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SCRIPTURE – 1 Peter 2:9-10                                                                                                                                                           JUNE, 2023

BUT YE ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who HATH CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELLOUS LIGHT;
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.




The message for this month, concerns something that most people, including most Christians see as the absolute lunacy displayed by a small group of people that claim to be Christians.

In their minds, this group of people are, as most would call them, 'the fringe Right', or as they are also known as 'extremists!!'

Now, the question must be asked, 'what are they doing/not doing, to earn this type of notoriety??'

Quite simply put, they earn these names because of one simple characteristic. And that is, they don't go along with the rest of the crowd.

No matter what it is, they seem to want to stand out as being against what everyone else seems to agree on as being the way to go to accomplish a particular goal.

And, what makes matters worse, is that they have the audacity to call themselves, followers of Jesus Christ.

One would think that, if they were really Christians, they would want to put forth the image of a Christ, that puts Him in a positive/favorable light!!

After all, this is Jesus Christ that they claim to be representing!!!

Well, to put this in to perspective, look at the subject verses of scripture.

We are being told that those that are followers of Christ, are called to be
'a peculiar people.'

Now that term alone, puts forth the idea that we are, by design of Christ, to march to the beat of a different drum, if you will, than the rest of the world.

And why is this???

Because, the rest of the world, as the scriptures above tell us, is
walking in darkness!!!

What does it mean to be walking in darkness???

The term 'darkness', carries with it, the idea that they can't see, or are blind to the causes of problems, and the consequences of the decisions they are making.

If you can't see, or understand what is causing a problem, then, without a doubt, you can't come up with the right solution to fix it!!

Well, when it comes to the world [unbelievers], that is exactly the position they are in.

And how did they get like this???

You can thank Adam, for that!!!

Part of the curse that God put on all of mankind, was that they no longer had the ability to see things the way that God sees them. In other words, they became blind in that area!!!

The result then was, when problems arose, they had to rely on what little sense they were left with, to deal with them.

As time marched on, century after century, millennium after millennium, the solutions they came up with, that seemed to work, were passed down from generation to generation, as being reliable.

Of course, as anyone can attest to, very few, if any of these solutions, has been 100 percent effective 100 percent of the time, if at all.

This is because of factors that man fails to consider, because he is unaware of their existence, and how they affect him, and his surroundings.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, this mindset is not only in the world[unbelievers], but has crept in to the Church as well.

According to the subject scriptures, the Church, is supposed to be the One that has been shown the Light, and is tasked with showing the world how to deal with our problems.

But, as I said, most Christians, are in the same position as the world. They can't see the rationale behind what this small group of 'radicals' is doing/saying!!

The reasons for this are many, but it all boils down to a failure in leadership in the Church. And that puts the blame on pastors.

If the pastor is blind, then, it should be no surprise, that those in the congregation will also be blind.

As Jesus says,
'when the blind lead the blind, both will fall in the ditch!'[Mat. 15:14, Lk. 6:39].

Matthew 10:24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.

This means, no one that is relying on their pastor/teacher to help them grow in Christ, can ever get any higher than the level that pastor/teacher, is at.

Now, here is one of those areas where, what the world has no problem with, can be a disaster in the Church!!

Just because a person goes to college, or some other graduate school to get a degree in the area of ministry, does not mean that, that person is fit to pastor a church.

When it comes to running a business, or heading some institution or project, in the world, the more degrees, the better.

However, all the degrees in the world, are not enough, to get God to accept a person to lead His people. He uses a totally different set of criteria than most people think is necessary for that position.

Man, looks at degrees, while God looks at the heart.

It is only the anointing, that qualifies a person to be in ministry period, let alone pastor!!

What is the anointing??? And how does it apply to us today???

First of all, it is special abilities bestowed on a person by God to be able to hear from God, see and recognize things that are happening in this physical world, and how to deal with them.

Secondly, they are able to see, and understand that the majority of our problems, originate in a realm that man might believe exists, but doesn't completely understand. And that is the spiritual realm.

A person with the anointing, realizes that every problem we face in this life, has its root in this realm.

And as a result, just like weeds in the lawn or garden, the only way to get rid of them completely, is to destroy the root. Otherwise, if you just cut the weed down with a mower or other device, and leave the root, it won't be long before that weed will pop up again.

