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AMERICA, NOT GOOD SCRIPTURE – Prv. 14:34                                                                                                                                                   AUGUST, 2024

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.



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The message for this month, takes a look at the condition of this nation, not from the eyes of man, but, from the Eyes/Word of God!!

It is one thing to see things from the standpoint of man, and a totally different thing to see those same things from the only side that really matters, and that is God's/Christ's viewpoint.

And let me remind you, in the over all scheme of things, His viewpoint is the only thing that matters. The reason for this is, since He is in control of everything that happens, or could happen, then, any wise person would opt to make sure that they have Favor with Him, so that their lives would be all of what God has for them to be.

As the first part of the subject scripture tells us, Righteousness, exalts [lifts up] a nation!

Righteousness, is the condition, or lifestyle, that puts a person, city, state or nation, in the position that is, the prerequisite, to having God's Blessings, poured out on them.

To attain that condition, one has to essentially be walking on a path of Obedience to what He says they need to do.

It is one thing for an individual to be able to do it, but, quite another for an entire nation to fall in to that line of thinking.

Walking in line with what God says needs to be done, is where we run in to the greatest challenge to our 'human nature'. Because, all of us, especially in this nation, enjoy the 'freedoms', that living here has, especially when compared to nations where there is over-bearing, strict enforcement of man-made laws, that you could say, renders people in to living lives as slaves, with their government being their master.

When God created mankind, unlike the animals, He made us in His Own Image, and as such, He also gave us a free-will.

That free-will, is the ability to either obey, or disobey what He says.

He did this because He wanted a people that loved Him enough to obey Him, without being forced/programmed to do so.

Every creature on the face of this earth, except man, follows God's design and purpose for its life, to the letter.

What ever characteristics it has today, are the same basic characteristics that it had when it was created.

Even when it comes to the family structure, they follow the exact same design that God created for mankind to follow.

They do this, because they have no decision making abilities to determine whether they want to follow God's design for their lives, or not.

Jesus once said about the animals, and the rocks for that matter, when compared to man, 'all give reverence to God, by following His design for what He Created them to be, while man, chooses not to.

When a person makes a conscious choice to obey God, then that puts them in the position of having Him, literally opening up the Windows of Heaven, and pouring out Blessings on him.

Now, compound that with an entire nation adopting the same mindset, and what you have is a nation that, for all intents and purposes, has His backing in whatever they try/need to do in order to thrive and prosper.

No sicknesses/diseases, no famines, no poverty, always victorious in war, sending their enemies running in fear, being able to lend to other nations, rather than having to borrow from them, and a whole lot more.

All of this, is the result of walking in Righteousness.

A look at Deuteronomy 28:1-14, lays out His promise for those that choose to obey Him.

Now the second part of the subject verse, tells us that SIN, DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD, is a reproach to any people.

Sin, by its very nature, closes up the Windows of God's Blessings, and opens up the flood gates, of His Wrath!!

Make no mistake about it, any individual, or nation that falls in to this position with God, is in for trouble. And since a nation includes large numbers of people, that means they are in for total hell!!!

Reading Deuteronomy 28:15-end, presents a very clear picture of what can be expected, courtesy of God, for their disobedience.

The term, in the subject scripture, reproach, means that an individual/group/nation is so Cursed by God, that even the ungodly, want to have nothing to do with them.

Let me give you a modern day situation that fills the bill on this point.

During the late 70's – early 90's, there was a disease that was running rampant throughout the U.S., for which there was no cure. That disease was AIDS [Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome].

This disease, was primarily found in one segment of our population, and that was the gay community.

At first, it wasn't that big of a deal for America because it was essentially confined to the gay community, and as such, was given the title of the 'gay disease!!'

What a lot of people thought at first, is that only gays, could get it. They thought everyone else was immune from it. And as such, there was no need to shun them, and that they needed our prayers.

The actual reason it was called that is because at that particular time, the gay community, made up about 3-5 percent of the population, yet accounted for over 96 percent of all the AIDS cases.

However, it wasn't long, when a young teen, who was not even having sex, contracted the disease.

This was the first known instance of heterosexuals getting it.

