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SCRIPTURE – 1 Peter 2:9-10                                                                                                                                                           AUGUST, 2023

BUT YE ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who HATH CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELLOUS LIGHT;
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.




When I left off last month, I told you that I was going to give you a list of instances where the actions of the world [carnal mindedness, walking in darkness, and ungodliness], are leading them to destruction.

And compare that with what the 'odd bunch' says about it. And hopefully, you will see that we are the ones with all the Light, while they [the world], are the ones that are in serious trouble.

Last month, I went in to some detail about the role of educated preachers [the ones with degrees from institutions that are totally blind to the spiritual reality of the issues we face], are the main cause of our problems today.

The reason being, the world, sees these so-called educated men/women, as being the real spokespeople of God, because of the degrees they have.

As I mentioned earlier, in part 1, when it comes to running a business, or giving advice on matters related to strictly professional endeavors, then, the more degrees, the better.

However, when it comes to the things of God, that is definitely not the way to go, when you need something from God. The reason being, while man looks at your education, God looks at your heart.

Therefore, if anyone is going to be a spokesperson for Him, their heart has to be in the right position towards Him.

As I have said so many times before, God/Christ, uses those that He has prepared, and not those that have prepared themselves.

If you will look at Jesus Christ's disciples, you will see He picked the common, basically uneducated, to use, rather than the 'religious leaders' of His time, even though many of them were of the lineage of the order of priests and rabbis, going all the way back to the beginning of the priesthood.

Because of their position, it was naturally assumed that one of them, or their children, would one day be the Messiah.

But, God chose a totally different way to go. He used a carpenter, with very little religious experience, if any, to bring forth the One that would be given all Power to rule the world.

That is one of the main reasons the religious leaders had such a dislike for Him. He didn't fit in to how they thought things should go.

Mat 13:54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?

Mat 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
Mat 13:56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
Mat 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.

This passage of scripture, sets the stage for what we see today, when it comes to the educated preachers, and the world, and how they think things should go, versus how the 'odd bunch' says they will go!!
Time and again, almost like a broken record, we have been proven to be 'right', even over all these so-called experts.


Because God, who is the architect of all things, directs us in to seeing things, as they really are, and where they are headed, and it is not good.

Here is a list of things that are now, or will be coming upon us, based on our actions of ignoring/defying God's Word.

Abortion. Irregardless of what scientists, the medical industry, politicians, or the courts say, what is being aborted[killed] is a baby, the most innocent life that there is.

Not only that, but, it is a life that had the potential of solving some of this world's problems.

Those of us in the 'odd bunch' know that every child conceived, has a special purpose, known only to God. It could be to discover that one missing piece of the puzzle, to end cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers, or any of the other maladies that plague us.

I once asked God back in the '80's, shortly after I turned my life over to Christ, why He hadn't yet answered the prayers of His saints, as it pertains to a cure for cancer. After all, He tells us that He will not withhold any good thing from those that love Him.[Psa. 84:11]

His response was precise and to the point. He said, 'On many occasions I have prepared a vessel through which the 'cure' would come [in-time], but, it was aborted. So, I delayed sending another. But, when I did, it was aborted as well. So, you will have to wait until I decide to do it again.

Now, here is the 'key' thing that the world, doesn't grasp, but those that are anointed do.

Rev 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

What we are being told in this verse is that, unless God gives someone the ability to understand and operate according to His Plan, no one, I don't care who they are and how many degrees or experience they have, will be able to come up with the solution.

And, because we continue to give free-reign to women to kill these babies at will, because it is their right, God, is allowing the children of all those women, and those that support them, to be killed/die before their eyes.

It is all part of the consequences of Galatians 6:7 which tells us that you reap what you sow!!

All these mass shootings, the gunning down of our children in the streets, and schools and such, are a clear evidence that God means what He says.

What is the world's response??? Stricter gun laws, which are supported by educated preachers.

But, that's not the whole story.

Kids are dying from all types of diseases, suicides, drug overdoses, accidents, and a whole gambit of other things.