Well, with us, and our problems, the world is just cutting the weed [our problems] down, while leaving the root completely intact.

Why?? Because they are blind to the steps that are needed to eliminate the problem, which is dealing with it's root in the spiritual realm.

There is not one single college, university or seminary that is aligned with the world view on issues, that can prepare an individual for ministry, let alone to be a leader in God's Church.

Therefore, any building, or institution headed up by one of these individuals, is not actually God's Church, but rather a place to go to hear someone that will make you feel good without solving your problems.

They give you a lot of 'quick fixes', that seem to get you over the hump for a few days, then you are right back in the same old mess again. And, in a lot of instances, things have gotten worse, meaning you will need twice the remedy you had before to get by.

It's like being hooked on drugs. When a person starts out, a little $5 shot will suffice them for a while. But, as time goes on, they need more and more to get them to the level of euphoria they had the first time they tried it.

Well, in these churches, the people keep coming back because they need their weekly, or daily 'fix', to tide them over. And the pastor provides it for them.

Many of them get your attention with their abilities of praying, expounding on Bible scriptures, and some of the performances they put on while preaching. I mean they put on an academy award-winning performance.

Anyone that didn't know any better would say, 'this is truly God's man/woman!'

The problem is, it is a performance designed to make you feel good, and not solve your problem. It's designed to get you addicted to this individual, or institution.

The reason being, this person, is looking for a paycheck.

If we look at the Greatest Preacher of all time, Jesus Christ, He didn't perform [hoop, holler, dance all over the platform, have a Hammond organ backing Him up for effect, or nothing else like that]. Instead, He was quite bland, by today's standards.

His message was that God has all types of Blessings ready to pour out on those that want them. However, in order to get them, the people need to repent of whatever their evil was, and come back to Him.

As I mentioned earlier, most of today's preachers never mention this part of God's plan because they don't see it because that is not what they were taught. Therefore they have no anointing to see the real source of our problems.

The message that Jesus preached was to separate yourselves from the way the world sees and does things.

He goes on to tell us that, when we do that, we will become a people that will be at total odds with them.
A Peculiar People!!

Those of us that fit in to this group tend to be the ones that go to church, to get a Word from the Man of God, that will guide us in to being a better person. And, that means we have to be about changing our ways of seeing and doing things, so that we will be pleasing to God,

The world, on the other hand, not only goes to be entertained, but, to hear someone tell them that their problems are the result of someone, or some thing else, meaning it is not their fault.

Human nature tends to guide us away from anything that makes us feel bad about ourselves. And we will tend to avoid it whenever possible.

Yet, with God, if we want Him to Bless us the way that only He can bless us, then, we have to defy that nature, and face that message.

The Bible tells us that,
Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

People, we have got a whole lot of fools out there. And the blame for most of that rests with the fools, with all types of degrees in the pulpit.

When it comes down to personalities, and who to take heed to, and who to ignore, the ones that holler the loudest, and put on a big show to get their point across, are the ones you need to stay away from, because they want attention. The quiet ones, that seem to always be at peace, regardless of the situation, are usually the ones to hang around, because they know Him, to whom all the attention should be given to.

I don't blame the PRO-CHOICE CROWD, the LGBTQ community, the 'WOKE GENERATION', or ANY OF THE OTHER GROUPS of individuals that have problems with us!!

They are only acting on the total lack of information that their leaders supply them with.

Have you noticed that in just about every instance, there is a preacher that is at the forefront of each of these groups???

That is what they seek. And there is always some idiot out there, that will give them legitimacy, as long as he/she, gets paid for it!!

If they can't find one, then, one of them will get a degree, in ministry, and become their leader.

But, as I said, it is all for naught, because their problems will continue to expand and get more serious.

Decades ago, women were complaining about the unfairness of pay and benefits in women's sports, as compared to men's sports.

Well, just about the time things started turning around for them, along comes the push for men, who have identifed themselves as women, to enter women's sports, The result is, biological girls/women are losing competitions to these men-women.

It won't be long before biological females will be totally eliminated from all sports thanks to the same government officials that passed laws to help them decades ago.

More about this, next month.