. And many of them, blindly follow them. They even tell them who to vote for. Politicians, look to them, for their support, when it is time for elections. Unions and politics. A marriage that spells disaster. Because the ones that the unions usually support, are the ones that no one in their right mind should vote for, especially Christians.

In the midst of all the rhetoric, the bottom line is, each is looking out for themselves. Many union leaders, are not concerned about the rank and file, as a whole. They are looking out for their close friends. Those that are in the cliques. In order to get somewhere in the union, or get special treatment, and the best jobs, many times, seniority, doesn't matter. Many people with low seniority, are getting good jobs, because they are willing to do things, that are not right.

However, this Dagon is being torn down too. Union strength, is down considerably. Scandals have rocked their ranks, from leadership on down. The teamsters, one of the most powerful and influential forces around, has been shrouded in controversy, since the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, and the recent revelation of Illegal campaign financing by Ron Carey. Embezzlement, and shady deals, are the order of the day, within its membership. People don't know who to trust. They are beginning to think for themselves and not being so supportive of this Dagon. As a result, many politicians, who counted on the union vote, have now turned elsewhere for support, because the unions, are not what they used to be.

The Dagons of Social Security, welfare, affirmative action, and civil rights, are also falling down. The reason being, that they are man's solutions to problems that we face, rather than God's. Each one, started out, with the promise of being there when needed, as a sort of cushion from the harsh realities of life.

In the cases of social security, and welfare, both started out all right, but are now in deep trouble. The reason being, that practically all of us, have put our entire trust, in the Dagon of government, and its solutions, rather than God. The quickest way for any unscrupulous politician to get votes, is to either promise to raise benefits, in these programs, or to

say that their opponent, is going to decrease them, or eliminate them all together. It has gotten so bad, that most of the time, the unscupulous person, doesn't have to promise to do anything. They just have to say that their opponent is going to 'drastically cut' benefits, and they will be assured of getting elected. People are so caught up in these two programs, that the fact that they are running out of money, doesn't seem to be getting through to them. The government knows that within the next 20 years, social security, will be totally broke. Welfare benefits, will be severely curtailed, shortly thereafter, if not before. Yet, no one wants to face the problem. That is, no one on the Democratic side of the aisle. Republicans, keep telling us, it's going to run out of money, but democrats, keep talking about increasing taxes on the wealthy to keep it going. The fact is, if you took all the money that the wealthy have, and put it in these programs, they would still fold, in about the same time. Why?? Because social security, has been paying out, more than it has been taking in, for the last 3-5 years. Secondly, people are living a whole lot longer, which means they will be getting many times more money out, than they put in. Next, you have the baby boomers, that are reaching retirement age, and they will really put a strain on the system. It's just the natural order of things that go against God's will.

With welfare, money is running out because too many women, are having children, and the husbands, or fathers, are not working, or paying in to the system. Birth rates among women that are single, or married to a non working male, have been decreasing over the years. The reason being, that there is now a cap, on benefits that they can receive. It used to be, the more children you have, the more money you could get. But, studies showed that many women were having more babies, to get more money. Then when they got the money, many used it for their own wants, rather than for their children.

I vaguely remember a woman, in Washington, DC, or Chicago, being on a talk show, with 8 or 9 kids, talking about suing the city, because they wouldn't provide her with a bigger house, where she could raise her kids, and have a lot of room. This is what welfare can do for you. Her total mindset was, 'the government is supposed to take care of me, irregardless of what I am doing.' That sounds like the government is her god (Dagon).

Here in Michigan, we had a program, some years back called, General Assistance. What it did, was give money to able bodied men, who could work, but didn't. I knew a fella that was receiving this money. I would be going to work to make money to pay my bills, and taxes, so he could stay home, and
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buy fancy clothes and things. When our present governor got in office, he eliminated this program. And I couldn't have been happier. Of course, the politician that was running against him, tried to scare people in to voting for him, by warning about the dire consequences of eliminating it, like higher crime rates, and homelessness, of which, none materialized. Do you know what God has to say about such a program??? (2Th 3:10)For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. The governor, did the right thing..

It may not have been 'politically correct', but it was 'God correct.'

Then we have the Dagon of civil rights, and affirmative action. Two legislative marvels, designed, to correct everything that is wrong in our nation. Never mind, that in order to achieve what they are designed to do, you have to do wrong to someone else, so another can get what they want.

Civil rights, the right of everyone to be able to live in any place in this country, and pursue the American dream. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from harassment, persecution and bodily harm. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, is what capsulizes all of it.

Then along comes affirmative action. It seeks to go one better than civil rights. Because there are individuals, that feel they can't get a fair place in society, because of the color of their skin, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Some of these things may be because of people violating these person's civil rights. But, at the same time, there are those, who just want to get ahead, by crying foul, when they, themselves, are not doing all that they could be doing to achieve these goals. Their activities, and lifestyles, are the reason for their failures. And rather than accepting responsibility for their actions, they turn to lawyers, who make a living of bringing frivolous lawsuits against individuals, landlords, businesses, and governments, in hopes of getting 'big money'. Usually, in other cases, these suits are brought about, after a person, applies for something, and they don't get it. Then, if they find out someone else, usually a white male, got it, then they run out and get a lawyer.