What was discovered is that the disease was not only transferred by sexual activities, but by blood transfusions [in the case of this young teen], the sharing of needles by drug addicts, and I think they said by the exchange of bodily fluids, such as kissing, or spitting on someone.

Well, this new revelation about AIDS, changed the public's perspective on the gay lifestyle, and caused a lot of people to back away from, and shun them.

Hardly anyone outside of their community, wanted anything to do with them.

As a result of this, they began to feel rejected by society and began to strike back by openly trying to give the straight community the disease by engaging in unprotected sex with individuals, without letting them know that they had the disease, spitting on people, and sharing drug needles with unsuspecting users.

In short, they were engaging in behavior that only served to make matters worse for them, by putting the rest of society at risk.

Well, this is a small microcosm of what is meant when the word 'reproach' is used to describe the sins of a nation.

In the case of this country, we are fast becoming a nation that people around the world are looking at with disgust!!

Now, the thing is, it is not so much what the response of other nations will be towards us, which is bad enough, but God's response towards us, that is at issue.

You see, God is the source of this nation's strength, prosperity, power, and all things that serve to make us the greatest nation on the face of the earth, bar none.

And those of us that know Him, realize this, and are consistently trying to get those that don't know Him, to realize the danger that they are putting themselves, as well as the rest of us in.

People that tend to pursue desires that will end up costing them dearly, especially after being warned, are the biblical definition of fools.

Prv 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but FOOLS despise wisdom and instruction.

Psa 14:1 THE FOOL hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

These passages of scripture, are talking about a single person.

Now, picture a majority of people in a nation, with this same mindset. That is what you have in this nation today.

This nation is being overrun by people that not only reject the reality of there even being a God, to, if He is real, they don't care what He says, they are going to do as they damn well please!!

When people get in this state of mind, even though they may not come right out and say it, they are actually acting as if 'there is no God!!' This is the key characteristic of a fool as described in Prv. 14:1, above!!

People may not say it, and some may actually say that they believe in God, and be sincere about it. However, their actions are saying totally different!!

The classic example that I use when addressing the political climate in this nation is this. We have people that claim they believe in God, and call themselves Christians.

They are in church every time the doors open, and stay there until the doors close [except for leaving to get something to eat], unless the facility provides meals!!

Some are even saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost [they say], speaking in tongues and been baptized in Jesus' Name!!

Yet, they are totally supportive of a political party, that through its very actions, and confessions, is saying that they don't believe in God. At least, not the God of the Bible.

That stance alone, puts them on a direct collision course with the Christ these Christians claim to be Lord of their lives!!!

Jesus says to them, Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Notice the term in verse 7:23 above, I NEVER KNEW YOU!!'

Since Jesus is the Truth, that means, everything He says, is the Truth. And what He is saying here is, despite all the good things a person, or nation is doing, supposedly in His name, the time will come when, He will tell most of them, that despite all of what they were doing, it was for naught, because they were doing those things, not to glorify Him, but rather themselves.

And this mindset starts with the very people that are in charge of bringing man back to God, and that is the preachers.

The preachers, are the watchmen over the souls under their charge, and need to set the example of what True Discipleship and obedience to the Lord is.

But, in most cases, in the black community especially, these preachers are more tied in to organizational doctrines, political, and economic status and favoritism, than they are to the Word of God.

As a result, when these corrupt politicians come in to their churches, they are allowed to get in to the pulpit, and campaign for votes. And since the preacher says nothing, the politician thinks he has God's blessing, and the congregation thinks the same thing, and goes out to support this man/woman, to their own destruction.

Keep this in mind. As goes the Church, so goes the nation!!!

If the Church turns away from God, and Righteousness, then, God will shut up the Windows of Heaven to everyone that has walked away from Him.

And, make no mistake about it, that is what they are doing.

Walking away, because they want to have what can best be described as the best of both worlds, which is a recipe for disaster.

Jesus says, 2Cor 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

You are either in or out, hot or cold, there is no straddling the fence, or being lukewarm!!

America is on a dangerous path, and needs an about-face!!! But most black preachers, and Democrats say they refuse to go back!!