The following article, is part of the book, 'What's the Matter with Kids Today???', that was published in it's fourth edition, in July, 1998. The first edition was written in May, 1988. Since that time little has changed in the consequences of public school education, except in the terms of the illiteracy rate and crime statistics, both of which, are going up. Yet we still hear the plea for more and more money, for teacher salaries.

School is a place that is, or should be an extension of the home. What the parent tolerates, the school should also. What the parent dislikes, the school should also. The child should see no difference in what the school teaches is right and what the parent says is right. The same holds true on what is wrong. As I eluded to then, you may be doing everything right, and the school can, and often does, undo the good that you are doing, if it doesn't agree with what the school thinks is right or wrong.

Now just what am I talking about, and how did the schools get the way they are, and what can you do about it?

Well first, let me say this. Primarily, I am talking about public schools. These schools are, as the name implies, public. This means that they are paid for, by the local community. They are designed to teach every citizen that is of school age. These schools are responsible for turning out productive men and women, ready to take their place in society. There are a variety of subjects that are necessary to achieve this. Reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and others. Many of these augment the parents in the child's upbringing, and are what is known as mandatory. This means that a child must know these in order to become a productive citizen. Reading, writing, and math are the basic, must know subjects. But the problem comes in when, in teaching a kid to read, they use material that subtly relays messages to your child that what you say is right, doesn't agree with what the book or teacher presents. You may teach your child, that certain things that people do are wrong. But the teacher presents situations that contradict you. And the kid begins to think, that since you sent them there, you know that the teacher is teaching this, so it must be all right. And you don't tell them any different, because you don't know what the kid is reading or being taught, because you don't monitor their school work. You are too busy to go to the parent-teacher conferences, and so it goes. You must realize this, when your kid gets into the first grade, on to the day that they graduate, the school has your kid, most of the day, and they are under their direct control.

God has laid out the guidelines for the teaching of children, the first of which is, "The fear of God, is the beginning of wisdom." (Psa. 111 : 10a). All wisdom, must first come from God. If God is not in it, it is folly. Another scripture is, "All thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children" (Isa.54:13). Couple that with (Psa. 127:1), which states "Except the Lord build the house, they that build it labor in vain. except the Lord keep the city, the watchman, watcheth but in vain." From these scriptures, the problem in the public schools, is evident. Everywhere you turn, you hear about some lawsuit on the argument of keeping religion out of the public schools. Well, what they really mean, is that they don't want anything that remotely resembles a recognition of God in them. In short, remove God from the schools. In removing God, they removed prayer, the ten commandments and even Bible reading. (Psa. 127:1) says that anything that man tries to do, without God being a part of it, will literally fall apart. God is the thread that holds a thing together. Remove Him, and things will just unravel. This goes for everything, including the educational system. Look at it. Kids graduate from the schools and can't even read or write their names, let alone, do any math. On top of that, look at all of the trouble they are having in the schools with drugs, weapons, student pregnancies, assaults and the like. All because God has been removed from the classrooms. (Isa. 54: 13), puts in another perspective that backs up what was just said. And that is when God, is being taught to the children, they shall have great peace. Today, there is chaos in the classrooms of the public schools of America. so much so, that kids are in constant fear of being hurt or killed everyday they are in class. This fear breaks their concentration, so that they can't receive the knowledge they should. Peace of mind is just about gone from the students as well as the teachers. If the teachers are in fear, they can't do their jobs right. Not only are they worried about their lives, they are worried about their jobs. More and more of them are being laid off, as enrollments shrink, and taxpayers get tired of paying for something that doesn't work. All because God is not allowed in. As mentioned earlier, even the ten commandments were removed, God's moral laws. Education, without morality, is no education at all. One example of this stupidity, is the teaching of sex education. Without teaching morality with it, it has caused thousands of kids to have sex, with many of them getting pregnant, VD or AIDS. There is no reverence of God, therefore, there is no wisdom, in the teaching, (Psa. 111: 10a).

As I eluded to earlier, you may be doing everything right, in teaching your child what is right and wrong. Then you send them to school. and they are taught the opposite of what you have been teaching them. Why?? Have you ever wondered just how the books that your kids learn from, are put in the schools, or the subjects decided on? They are suggested by, and approved by those people that I call the 'new gods' of this age. They are the psychologists, psychiatrists and the sociologists. These three groups of people, just about control this nation. Whatever they say is good for you, your kid and society, is readily accepted by just about everybody. If a person commits a murder, they call a psychiatrist, and if he says that the man is not mentally responsible for his actions, it thereby allows the man to avoid the death penalty, if there is one. Incidentally, it is these people, that have caused many states to abandon the death penalty, as being cruel and unusual punishment, and the people just ate it up. This nation has been turned upside down, by these 'new gods'. Things that people looked down on as being disgusting, have, because of these 'gods', become things that society now accepts as being normal. And that is one of the reasons that what you tell your kid is wrong, could very well be countered in school, by some opinion, that a man with a big head, and a title, has put in a book that is given to your child to learn from. It is said, that years ago, one of these 'gods', in addressing top educators of this nation, remarked that the job of schools, is to mold sick children, into healthy, productive adults. The sick children, he was referring to, are children that come to school, with allegiances to family, nation and especially God. To make them well, he said, "we have to tear down these walls, that prevented them, the schools, from molding these kids into a person, that fits into society. By fitting into society, he meant a person that would not seek to change the status quo. Someone that literally agreed to everything without challenging it. And while the old people were set in their ways, it would be a lot easier to reform the kids while they were still learning about life. You wonder why kids are acting crazy? It is because of the conflict between school and home, and plus the fact, that these subjects are mandatory, you just about have to send your child to school and have them take these courses, if you want them to get a diploma, and be able to get hired on a good job.

