It has been announced that the Supreme court, of Arkansas, is considering revoking Bill Clinton's license to practice law, in that state.

The announcement was met with a challenge from his lawyer, that any such action would be appealed all the way the Supreme Court, if necessary.

This action, stems from his conviction on lying to congress and the American people, as well as doing it, under oath.

As president, and before that, as governor, he showed that he has no character, or shame for anything that he does.

He consistently manipulates the law, to suit his agenda.

He has an attorney general, that he literally controls. He has made a mockery of justice, and the legal system, yet here he is complaining that the court is being unfair to him.

Let me remind you, that he, is an embarrassment to this nation, he is a confessed perjurer, an adulterer, and is still under suspicion of being tied in to many other violations of the law.

How can a person that corrupts the law, then, turn around, and want to still practice it???

Lawyers, already have an image problem, as being corrupt, and willing to twist the rules, flaunt the law, and attack witnesses, to get their clients off, or to represent clients that are crooked, to get millions of dollars, from people or businesses, that were victims of their clients.

Now, Clinton wants to leave office, and go right back to doing what he was doing. And mind you, he still is unrepentant about it, and is still using his power, to hide other things behind walls of deception, and other questionable tactics.

Criminals, representing criminals, that, my friends would really be something to see.


JUNE, 2000