And, it is not going to stop, but, get continuously worse. Especially after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which was a positive step to getting back in God's good graces, only to have women and these educated preachers, go on the warpath, not against the GOP, the Religious Right, or Trump, but God!!!

And let me say this. When I say kids, I am not talking about just young adults and younger. I am talking about grownups as well, because everyone is somebody's kid.

I see all these women, crying and wailing when one of their children gets killed, or dies by some other means. Yet, they don't think about how God feels about the unborn babies [over 77M to date] that get killed, that He was forming in her womb.

Well, they are going to learn the hard way!!!

LGBTQ. There are many facets to this group, but they all have one thing in common, and that is, their lifestyle is in direct defiance to God's Divine Order for mankind.

I don't know of anyone that hasn't heard the phrase, 'God created Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve!!'

When God created Adam and Eve, He commanded them, just like He did to the animals to 'be fruitful, and multiply!!'[Gen. 1:28]

This could only be accomplished by sexual interaction between the male, and the female.

When it comes to humans, the stipulation carried with it that they be husband and wife. Any sexual interaction outside of that stipulation, is forbidden[sin].

What this group does, is not only ignore the stipulation of not having sex outside of marriage, they seek to have it within their own gender [men with men, women with women]. This is a lifestyle that God, condemns. [Lev.18:22, 20:13, Rom 1:20-28].

Yet, these educated preachers, instead of inquiring of God for direction, inquire of the scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists and sociologists [which I call the 'new gods'] Whatever they say, goes!!! Even so much so that they have started printing new versions of the Bible, changing, and omitting passages of scripture that they don't like.

Anyway, they not only changed scripture, but, they have said that God made a mistake by putting a man, in a woman's body, and vice versa.

This idea lends credence in their minds that the solution is to have a sex/gender change operation, which medical science can provide.

So they are saying that God is fallible, can make mistakes, and all they are doing is straightening out the mess He has made. [Rom 1:21-23]

So, when things like AIDS, depression, suicide, and violence comes against them, they want laws to protect them and medical treatment to help them cope with what God is allowing to happen to them.

Then, if that isn't bad enough, they have attacked the sanctity of marriage, by having laws passed that allow them to marry. And as I said earlier, there are many preachers willing to perform this abominable ceremony, so that they can be seen as representing the god, that they like. The God/Christ of the Bible, in their eyes is phony, and needs to be disregarded.

They can disregard Him if they want to. But, that is just one more nail in their eternal coffin/destination.

Separation of Church and state. This position of one political party, and the world, makes it plain that when it comes to running this country, they don't want any direction from God/Christ. That is unless it is in support of what they are trying to accomplish.

Once again, educated preachers fall in line behind this part of what can only be described as lunacy on their part. The reason being, government has no problem regulating churches and ministries, and coming in to their sanctuaries during election seasons, to ask for votes.

The 'odd bunch' says, if you don't want to have anything to do with God when it comes to running this country, then, don't come in to our churches seeking votes, and support. And, any preacher that goes along with it, needs to be regarded as a fake minister of God, which translates in to a minister of the Devil. [2Cor 11:13-15]

Capital punishment. This is something that was instituted by God [Gen. 9:6], as a means of punishment for those that murdered someone intentionally.

The 'new gods', say that this is cruel and unusual punishment, and as such immoral!!

So, what they are saying then is God is immoral for instituting it. They also say it is ineffective.

The 'odd bunch' says it is 100 percent effective in that it prevents a murderer from murdering again. That is what it was designed to do.

Yet, once again, these educated preachers, side with their buddies, the 'new gods', and support getting rid of it.

The result is what you see in the headlines, on the news, and on the internet. People being killed by a person that should have been gotten rid of from walking this earth in the past. But, they were given life sentences, and later paroled, to resume their heinous activities. Or, while still in prison, had their associates carry out murders for them.

Time and again, it has been proven that if you are going against God, in anything, you are going to suffer for it. And the blame for it all falls on these educated preachers and their institutions.

These groups, and others are just acting on what these preachers led them to believe, by supporting them. More next month.