In the public schools, these 'new gods' have total control over what our kids need to know, as well as what they don't need to know. These 'gods' don't want anything challenging their power, so they set about to eliminate anything that might disturb what they are trying to achieve, which is supreme power over the next generation. As it is now, everything they say, we say, yes, to.

There is only one thing that these 'new gods' seem to be concerned about, as far as a challenge to their power, and that is God himself. So they go about, trying to discredit everything that God says, by saying, it is old and out of date, or by setting up situational ethics situations, which is where we get the famous sitcoms we see on TV. They make us think that if there is a God, then He would have to bend the rules, in certain situations. They make it seem that God's word is totally out of sync. They say that belief in God, amounts to a person bordering on insanity. They try to point out errors in the beliefs of Christians, to show the stupidity of such a belief. This became hard for them to do, challenging adults, because it was too costly. So, they changed their strategy to challenging the kids, who offered little or no challenge. And since parents have gotten to the point, where they don't monitor what their kids are being taught, they got the upper hand. However, there was a price to be paid, and unfortunately, our kids became it. The Bible says, "whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap", and we are sowing not only ours, but our kids destruction, by believing we can go against the Bible. The things that God says we should teach our kids, we turn over to these 'gods'. Example, sex education, should be taught by the parents, along with the Church, using God's influence, and that influence is morality. Yet, the schools say they can do it, without morality. So what is the result? Since it has been implemented, teen pregnancies are up over 400%, VD is spreading out of control, AIDS is wiping out the kids at an alarming rate. And, when the pregnancies became a problem, we went back to these 'new gods' and asked them what to do. And they came up with a beauty, abortion. And to cover their mistakes, they arrange it where the girl can have it done, without the parents knowing anything about it.

Of course, as mentioned earlier, the main sign of their stupidity, is the increasing illiteracy rate of our kids, that graduate. To show you just how the 'new gods' try to cover up their mistakes, they have instituted a new educational system, called outcome based education. This is a system, that instead of passing students that achieve high grades, and failing those that don't, the school now only marks a grade that says that the kid is improving, and is able to keep up with his or her fellow students. They do this, supposedly, to keep from hurting the student's feelings. You see, they say that if a student doesn't feel good about themselves, then they will be put under too much pressure and therefore, find it harder to learn. To prove this point, a school in Virginia, (I believe), recently stopped having spelling bees, because they believe that the trauma, of losing, is too great on the student. In other words, they want to remove anything, that involves competition, where one student, may be proven better than another. The schools, are so into this type of philosophy, that in Delaware, a teacher, was actually fired, because she was failing too many of her Algebra 2 students. The school wants the teachers to pass the students on, no matter how the student is doing. The Sussex Central High principal, is the one that fired her, after she refused to pass students that had not proven their ability to do the work. And, the strange thing is, that the students, even the ones that failed, walked out of school, when they heard she was fired. She was fired for doing, what teachers should be fired for not doing, and that is failing those students that should be failed. Most of the students that failed, did so by not doing assignments, or goofing off in class.

The entire idea here, is, that if too many kids are failing, then that shows that the educational system, and its curriculum, are failures. And since it is the 'new gods' that put this system in place, it would reflect on them as failures, and they can't have that. Then we wonder why, when a kid graduates from school, they can't read, write or do math. Also, school unions, have a part in this fiasco also. When is the last time you have heard of a teacher being fired, because of their being incompetent? Probably never. Why? Because the National Education Association (NEA), refuses to allow its members, to be tested, to see if they are able to teach the particular subjects, that they teach. It is a known fact, that many teachers, that were failures in math, are currently teaching math, even in high schools. The same thing goes for English, writing, biology, and others. However, when this teacher was fired, the teachers union, did nothing. Why? The 'gods' must be protected, at all costs.

They say, they are protecting the kids. However, when Johnny goes for that job interview, and they give him a test, and he fails, then what good did passing him on do?

