n Tuesday, April 20, two young men, students of the Colombine high school, in Littleton, Colorado, walked into the school cafeteria, and library pulled out some weapons, and began shooting their fellow students. After the rampage was over, they took their own lives.

When authorities came to the school, they found that the school had been booby trapped, and they couldn't get in to help people, for several hours, as a bomb squad, with bomb sniffing dogs, searched the area to make sure it was safe.

After this, they went inside to remove bodies, and at last count, there were 15 dead, including the two perpetrators, and one teacher, and there were about 10-15 injured, some critically. It is said that some of the dead, bled to death, because medical personnel, could not get to them, because of the bombs, and traps.

Almost immediately, the nation was thrown in to shock. 'How could this happen??' they said. "What is going on??' they wondered. 'These are children. They shouldn't be doing anything like this, or having to suffer this!!!' They exclaimed.

Then, the inevitable was asked. 'Who are these kids, and what were their parents doing?? Didn't they know what their kids were doing???' Trying to find out why this happened, and if there were any other people responsible, is the job of the authorities. People are saying that these young men, could not have planned this type of setup, which some observers, have said was executed with the precision of military operation, without help from outside sources. It was too elaborate.

It has been labeled, the worst school shooting in the history of the US

Well, as things progress, maybe we will get some answers, but for right now, speculation is running wild.

It seems the 'blame game' is starting. And the loudest voices, are screaming that the cause of all this, is the Republican party and their affiliations with the NRA (National Rifle Association), and with survivalists, and all other groups, that, they say, tend to encourage this type of pseudo militant, radical behavior. These voices, are those of the Democratic party, and the Hollywood left. They even go so far as to say that the 'religious right' are also responsible, even though I don't see how, unless you really stretch your imagination, and go in to 'twilight zone', fishing for something to blame them with.

But, you know, somebody told me a long time ago, those that scream the loudest, and begin to accuse others, are usually doing so, because they want to divert attention from themselves. And this is surely a prime example of that.

How??? You might ask. Consider this.

These people, and their actions in supporting the things that they do, are the 'real' culprits in this whole mess. For you see, what we are witnessing, is the fruit of what they have been sowing, down through the years. The bible says, [Ga 6:7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. If you will notice the first part of this scripture, it says, don't fool your self in to thinking that you can mock (reject, make fun of, offend, destroy, abuse, go against, or otherwise, trample over) God, or those that believe in Him [Mt 18:6] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea, and not have to pay the price for it. And for decades, these people have been doing just that.

One of the main things that they have been giving their total support to, is the main reason I believe we are seeing this tragedy, involving our children taking place, is the issue of abortion.

What is abortion?? The destruction of an unborn child in the womb of a woman. Or to put it quite bluntly, the murder of an innocent life. Over the past 27 years, this has been going on, at a rate of 1.5 - 1.6 million annually. That brings it to about 41 million, and growing. Now since God, puts such a high value on a developing child, in the womb [PSA.127:3] LO, CHILDREN ARE AN HERITAGE (AN OFFSPRING, OR A PART) OF THE LORD, AND THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB (CHILDREN), IS HIS REWARD (BLESSING TO MANKIND). And what do these people that support this abomination do?? They quite literally, slap God in the face, and tell Him, they don't care for it. So, they are in effect, mocking God. They are telling this loving God, who is blessing them, that they don't want His blessing, and set about, to destroy it, before He finishes it. And as I said, doing that, is going to bring you serious problems. How?? Because payback is coming.

If we look at it like this, you will see why we are having so much tragedy among our young people. God sees us as saying, we don't care for kids (the unborn) so we will just dispose of them, like we do with our garbage. An unborn child, is just a piece of meat, that we don't want, because this 'thing', is a bother to us. Well, God's response to that is, if you don't care for the innocents in the womb, then I will cause the children that you have with you now, to be disposed of. You think I am making this up??? You think God isn't like that??? Well, look at these scriptures and judge for yourself.

