n all my years, of which is only 52, I have never seen the likes of this man, Jack Kevorkian.

Here is a man, who has this, this wish to be known for his helping people to kill themselves. Now actually, he wants to be the one to make assisted suicide a legal option for doctors, who may have terminally ill people as patients, that don't want to go on living, because of the loss of their quality of life, or because of the pain associated with their particular illnesses.

Dr. Kavorkian, yes that's right, he's a doctor, came on the scene several years ago, when he assisted two women, in ending their lives, because of the diseases that they had. He did this, to bring about a discussion on the needs for a legal means for one, who is facing certain death, or living daily, in excruciating pain, to end their lives, with dignity.

Until that time, the only thing I knew about people in this condition, was that they had medications, that relieved the pain, and those that were terminally ill, just lived, until they died. There were some, who might have been on some sort of life support, who, instructed family members, or stated in their will, or even had court papers, that basically said, that if they had no better chance of recovery, and had to remain hooked up to a machine the rest of their lives, that they would rather be unplugged, and allowed to die.

Dr. Kevorkian, saw that in a lot of instances, that process. Took a long time, and in a lot of instances, the person's desires, were overlooked. So, he figured that if a person could make that decision for themselves, without having to rely on someone else to carry out their wishes, then they could have what they want.

The problem is, doctors, who have taken an oath, to heal a person, are now being asked to kill a person, if that is what they want. So, you have a conflict of interest. Then, you have the fact, that if someone does something to a person to end their lives, then that is murder.

So, Dr. Kevorkian, is trying to get laws changed, to allow doctors, most of which, have said that they want no parts of it, to take a life.

Since he first started his crusade, he has assisted in more than 100 suicides. He has been arrested, and jailed, and he still keeps doing it. Several of his patients (victims), were not even threatened with dying. And some weren't even in pain. So, why did they want to die??? Because they were in a position of being terrified by what might happen if they lived any longer.

A lot of these people, both young and old, were led to believe that if they didn't avail themselves of his services now, they may find themselves suffering later, and there would be no one to help them.

Dr. Kevorkian, at the beginning, said, that the only people he would help, would be the terminally ill, and the suffering. Before he would do anything, he would interview the person, to see if the help was really needed, meaning that there was no other way. Then after lengthy conversation, he would have the person and their family together, for one

last time, to confirm the wishes of the patient, and then either perform the action there, or at some unknown location. After that, he, and an associate, would take the body of the deceased, to an area hospital, drop it off at a morgue, or call police and report a body at a specific location, like the home, or a motel, or even in a van, in a park.

The courts, after warning him to stop several times, have put him in jail, where he went on a hunger strike, and had his equipment confiscated. He seems determined to follow his 'dream', if you could call it that, to the end.

Recently, after being in court, numerous times, and having the charges dropped, he stated, "we need to put it on a ballot, and let the people decide.' Well, that is what happened, it got put on the ballot, and the people decided they didn't want it. You would think that, that would be the end of it, right??? Wrong!!!

Because the people didn't want it, he went on nationwide TV, performing another suicide, to force police, and the courts to arrest him again, so he could once again, make a pitch for getting a law passed.

The man is determined to see this thing through, to the end, his end.

You see, while this may seem like the right thing to do, people need to know several things.

First, suicide, is not only against the law, it is also looked on as self murder, in the eyes of God. And since you can't repent of it, after you do it, then that means you will stand before God, and have to answer to Him for it. And, I'll tell you, hell, is probably where you will end up. Imagine that. A person, seeking to escape the pain of a disease, by committing suicide, finds himself in hell, in real torment.. It's possible. Notice, I am not saying it definitely is that way, but, I wouldn't want to find out it is, after I have done it.

One possibility of avoiding this problem, is that we need to have more faith in God, in that He, through Jesus Christ, can heal these people of their illnesses and suffering. Dr. Kevorkian, and those that support him, paint a picture of total despair, and hopelessness, with no way out, but death. Jesus, on the other hand, brings hope, where there is none, and light where there is darkness. A person, without hope, is a miserable soul indeed. And as a result, they fall prey to the Dr. Kevorkians of the world, who seek to exploit them, for their own personal agenda (gain.)

With all his other problems, Dr. Jack, needs to realize, that he will one day stand before God, and have to answer for what he has been doing.

You know, I was thinking, maybe it was a revelation from God, but what if Dr. Kavorkian, got sick, and was facing the same circumstances his patients were. What would he do???

There are many people that have the exact same diseases that most of his patients have, and they have said, that the person didn't have to kill themselves. Maybe it's time that the churches, and these people, get together, and form support groups, so people, will not be tempted to think that death is the only answer.