There is also an increase of crime and other problems in the schools. Have you noticed that these problems were almost nonexistent in these same schools, before prayer, the ten commandments and morality were removed from the public schools? Why are these things happening? Because, if you remove God's influence from them, the schools will, simply fall to pieces. God will see to that.

Man has always wanted to control his own destiny. But, when God is not backing you, you are headed for destruction. The public schools are so inundated with the, man can do it himself, philosophy, that it is almost impossible to get through it, without some, if not all of this philosophy, becoming firmly entrenched in the mind. And once entrenched in their mind, a person's attitude will take on the destructive characteristics that go along with a walking time bomb. Anytime, anyplace, they are likely to go off, and that is what is happening to our kids. Suddenly, the kids are getting in to all sorts of trouble, and no one seems to know why. The kids have no respect for authority, and go on to rebellion. Whatever feels good, do it. Then, these kids turn on the ones that are striving to do right. That's when peer pressure starts. Either they join the crowd, or suffer humiliation and rejection. Then, these rebellious kids, become parents, and raise their kids the way they learned in school, and their kid turns out in a worse state than they were. And the scary part is, these kids will someday, be the leaders of our cities, states, and the nation. All would seem hopeless. But there is something that can, and must be done. And it must be done quickly. And that is, to get your kid out of the public school system and put them in Christian schools, or teach the kid yourself.

Christian schools, by and large, still believe in teaching kids, the things that they need to know, the way God intended it to be done. They will not teach anything that is contrary to the word of God, unless the state mandates it, and then they will put God's word along side it, something that the public schools don't allow. And just what difference does this type of teaching make in a child's behavior? Just this, when is the last time you have heard of trouble that the public schools have, going on in the Christian schools? Not very often. Why? Because the fact that God is there working in the kids to give them the mind that says, "God knows what you are doing, and He will prosper you, when you do good, and when you do wrong, He knows, and you could be sorry." Also, state tests have proven, that kids that go to Christian schools, are on the average, two to three years ahead of their counterparts in the public schools. Their attitudes are better. They can handle stress better, and more. Of course the public schools don't want you to notice this, and they're sure not going to tell you. The only drawback to this idea is the cost. With you already having to pay taxes for public education, you may not have enough money to afford sending you child to a Christian school. That is why you need to write your state representatives, to get laws changed, so you don't have to support a system, that can't even turn out iterate children. If something doesn't work, you don't buy it. The school system isn't working, yet, you still have to pay for it. Of course the schools, aren't going to sit still for this, they will fight you on every turn. But, your kids ought to be worth it.

The other alternative is home schooling. More and more parents are opting for this process, because it puts total control for the child's education, in the parents hands. Family values, a familiar atmosphere, and less peer pressure are the benefits of this program. People are being hauled in to court, for daring to defy the programs of the 'new gods'. However, the courts are mostly throwing out these suits, because they can see the benefits of such a program. If some do make it to trial, the parent, if not guilty of any malicious behavior, will usually win. Every state has their own set of guidelines to follow, but the director of education of that state, can tell you just what needs to be done, in order for you to teach your child at home. The best teacher for your child, is you. As mentioned in the first part of this book, if both parents are working, you are at a disadvantage, because you either don't have the time or you are too tired. But, I believe a little sacrifice is worth it. It will pay off in ways that you can't even imagine. It has been proven also, that in this area, kids too, have a two year advantage over their counterparts in public schools. Also, a lot of famous people in history were taught at home including, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, Albert Einstein, supreme court justice Sandra Day O'Conner and many more. If these people came out of home schooling, then your kid can too.
Having read this article, that is part of the book, 'What's the Matter with Kids Today???' You can begin to see the picture That I am trying to paint for you.

Today, we are faced with one party, insisting that they have your best interests at heart when it comes to schooling. They want you to put them in power, so they can spend millions of our dollars, to hire more teachers, and build better schools, while keeping the same old, destructive things in place, in the public schools.

Now the other party, wants us to vote for them, so they can return the power of deciding what schools are best for our kids, and to give us the money, in the form of vouchers, to pay for that schooling, at the appropriate school, be it public or private, or parochial.

One thing we haven't looked at is cost. I'm just guessing at this figure, but I think today's public school teacher, earns a base pay of about $50,000 or more per year. The base pay of parochial, and private school teachers is about $30,000 per year. They earn about 60-70 percent of their counterparts in the public schools. Yet, their students excell far above the students in the public schools. So, my question is this. Why should you or I, be made to spend more money on something, that doesn't work, when we can spend less, and get a far better product???

More money, is not going to solve the problem. It is the system that needs to be gutted, and I mean gutted. It needs to be torn down, and rebuilt on a new foundation. One where God is the cornerstone of the institution. Now, that would cost billions of dollars to do. So why rebuild something, when you already have a system in place that is doing just that???

If more money could make people smarter, then why do we have so many morons out here, that are millionaires???

Money is not the answer, God is.