These lawsuits, are grounded in a law, that basically says, if a person is a member of a disadvantaged group, then they should be given special consideration when they apply for something, if they are competing with a white male.
This means, if a test is given to two applicants for a job, say for instance, and the white male, gets a higher score, they should get the job, or whatever, right??? Not according to this law. If the scores are in close proximity of each other, the one administering the test, must give extra points to the member of the disadvantaged group, to elevate them above the white male, and award them the job. If they don't, they could be sued.

All of this tends to violate the rights of one individual, to give someone else an upper hand. Now, while this may seem to be the right thing according to you, God, hates it. The reason being, that a lot of you say, "If it wasn't for affirmative action, we wouldn't be able to get ahead." That, my friends, is making it, affirmative action, your god (Dagon). You have forgotten that God, is the one, by whom your blessings come. [Ro 8:31]        What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? This is telling

you, that there is no devil in hell, no law, no person, or no racial prejudice, that can stop you from getting ahead, if God, wants to move you up. The operative phrase being, if God wants to. Most of your problems come about because, God doesn't want to, because you aren't in a place, that He wants to. So, you make a law, to get, by force, what God doesn't want to give you, and that is why God hates affirmative action. And that is why it is being torn down.

As far as your civil rights are concerned, you have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as long as you pursue it and not be violating someone else's rights. A lot of people take 'civil rights' to mean, that they have a right to someone else's, money, business, property, or whatever, if they can't get their own. Or should I say, they are too lazy, uneducated, or trying to be slick. For the bible says, [Jas 4:1- 8] From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
Jas 4:2        Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
Jas 4:3        Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Jas 4:4        Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Jas 4:5        Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?
Jas 4:6        But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Jas 4:7        Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Jas 4:8        Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

The scriptures are saying that, many of the problems we have today, center around the fact that a lot of people, can't stand to see anyone get ahead. They get jealous, they covet what others have. They don't want to work harder to get it. They want to get it quick and easy. They will lie, cheat, steal, and kill for it. They especially don't want to have to live the way God says they should, to get it. So, God doesn't bless them, so they go to their Dagon, the Democratic party, to get them to find some way to take from the righteous, and give to them. And, suprisingly, a lot of these people, are so-called Christians.

Next, we have the Dagon of jobs. That's right, jobs. All of us need jobs. We need to be productive in our society. We need food, a place to stay, and if we have families, we need to support them. Our jobs, supply that for us. So, what could possibly be wrong with a job?? Nothing, unless you begin to feel that it is the sole means for you being where you are.

There are a lot of people, that live for only one thing, and that is their job. Whatever the job calls for, they are willing to go the extra mile to do it. Now, while this seems good, and is, under the right circumstances, there is a danger. That danger being, that a person can go from being a conscientious employee, to a slave to the job. A lot of people are so tied up in their jobs, that they don't have time for themselves, let alone their families.

All they want to do, is be there for the job. The job can call them any time of the day or night, and they will stop what they are doing, and run to it.
They feel that the job, is their closest friend. No one or thing can do for them, what the job can. That new house, that new car, the boat, those fine clothes, and jewelry, all because of that job. They begin to think, 'where would I be, without my job??? If it wasn't for this job, I would have nothing.' Now, on the natural level, this type of mentality, is what causes families to break up. It causes 'burnout', and there is another term that is used to describe the effects of over work, which I can't think of right now, but is on the order of being 'stressed out.' Things can get to be so bad, that they will have to go in to the hospital, or worse yet, a psychiatric ward, to get straight. That's what Dagon will do for them. But, the worse thing of all, is that they, like those that are worshipping affirmative action, have forgotten, God. And once again, God is going to tear that job [Dagon] down.

Millions of people, that have put their life's blood, sweat, and tears, in to their jobs, are finding out, that the jobs are disappearing. Companies, are laying off people, closing up shop, going out of business, merging with other companies, or being bought up, and these people are being put out in the street. Then, what happens to that new house and car, that they have to make those notes on??? They lose them, and have to start all over again. Why?? So that they can see, that the job didn't get them where they were, God did. This is a lesson that we all need to learn from. If you are a person, that can be on time for work, no matter how early in the morning you have to be there, then, how is it, you can't get to church on time??? That is another thing the job has over you. If you keep being late, you get punished. But, you feel, God won't do anything to you for being late. That means you fear your job, more than God.

For the sake of space, I will draw to the conclusion here, even though there are many more Dagons out there. You, your spouse, your children, your parents, cars, houses, property, and many other things, can be Dagons.

What we need to learn, is that all that we have, we have, by the grace of God. He means for us to enjoy them, but not to put them on a level, or higher than He is. The minute we try to do that, He will tear them down, and you may suffer along with them.
