This is a statement, that is meant to acknowledge a man, who has done so much for all mankind. He came to this earth to deliver us all from the bondage of sin, and its ultimate end, hell.

If we look at all that He did, for us, how he shed His blood on the cross, because of the love that He had for us, then it is fitting to thank Him for it.

No man, in the history of the world, was able to do what He did. Not one. When no one else could do it, He decided to do it.

Ever since that time, millions of people have made it a habit to be sure to acknowledge Him for everything they have, because they know, without Him, they would have nothing, and most probably not even be alive today.

If one could look back at all the times that they faced something, that could have destroyed them, and thought they got out of it, because of luck, they would see that it was Jesus, making things work out for them so that they would have another opportunity to get their lives together.

Yes, thanking Jesus, is the right thing to do, when you realize what He has done for you, down through the years, and how He brought you out of situations, that most assuredly, would have destroyed you or a loved one. It is nothing more than true worship, and reverence of Him, that we say, 'I would like to thank Jesus, who is the Head (Lord) of my life."

This is true worship, when you not only are thankful to someone, but, you put them at the forefront of your life. You think about them constantly. Your every
action, is one that you hope will be pleasing to them. You want to follow them wherever they go, and go wherever they tell you. This, my friends is what true Christianity is all about.

Since I got saved, I have made a complete change in my life, or rather Jesus has. The things that I used to like doing, I no longer do. Why?? Because God says they are sin, and He hates it. So, I stopped. Not because He made me, but because I wanted to be pleasing to Him.

Some might ask, just what is it that I was doing, that was so bad. Fornicating, (having sex, outside of marriage) gambling, drinking, doing whatever I felt like doing, that made me feel good. My total focus, was on pleasing my own self.

But, when I heard the gospel, I mean, really heard it, then, I realized that my lifestyle, was damnable, and that I was on my way to hell, and that Jesus sacrificed His life, to keep me from going there, if I would only follow Him. So, realizing that there were some things that needed cleaning up, I repented, and made Him, Lord of my life. I no longer do things to please myself, I do things to please Him. And that is the way it should be.

However, today, we have a new breed of
Christian. They stand up and profess that Jesus is Lord over their lives. But, if you look at them closely, you will see there is a big difference between them, and what I just described. They claim Him as Lord, but they live like they are still doing things that please themselves, and displease God.

Looking at some of the award shows that come on TV, whether it be movies, music, rap, or TV shows, many of the recipients of these awards, come up to the mike, and say, 'First, I want to thank Jesus Christ, who is the head of my life....." And they receive an applause. Now, I think back, to just what it is, they are getting these awards for. And, in too many instances, the awards they are receiving, are for some song, movie, rap, or show, that stands for everything that God hates.

A long time ago, very few people got up and made a statement like this. If they did, it was mostly ignored, unless it was in a setting where there were a lot of people, that were Christians, like gospel awards shows. Then, it was expected. But, to stand up before people, who, for the most part, were not interested in someone's religious beliefs, was another matter.

Today, things have changed, on the outward appearance. It has become socially acceptable, to say this, so everyone feels comfortable with it.

And, this is where the problem is. Everyone, feels comfortable with it, because most that confess this, are only saying what they feel others want to hear.
It is not worship of Christ, that makes them say this, but rather, it is to be made to look all right, in the sight of peers, and fans. It is nothing but an act.

God said, '.........these people, honor Me with their lips, but their heart, is far from Me' [Isa. 29 : 13]

Some of the filthiest lyrics around, and these people say, 'I want to thank Jesus??" Some of the most ungodly movies, and TV programs, full of sex, and violence, and abominable acts, performed in front of the camera, and they get up and say, 'I want to thank Jesus??' Promoting all sorts of ungodly, devilish behavior, and they say, I want to thank Jesus??'

Saying this, makes it appear that Jesus, condones it, which He doesn't.

Talk about blasphemy, and you have prime examples of it with these people.

Christians, are supposed to be representatives of, or ambassadors for, Christ. When people can't see Jesus in the natural, the Christian is the image of Christ, for man to see. Whatever they see you the Christian, doing, is what they think Jesus will do. And some of these so-called Christians, are making a mockery of Christ. And rest assured, pay back, is coming. Somewhere down the road, unless they repent, and God gives them grace, they will suffer for it.

Many times, I have seen some Christian (they say) entertainers and their group get together behind the scenes and have prayer before going out and blaspheming God. Now think about that. What are they praying for?? That God will bless them, in their glorifying all that is evil??

What kind of example do you think this sets for the world??? Do you think that it let's them know that God is a Holy God, that hates sin?? Does it tell them that those that believe in Him, need to separate themselves from the world, and be separate from it??? Does it tell them that there is beauty in holiness, and that without it, no man will see God???

No. What it tells them is, that you don't have to go out of your way to be a Christian. You can do whatever feels good to you, as long as you go to Church and remember to thank Him, for all the things He has done for you. It tells them that holiness, and sanctification, are the old fashioned ways of doing things. This is the new generation. What was good for the old timers, is not going to cut it with this 'new generation.'

We can look at how some churches, have invited this worldliness in to their sanctuaries. You've got rappers, rock, blues, jazz, and country singers, leading the worship services on Sunday morning, after a hot show, in the nightclubs on Saturday night. Some, even come in, still high on drugs, or on alcohol, and no one says a word.

People use the excuse that this is the only way to win the young people to Christ. They say you have to come down to their level. And, that appears to be what is happening, the church is becoming so much like the world, that in many instances, you can't tell them apart.

The way they talk and act, you would think you were in the midst of a bunch of sinners. But, when you start to witness to them, they say, 'I'm saved, just like you.' And the way they say it, makes you think that you have trampled on to dangerous ground.

Quite frankly, what these people are doing, is raising a big stink, in the nostrils of God. Their praise is phony. Their prayers, He doesn't hear. Their little shows, that they put on talking about thanking God, can best be described this way. They need to be thanking Him, for giving them grace to see another day, and not striking them down.

They have taken worship of God, and turned it in to entertainment for themselves.

Many of the so-called converts that they say they are responsible for, are only in it, because of the entertainment factor, that drew them in. Let an anointed man or woman of God, begin to preach the truth to them about their needing to change their attitudes, and the way they dress, and they will leave the church. There is more emphasis on the entertainment factor, than on true repentance and holiness.

And the preachers, are just as bad as the entertainers, if not more so, for letting this nonsense go on, and not speaking about it. But, I know why they don't. Money, and prestige.

These people, can be a boon for any pastor, who allows them to come in to their church, and perform, and even lead in worship. The people that follow them, only come to the church, to be entertained, and in some instances, to do their worldly dances, in the church.

The church, and pastors had better wake up, and soon. Time is running out, and judgment is coming, not on the world, but the Church [1 Pet 4 : 17].

I'd hate to be in their shoes, if Jesus came back in the middle of their blasphemous carryings on (excuse the grammar).

People playing, God, like they play each other. Woe unto them.

The thing that must be done, is to start cleaning up this nonsense and getting holiness back in to the lives of believers.

My prayer, is that God gives them grace, to have the opportunity to change their ways, before it is too late.