[De 28:15, 18] But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body (Children)........., So, disobedience to God, brings a curse on our children. Then we have, [Ex 20:3-5] Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; [Ex 20:12] Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

The first passage, found in Deuteronomy, tells us, that if we are disobedient to God, then our children will be cursed. That carries with it, that they will not be able to prosper, and will find it increasingly difficult to live, with things that are around them. They will, themselves, become lawless, and corrupt, and will begin to defy both God and their parents. This curse, is directed at the parents, because they are the ones responsible for them, and would, in most instances, be the ones, whose actions, brought about the curse on them.

If we look at the second scripture, found in Exodus, we see, that God, gave the commandment, once again to the parents, to obey Him, or a curse, which usually consists of either poverty, sickness, or death, would come, not only on their children, but their grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and even the great great grandchildren. Some of the other gods that we have are self, government, TV, other people, entertainers, and money, just to name a few. Anything, that causes you to do something, contrary to what God says, is your god, in that area. There are a whole lot of church folks out there, that go to church every Sunday, but live and act like the devil, the rest of the week.

When we look at what God says we need to be doing, and then look at what this nation, is doing, you can begin to see that we are far away from any similance of what we used to be. There was a time, when you would barely see any thing sinful, on TV. But today, our TV screens are filled with all sorts of vile, filth and violence. The most popular shows on TV, usually feature some sort of sex, or violence. Any one that speaks against this garbage, is mocked, and made fun of. Our most popular people, are ones who have shown that they can sin with the best of them. We don't want anyone in office, that is not like us. They have to have some dirt in the closet. No righteous people allowed. If one, does have the nerve to run for office, they are labeled as some sort of religious fanatic, and they are rejected. It's the 'give us Barabbas' syndrome. By rejecting the good, for the evil. What is that?? What is evil?? We have gotten that backwards now. Today, evil, is anyone that is living for God. Good, is anyone that is living for their own pleasure.

The most popular party, in politics, is the Democratic party. The reason they are so popular, is not because they stand up for what is right, but because they try to tear down, what is right. Well, God has a word for those that take this position.

Is 5:20        Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Is 5:21        Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Is 5:22        Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

Is 5:23        Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

There is the warning of serious consequences, for those that fall in to this category. God is giving us warning about doing this. But, today, most of us, completely ignore what God has to say, and just go our merry way, not thinking that we are sowing the seeds of our own destruction. The wickedness of this nation, is so bad, that if God, destroyed Sodom and Gamorrah, and doesn't do anything to this nation, then He will have to apologize to the inhabitants of those cities, and that ain't about to happen.

What we are seeing, is the beginning of a period tragedies, and trouble, like never before. And the sad thing about it, is that it will basically center around our children. We can see a lot of that going on now. Our kids are out of control. They do everything that grownups do, from getting high, to having sex. They have little or no respect for themselves, let alone, others. They are having sex, and having kids. They are dropping out of school, to hang out with those that seem to have exciting lives. I'm talking about drug dealers, and pimps.

They are committing suicide and murder, at an alarming rate. All of this, is just the beginning, and the worst is yet to come. All because of our turning away from God. Especially when it comes to abortion.

The two young men that perpetrated this crime, are really victims of the curse that we have brought on ourselves. Sure they murdered thirteen other people, including one adult, and a young lady, who, when asked, 'Do you believe in God??' answered 'yes.' And was shot.

What would possess a person to do this??? One answer, the devil!!!

