In what seems to be all too common in the news lately, there has been another shooting in a public school, and another life is lost.
What makes this one hard to swallow, is the age of the victim, and shooter. Both of them, are 6 years old.
From the minute it was announced, the nation could only ask the same questions that have been heard before.
How did this child, get the gun in the first place?? How did he manage to get it in to school, and in to his class??? Where were the parents???
All of these are legitimate questions.
What is known, is that this little boy, the day before, had a confrontation with the little girl. What it was about, and if it was physical, I don't know. My speculation is that it was probably about something that all children go through, at that age. Arguing over a toy or other child's play. But, the next day, this little boy, brought a gun in to his class, and shot the little girl, in the middle of the entire class. While the teacher, and a maintenance man, tried to revive her, the boy put the gun in his desk, and walked to the principal's office and told them what he had done.
From there, things began to quickly unfold.
When the police went to his home, they found out that it was a drug house. They also found out that the mother had left him, with an uncle, whose house it was. The mother had been evicted from her house, and was staying with him. The father, is in jail, and had been, for over three years. Another young man, was staying there as well, and from police accounts, it was a gun that he had, that the child took to school. The gun, it turns out, was stolen.
It is alleged, that this young man, who is 19, had been showing the child the gun, and twirling it around on his finger. He kept the gun on his bed, under the covers, or pillow, for quick access.
All of this, was a disaster, waiting to happen.
So, we have this scenario, and the first thing I hear, is, 'How many more lives have to be lost, before we do something about all of these guns, in our society???"
The prosecutor, of the county that the shooting occurred, said that this state, 'is one of the many states, that does not have legislation, requiring parental responsibility, in cases like this, to be enforced.' Of course, what he was really saying, is that there are a few states, that have such laws, and also other measures on the books, require registration of all guns, and making it a crime, not to have them registered.
All of this, as I have mentioned in the past, is a means to confiscate guns from the general public, or at least, sharply curtail the ability of the public, to purchase guns. Their reasoning being, that with less guns available for purchase, then things like this wouldn't happen as often.
In actuality, if that were true, then why is it that these types of things happen in places where the victims, are all, usually unarmed??? And, why is it, that in places where people are known to be armed, there is little or no such violence????
To the criminal, a law is something to be laughed at. Any one that thinks for a moment, that a criminal, is all of a sudden going to obey a law, that will require him to turn over the main tool of his, or her trade, is operating in the twilight zone.
From the evidence in this particular case, the gun was stolen. Next, it was
shown to the little child. Third, it was left, where he could get his hands on it.
Mix that in, with a dysfunctional family, and then ask yourself, whether or not this would have happened if we had tougher gun laws. The answer is, of course it would.
There are thousands, if not tens of thousands of gun laws, already on the books, that are routinely broken, and, are not being enforced.
Instead of new gun laws, we need to start enforcing the ones that we already have.
There are laws, that deal with parental responsibility, that could be applied. Parents can be put in jail, for neglecting their children, by not feeding them, clothing them, or just plain, not keeping them clean. And don't let me talk about if a parent spanks their child. But, in a case like this, all of a sudden, we need a new set of laws, to further complicate the legal system.
The way to get rid of this problem of gun violence, is something that goes far beyond what legislation can accomplish. A change must begin in the hearts of men. And that change can only happen, when Jesus Christ, is allowed to have control of an individual. Then, mankind will see others, as the image of God, and being his brother, or sister.
Only the working of God, will make the difference. How long will it take us to realize that???
I heard that they wanted to start some type of program, that would teach children about killing, being wrong. Seems that quite a few years back, we had something in the schools that did the same thing. It was called the ten commandments.
However, since we have laws supposedly separating church and state, they removed them. Now, they want to put an identical thing, in the schools, of course, it isn't biblically inspired. They just want to say, killing, is wrong. The more we try to get away from God and His commandments, the more we find ourselves going back to them.
Of course, many won't admit that, they just say, it is something that 'we' came up with.
Wake up America!!!!