In your newsletter, you seem to be totally supportive of the Republican party. Aren't you involving yourself in areas that should be left up to the public??? And, why don't you support the Democratic party???
That is an excellent set of questions.
First, I don't really support the Republican party, just for the sake of being political.
The reason I do it, is because, if I had to choose between two evils, then I would choose the lesser, of the two. Now, let me explain.
When I look at the two parties, I don't just look at the candidates, and what they claim they want to do for me. I look at how they plan to carry it out.
There are right ways, and wrong ways to do everything, including picking the candidates that run for office.
Most voters, use the criteria in picking a candidate based on what he, or she says they will do for them. While that may seem like a goo place to start, you must remember, that the candidate, can only carry it out, if the leaders of the party, allow them to do it. And usually, that won't happen if it goes against what the party wants.
Sure, there are good, honest, and hard working people in the Democratic party, but, they don't have any clout, to make things happen. If they did, then we wouldn't be in the mess we are in, today.
With all the African Americans in the Democratic party, why is it, that we are continually losing ground???
Economically, we are still at the back of the bus. We are last, or nearly last in education. Illiteracy, is spreading through our community, like a plague. Our health care, is not nearly adequate.
We have a death rate, from diseases that kill, at twice, or even three times the national average. Higher infant mortality rates, and more teen age pregnancies. All of these things, are what the Democrats say they want to fix, but, when they had the chance to do it, they didn't. Not because they couldn't, but rather, because they didn't want to.
Believe it or not, you are no good to the Democrats, if you get on your feet, and start making a lot of money.
For a long time, following the Democratic way of thinking, when they said that they wanted to tax the rich, I used to wonder why all of these so-called movie stars, and other rich entertainers were backing them in their attacks on the wealthy. They are the most wealthy group of people that I know, and yet they support a party that considers being wealthy, greedy, and wants to distribute the wealth to everyone. It seems stupid to me, for any person to support another, who is taking money from them, unless they are getting something in return. don't think these people are supporting them for nothing.
However, the main criteria I look for, is something that a lot of you will say, is stupid, and that it has no place in selecting our leaders, and that is, what do they believe about Jesus Christ, and how do their proposals, line up with what the bible says is right and wrong.
In this area, the Republicans come out on top, hands down.
All we have to do, is look at the constituency of the Democratic party to see, just what kind of agenda they have, and what they think about people like myself.
Most of their constituency, comes from those that hate God, Jesus Christ, the bible, and what it has to say about them, and what they like to do. Their attacks on the 'Religious Right', proves my point.
You have NOW, a woman's rights group, that is pro abortion, something that the bible, while not directly addressing it as such, let's us know that hat is being aborted, is a life that God is blessing the woman with. So, in other
words, she is, literally slapping God, in the face. [Ps 127:3]
Now, what do you think God's response to that is??? If you say cursing, you are right. That is why we have so many of our kids, being killed by violence today. God is saying, if you have no respect for the life of the truly innocent, then I will allow the children that you do have, to suffer, so that you will have something to grieve about.
Then we have the 'gay rights' groups. They also are big supporters of the Democratic party.
Their agenda is, to get us to accept their perverted ways, not only as normal, but as something that they can't help, because God, made them that way. That, is the biggest lie, that ever came down the pike.
Because of this, the Democrats, have put laws on the books, that open up the door for anyone, that says anything against the gay community, to be liable to be sued. Including preachers, church organizations and anyone else, that feels that they don't want to have anything to do with them, including parents that don't want them around their kids.
The bible says that this type of lifestyle, is an abomination to Him. That means it is something He hates, with a passion, if you will. And what is His response to them, their lifestyle, and those that support it??? Cursing.
AIDS, is spreading through their community like wildfire. And because the Democrats, supported legislation, that labeled this disease, a handicap, so that people could draw disability payments from insurance companies, and also allowed people to sue someone that revealed that a person had the disease, or refused to hire them, because of the disease, it has spread to the general public, and is spreading rapidly.
So, our whole population has to suffer, because of the absolute, lunacy,, of their plans to help those that need to change their ways.
A lot of innocent lives have been lost, and will be, because of their stupidity.
Then, we have environmentalists, and
the animal rights activists, and their agenda.
What they want to do, is make every one, conform to their way of thinking, supposedly to make things better for everything, and everybody.
Because of the Democrats, gasoline prices are going through the roof, because oil companies have been forbidden from drilling for oil, in areas where oil is present, because it might hurt the environment, or some bird, or little bug, that happens to live in the area. Because of this, we are at the mercy of foreign oil cartels, that raise prices, whenever they feel like it, and there is noting we can do, but ask them to give us more oil.
In the mean time, people have to spend more for gas, and less on goods, so other get laid off of work, and have to go on, welfare.
Truckers, the backbone of this nation's commerce, are losing money, and have threatened to strike. If that happens, a lot more of us, will be seeking government assistance.
Timber companies, have had to go out of business, because some environmentalist groups, say the trees, should be protected, because they are alive, or that the ecological systems, in tha area will be destroyed. So, many people, have to lose their jobs, and possibly go on welfare, because of them. And when they lose their jobs, where do they go??? On welfare.
Then, we have the homeless, the illiterate, and the just plain nuisances of society, that the Democrats, refuse to do anything about.
Most of the homeless, are homeless, because of the problems, listed above with the enviromentalists, and animal rights activists.
But, one of the main problems we face, is the rising crime rate, especially murder.
Blame this on the liberal Democrats, who feel that 'capital punishment', is just as bad as murder, even though, it was God that instituted it.
We have people among us, and supported by us, who should have been, or should be, put to death, for
their crimes.
But 'nooooooo', that is taking an 'eye for an eye.'
So, what do we do?? We put them in prison, and let them live out their lives there, unless they happen to escape, get clemency, or appeal and get out on a technicality. Then they get out in the street, and kill again.
So, another innocent life is lost, because certain politicians, and sad to say, preachers, want to call it, immoral. If it is, then that makes God, immoral.
People say that innocent people may get executed, so that is reason to abolish it. Well, more innocent lives have been lost because a person wasn't put to death, and was allowed back on the streets, or they felt that if I kill someone, 'so what.' I'll just get life in prison. I can live with that.'
There is no fear of retribution, in the minds of the criminal element in this nation, because of our waffling on this issue.
Let the records show, that more people have died at the hand's of habitual violent criminsls, than have been executed.
On practically every moral issue, the Democrats, side with those that oppose it on just about every turn.
I will not side with that type of mentality. As a Christian, I am going to uphold the principles that God says wwe should live by, no matter what. It's too bad, that many Christians don't feel that way, when it comes to this area.
Blacks, traditionally vote Democratic, because it is supposed to be the party that is, for them. Union members, usually vote Democratic, because of the same thing. Well, I am both, and I don't care what they say, if their moral perspectives aren't in line with God's word, then I am not going to join in with them. A lot of you Christians out there need to do a reality check on what you believe, and why you believe it.
When the bible says, to separate yourselves from unbelievers, and to not, touch the unclean things, and you join forces with them, then you have a major problem. You are trying to walk with God, and with the world, at the same time.