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(ARE YOU REALLY BEING BLESSED??) SCRIPTURE – Psa 128:1-2                                                                                                                                                                        JANUARY, 2020

Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways.
For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.



The subject for this month, asks a simple, but complex question. That question is, when you look at the totality of your life, can you say that it is one that indicates you are being blessed by God, or is it that you are being Blessed by God??

As you can see, it appears that I have made a mistake in my question, when in reality, I haven't. There is a big difference between being blessed by God, and being Blessed by God.

Let me explain!!!

If you are alive, you are blessed!! If you have good health, you are blessed!! If you have a roof over your head, food on your table, clothes on your back, you are blessed. If you are able to provide for your family, that too is a blessing!! There are many other narratives that can be mentioned that qualify as blessings from God.

Even though you may be lacking in one or more of these things, to a greater or lesser extent, the fact that you are still alive shows that God is blessing you!

Every day you are able to wake up, is another blessing from God, who is in control of every thing that happens to every living thing on this earth.

And herein is the key to my original question.

With God being in control of everything that happens to every living thing, that means He blesses all of us irregardless of our race, gender, age, or even our moral standing with Him.

It does not matter who you are, if you are alive, you are blessed.

However, if you consider the fact that He blesses the righteous and the unrighteous as well with life health and strength, as He does with all the animals, then you are not getting any thing more than He gives anyone or anything else.

In His sermon on the mount, as recorded in Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus compares what God does for the birds and for the flowers and grass and what He does for man.

He tells us how God provides food for the birds, and how He dresses all the different flowers and grass, and none of these things do anything to deserve what He does for them.

He then lets us know that we're far more important to Him than any of these things. And as such, we don't have any reason to worry about what we shall have to wear, or what we shall have to eat, because He will provide them for us. So, as you can see, if He does all these things for us, then, we can truly say we are blessed by God, for essentially doing absolutely nothing to deserve it.

However, there is a state of Blessing, that comes to us, for doing things that are pleasing to Him. This type of Blessing is far higher and with more benefits than that which the common/carnal individual can receive.

This type of Blessing comes from our obedience to Him and His Word/Jesus Christ.

Let's look at it from the standpoint of natural human interactions.

In just about every situation where two or more people interact with each other in a civilized manner, you will see that they treat each other with dignity and respect. They do this, because each of them realizes that they are equal to each other as designed by God. Neither of them has the opinion that they are better than the other based purely on their physical characteristics. To do so, means that they think God has put them in a position of being superior to the other[s] which would mean God showed favoritism to one over the other[s].

This my friends, is what lies at the core of our problems both in this nation and the world.

You see, if God has created all of us as being equal, then, for any person to feel that God has created them superior to other men/women, would mean that He is unfair, and a liar, and is not worthy of our honor and praise.

The only time, any person could be considered as being better, more favored, more important, or more honored, by God, is through their actions, or positions.

Let's look at the relationship between parents and their children.

Being a parent is a position that is ordained by God. And as such, the parent has a higher authority and role of importance with Him than their children. It is up to the parent to teach the child how to live a life that is in line with God's will and purpose for their lives.

Being a parent, is another one of those blessings, that God provides to all of us. We don't really have to do anything other than what is natural to become one. However, what we do as parents will determine how much more blessings we will receive from Him.

The bible tells us, Psa 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Notice how children are described. They are described as 'an heritage of the Lord.' That means in it's basic definition that they are extensions of Himself. And this is as it should be, because we are all made in his image.

But because they are children, their position is one that requires them to be obedient to the parent.

Now, the more a child is obedient and pleasing to their parent, the more likely the parent will reward them with something that is over and above what the child would get for just being average.

When it comes down to the fact that parents have more than one child, then the parents need to treat all of their children the same way. While providing the basics like food, shelter, and clothing, good parents will reward obedience over disobedience. And the child that is the most obedient and pleasing, will get better rewards than the others.

Thus we can begin to see the relationship between parents and their children, as it compares to God and His creation, mankind.

Even though God has created us all equal, He sets the example of rewarding our obedience with more blessings than those that are not.

Or we can take a look at a another familiar relationship, the one between employer and employee.

As I mentioned earlier, no person is any better than any other person except for the position or the actions of that individual.

Now obviously if an individual is going to work for someone else, then that individual is required to be obedient to the person they are working for. Even though everyone is equal, the foreman/boss is deemed to be more important to the company than the employee.

I've told the story before. When I worked at Chrysler, I had a foreman that I used to joke around with. Our relationship was such that when we ran into each other out on the street I saw him as just another person. And as such I didn't have to do anything that he would tell me to do. I would tell him to go take a long walk on a short pier. However, as soon as we got in the plant and I punched my time-card, if he told me to jump, the only thing I could say is how high.

What made the difference is our positions.

When it comes to God, the same thing holds true. It's about your position.

If you are not a Christian, meaning you are not saved, you are a person like anyone else that is in your same position, and therefore the only thing you can get from God as far as blessings go, is what he provides for all mankind and the animals.

God will provide the basics to allow you to live, and that's about it.

However, when a person gets saved, they enter into a position whereby they agree to be obedient to Jesus Christ, and therefore a whole new realm of Blessings is opened up to them.

These Blessings go far beyond what the average unsaved individual and even imagine.

The bible tells us, 1Cor 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Look at this passage of scripture carefully. It starts out by saying that there are things that God has for the Christian that go far beyond what man can even think of having. But the last part lets us know that these things are only available to those that love Him.

You see, as I mentioned earlier you don't have to love God to get the general blessings that He provides for every one and thing. But, in order to get these other Blessings you have to love and be obedient to Jesus Christ.

And why Jesus Christ?

Because in order to get saved, we are commanded to believe in Him.[St. John 3:16]

Doing so, is a sign that we love Him.

This action falls in line with the relationship between parents and their children, and the employer and their employee. It all has to do with position. God becomes our Father, Jesus becomes our Lord!!!

Jesus goes on to ask a question. Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? The reason for this is, many people go around talking about they are saved, and that Jesus is their Lord, however their actions tell an entirely different story.

They are involved with, and support all types of things and people that have no regard for Him, and are actually engaged in open warfare with Him, and those that are obedient to Him!!

Are you one of those that are guilty??? If so, you can change all that right now, by asking Him to forgive you, and turn from your wicked ways, and accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life.

This goes for a lot of you church folks especially, who have been just as wicked as those that have no regard for the Word of God. You know who you are. Out here 'playing Church!!!'

It doesn't take any long drawn out prayer to get right with God, as much as it does a sincere heart!!

God has blessed you to see another year, as well as He has everyone else. And that is a blessing.

Now all you need to do is change your position with Him, and gain access to all the rest of those Blessings that He has in store for you!!

Happy New Year and Blessings to you!!