Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, I have seen, what appears to be a remarkable transformation in this nation.

Almost all of the people that I have seen, have been in one mind, on dealing with terrorism. They want terrorists, no matter where they are, sought out and destroyed.

As President Bush says, '....dead or alive!!'

There was a time that a statement like that, was politically incorrect, especially from our president. The idea of sanctioning the killing of a person, was seen as going too far. But, after 9/11, it seems to be a just call.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle, stood behind the president in his call for a 'war on terrorism.' This is something that before 9/11, was a rare occurrence. In fact, I don't remember such unity on any issue. Even though there may have been some.

There is a greater emphasis on people wanting to help the victims. Now while we have always had a charitable heart, it appears that this tragedy has led more and more people to give more to charities that are raising money for the victims in New York.

There is a problem though, and that is, so much is going to New York, that many local charities are suffering because people are giving so much that there is nothing left for local necessities.

What I am wondering is, what will happen after this crisis passes? Will things stay on this high a level, or taper off??

In the midst of this, we do have, however, those that are trying to take advantage of the situation, by claiming to be raising money for the victims, while they are actually keeping the money for themselves. It goes without saying, that these people have no regard for anyone but themselves. They need to realize that at some time in the future, they may need someone to help them with a charitable donation. How would they feel if someone used fraudulent means to take money that was taken up for them?? Not to mention even if they don't get caught, they will still have to face God, someday.

Then of course, we have a reborn sense of patriotism.

Seldom in the past 8 years, have we had anything to really feel proud about. Scandals in the white house, and with the administration. Attacks on our people by terrorists, and all we did, was give threats with no real action.

We had become a mockery in the eyes of the world.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people died in Kosovo, when we were supposed to be protecting them.

All because we had a president, that seemed to be completely in a state of indecision as to what he should be doing.

All of this, tore at the fabric of what we are supposed to be, and that is the leaders of the free world, and protector of the oppressed.

All of that being lost, we became sitting ducks for people to take potshots at us, in '93, and then again, at our embassies, the U.S. Cole, and 9/11/2001.

This action that is being taken, is instilling a sense of national pride in all of us.

But, the primary observation, comes with our open recognition of the fact that we need God, to bless us, again.

If all the signs that I see, and the public prayer, and the unity that is being displayed, behind this is real, then there may be hope for us, yet.

However, if this is a display, that is just for the moment, until we get back on our feet again, then, we have a lot to learn, and it won't be long before something else happens, and it just may be the last time we get a chance, to repent.

It has been God's grace and mercy, that has allowed this nation, to be in the position it is in, even though we have long since forgotten about Him.

We have turned our backs on Him, by neglecting His laws, and thinking we are our own gods.

I truly hope that all of us, will begin not taking life, or anything else for granted.

As strange as it seems, I even pray for those that have been the instruments by which this destruction has come on us.

They are being used by the devil, just like all who do evil, and they need to be delivered.

We have another chance America, let's make it right.
