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(YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME) SCRIPTURE – Gal 6:7-8                                                                                                                                                                        MARCH, 2020

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.



The subject for this month is not that difficult to expound on, because it is a lesson in the absolute Truth of the Word of God!!

Life is full of examples that bare this thought out.

Two farmers go to a store to pick up some seed to plant for their crops. Their farms are right next to each other, and both buy the same type of seed from the same lot, and the same quantity.

The next day, both of them get out and plant their seeds.

In the coming months, one of them diligently gets out and takes care of his crops, just about every day. The other, is not so diligent. He gets out about twice a week.

When harvest time comes along, the crop of the first farmer, yields enough produce to supply him and his family with enough money to carry them through until next year. The other farmer however, only has enough to barely make it through the rest of the year because only about one-fourth of his harvest was good enough to sell.

What made the difference?? The amount of effort the two put in to their crops. If you want to have good results in life’s endeavors, you have to be diligent in applying the principles necessary to bring about the desired result. He can’t blame the seeds because his neighbor bought the same seed. He can’t blame the weather because his neighbor is right next door to him, and the soil is the same, so there is no excuse for what happened him, other than his own actions.

Jesus told the story of what happens to seed, when it falls on different types of ground [Mat. 13:3-9], that relays this same message. You get out of something, what you put in.

A lot of Christians mistakenly believe that verse 8 is saying how God, arbitrarily blesses those that follow His Word. But that is not the case. Each gets Blessed with an increase, based on the amount of work, or diligence they put in to their calling.

The same thing goes for your health and well being.

A person is smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day for twenty years, and ends up with lung cancer. Doctors tell him, he only has a few months to live. Whose fault is it??

He goes out and gets an attorney to sue the tobacco companies for his getting cancer, but in reality, it is nobody’s fault but his, because he ignored the reality of what cigarette smoking can do.

Let’s go a little deeper.

A woman is married to a man who is unable to impregnate her. One day she meets someone and has a one night stand with him. A few days later, she discovers she is pregnant.

She realizes that she can’t claim her husband did it, because he is not able to. So, she has to choose between telling her husband the truth, or getting rid of the evidence, by way of an abortion.

Now, the point I want you to see is this!!

In every one of these instances, the individuals met with the result of something that they, themselves either did, or didn’t do.

They could try to blame some one, or thing for their problem, but in the final analysis, it all boils down to the fact that they only have themselves to blame.

Now, while the examples that I gave here, only have to do with life to the standpoint of natural everyday situations, and these and others like them apply to every one of us, there is something that I left out, that puts it all in to the proper perspective, and that is how all of this ties in to the subject verses.

If you will notice, verse 7 starts out with the phrase, ‘Be not deceived.’

What this is, is a warning that so many of us tend to fall in to, whenever we set about to do something that is a proven danger, or the prelude to something that will cause us pain and suffering.

You are essentially gambling with your future and your health.

I can remember talking with people that tell me, that relatives of theirs have smoked for decades, and nothing happened to them, so what’s the big deal??

Women have told me that they have not gotten pregnant over years of relationships, so, they aren’t worried about getting pregnant, now.

These and others like them, are falling for one of the biggest deceptions that there is and that is, ‘it can’t happen to me!!’

If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this, I would be able to pay off my house!!

The thing is, if we look at the part right after that, it says, ‘God is not mocked!!’ Now, what does God have to do with all of this??

Well, from the offset, He is in control of everyone, and every thing.

By that I mean nothing good, or bad happens to any of us without His approval of it. That means you can’t be blessed, or cursed if He is against it.

So, in reality, when you choose to follow your own way of thinking, you are by default, going against His direction for your life. When you do that, He will usually give you a warning, either through your mind, by way of a dream, through the airways [radio, TV], through a family member, friend or stranger, over the internet, or some other way of communicating to you that you need to stop and turn around, because if you stay on this path, you are in for trouble.

Every step you take, and every warning you reject, you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction.

The more seeds you sow, and the more water you pour on them, the bigger the crop of problems you are going to face in the future.