The devil!!! The bible calls him the thief, [Jo 10:10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. But Jesus comes to bring us life. However, because this nation, is steadily rejecting Jesus, we are making all the room in the world for the devil. Those that come in the name of Jesus Christ, to preach the gospel, and those that live by that gospel, are rejected, and in some cases persecuted. Yet, those that live lives of sin and degradation, are lifted up as being the 'in crowd.' That young lady, that confessed believing in God, knowing it would cost her, her life, did what every single person that calls themselves a Christian, should be willing to do. But, sad to say, most Christians, or rather those that profess to being Christians, won't even stand for the truth, in everyday life. They would rather be accepted by the community, friends, and the general public, than to take a stand against the evil that this nation is perpetrating against God. And, as a result, we all are suffering, especially our kids. We have been sowing the seeds of judgment against ourselves, and now, payday, is here. And you can mark my words on this one, you haven't seen anything yet.

People let their kids do any, and everything they want to do, so they, the parents, can do their thing. These young men, should have been monitored by them. But, they were probably too engrossed in their careers, and enjoying the good life, to see any sign of a problem. That's the way of the world, nowadays. Children, are excess baggage, especially those in the womb. They tend to cramp our style. You want to get rid of them, or just put them in a corner, and forget about them??? Then why do you get so shocked, if they do something to destroy themselves and others??? After all, isn't that what you want???

These politicians, and even some preachers, that support aborting 1.5 million blessings from God every year, yet get upset when kids start killing each other, quite frankly, make me sick, with their hypocrisy. They all stand up and want everyone to know that they support the work of the devil, so you will vote for them, or have high regard for them. But, they, and some of you, had better be worried about what God thinks of this situation.

No one seems satisfied with a person that doesn't have some dirt on them. Look at what the Democrats always do, when they are running against a Republican. They try to find some dirt on them. They don't care if all they can find, is something that happened twenty or thirty years ago, or if a paragon of virtue, like Larry Flynt, owner of Hustler magazine, supplies it, through payoffs, just as long as it is dirt that can be used to discredit them. And you know what??? You fall for it. My God, if you want to get dirt on someone, just make it up, people will believe you whether it is true or not.

There is not one single person on the face of this earth, that does not have some sin in their lives. Not one. Before I got saved, and became a minister, I was a mess, doing everything I could think of, to satisfy what the devil, and my own sin nature wanted to do. But then Jesus, Hallelujah, came into my life, washed me up, changed my mind, and now, I am doing what I can, to please Him. Now, if it were left up to some of you, I shouldn't be preaching, or anything. Listen to what Paul says, [1Co 13:11] When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. When I was in my sin, I was like a child, doing foolish things. But now, I have put them away. Or rather, God has put them out of His sight, never to remember them again. Some preachers out there, need to remember that, when politicians try to smear good, God fearing people, by going way back in their past, to dig up, what God has buried. As far as God is concerned, they are lying on that person, and the accusers will be punished, not by man, but by God. And this punishment, is manifesting itself, with things like all of these shootings, and crimes among our young people, as well as all these tragedies that are happening on such a large scale, that people are beginning to think there is something happening, that is out of the ordinary. It is. It is the judgment of God, upon this nation for it's evil ways. And by the way, I am not talking about racism, or slavery. I am talking about wholesale, outright, rebellion against God, and His Word.

Those African Americans, that want to point the finger at whites, as being the reason for their problems, need to remember that saying, that when you point the finger, you have four pointing back at you??? Well, you better check your own selves out first, before you try to make judgments about others. The black community, is so steeped in rebellion and hypocrisy, that they need to keep their mouths shut. The more they say, the more they condemn themselves. That is the reason that we have a higher than average number of being victims of crime, perpetrated by others in our community, higher mortality rates by disease, lower achievement on the educational ladder, and every other statistic you want to look at. And then, they have the audacity, to tie God in to this mess, by saying that God, is going to punish whites, because they have treated them wrong??? Talk about cutting off your nose, to spite your face.

What we need, is good old fashioned, fire and brimstone preaching from the pulpits of the churches in this nation, from preachers who are anointed by God, to preach, and not called by man to preach. For the fault of tragedies like Colombine, and others, are the result of preachers, who compromise on what the bible says, so they can remain popular in their communities. Well, enough is enough. Judgment is not coming to America, it is here!!!