That story I told you earlier about the two farmers, has a double meaning. On the positive side, his diligence of striving for the best crop he could get, was rewarded with what he strove for.

On the other hand, using that same diligence in striving to achieve what you feel is what you want in life, you will reap it, and all the trouble that comes along with it.

Look at verse 8 of the subject scriptures. What does it say?? It says that those who sow after the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption/destruction/death!!

Sowing after the flesh means doing things the way you want to do them. And what is the warning?? You will reap corruption/destruction/death!! No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.

Take a look at this scripture.

Prv 14:12, 16:25 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death/destruction.

What could be more plainer than that???

But, not only do we have the Words saying this, but, we have all types of examples in the Bible, showing us this.

We have Adam and Eve. We have Nimrod!! What about Sodom and Gomorrah?? Who can forget Pharaoh and the curses that came on Himself and Egypt?? Every nation that sought to destroy God’s chosen people, were utterly destroyed, except for the times when He allowed them to be destroyed, or enslaved because of their disobedience to Him.

That’s right, just because you are saved, does not mean you are immune to suffering, if you continue to go against what He says.

He will always give you fair warning before He allows you to suffer, and just like the examples above, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

I have been on both sides of this situation, both as a hearer, and as a messenger.

When I was the hearer, I knew it was God speaking to me through a preacher, and I immediately said ‘Yes Lord!! And I meant it’ Then I went out, and followed through on it!! The reason being, I knew His voice, and what could happen if I ignored His warning.

On the other side, I have had people come up to me after they heard the message I was preaching, and told me, it seemed as if I was talking directly to them, about something they had done, or were planning on doing, when I didn’t even know them.

For the casual observer, or skeptic, they would bring up the idea of coincidence, or chance. But those that know God, know better, because there is too much actual evidence that proves different.

Man goes through life thinking he is in control of his destiny, when in reality, he is not.

Everyday we get up and make plans for the rest of that day, and beyond. We finance houses and cars, and who knows what else, with promises to keep the payments up for 20 years in to the future. All of this, while at the same time, not giving a single thought to what is going to happen to us, the next minute.

Not only that, but we surely haven’t thought about what will happen to us after we leave this life.

Believe it or not, these actions, are a form of mocking God, because they show our belief that we are our own gods, even over Him. We make choices and support people and organization that openly defy Him on every hand, without a second thought, because we want what they offer.

However, what they are offering is something to please your own flesh and ego, while at the same time, insuring death to your soul!! And, it is the soul that will live for eternity in one of two places, Heaven or hell!!

The body that each of us inhabits, is the uniform, so to speak, that we wear while we are at work, in this life, laboring for a true 'living wage' that will carry us on to an eternity with Him [Jesus Christ], in Heaven.

Every day you wake up is another day, another chance to earn more of what God has prepared for you in this life. But is also another chance for you to choose what you want to do.

You see, God doesn't force any of us to do anything.

You and I are perfectly free to do whatever we feel like doing, or not. We can be obedient employees so to speak, doing what our Boss says we need to do so that we can receive our proper wages, at the end of our work shift, or we can take part in a rebellion against Him, which will lead to our dismissal. The choice is up to you!!

One thing about God, as I mentioned earlier, is the fact that before He dismisses you, He will give you opportunity, after opportunity, to get your act together.

No one can say, when they stand before Him, that they weren't warned, or didn't have a chance to get things together, because He will play back all the times you heard someone tell you that you were doing wrong, or better yet, mocking or sinning against God, and you rejected that warning outright.

The farmer that didn't do what was necessary to have a bountiful crop, the woman who got pregnant by someone other than her husband, the person that smoked cigarettes for 20 years, may find someone to help them get some money or other assistance from unscrupulous lawyers, politicians and groups, but God, still knows what you did and why you did it. And, because of that, your fate will be sealed unless you make things right before you leave work for the last time.

You have a paycheck coming, for the work you have done in this life. Will it be one Eternal Life with Him, or eternal damnation?? It's your choice.

If you make the wrong decision, then, that's on you!!