The people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge [Hos. 4:6].
This particular scripture, reveals the major problem that this nation, even the world, has. There is a lack of understanding, of the things around us, both in the physical universe, as well as the spiritual aspects of life.
As I look at the state of this nation's supposed to be civilized people, one thing stands out very clear, and that is, we need to be educated. Not in the sense of what man considers education, because it, itself, is the major cause of our problems.
Education, is the key to success in our natural lives, but it is a disaster when we consider that a flawed system, brings about a flawed finished product, i.e. the populace.
Our problem begins when we tend to get so educated, that we begin to think we know it all, and refuse to accept anything that, in our minds, is foolishness.
Over the years, we have gotten away from the basics of the moral laws that God has set before us. Yes, I know it is an old fashioned idea, with a lot of old fashioned stipulations, that seem absolutely stupid to us, but there is a direct tie between them, and our condition in this life.
When we consider, say, crime, in this nation, it has come from a lack of basic respect for each other, as well as ourselves.
The bible says that man, is made in the image of God [Gen. 1-26,27]. And if we will consider that, then we could see, that each and every one of us, is important, not only to their families, but to God.
The criminal, who preys on others, is a person that has no idea of a God that is real, and that even though they might get away with their evil ways in this life, they will one day, stand before God, who has every single deed, as well as thought, that they have entertained, and acted on, recorded for playback at judgment. If it was not for their ignorance of this point, then we would not have as much crime as we do.
The same thing could be said for everyone else. that engages in sinful behavior.
The adulterer, the fornicator, the liar, the abortionist, the psychic, the lying politician, and preacher, all need to be made aware of the fact that they aren't getting away with anything.
The bible outlines what God approves of, and what He doesn't. Yet, the preacher, who is supposed to know these things, in too many instances is himself ignorant of them.
The moral condition of this nation, rests at the feet of preachers, who, stand in pulpits and water down the message that God has given us, and that is to repent!!! But, how can you repent of something, if you don't know you need to?? That is the job of the preacher.
Man's intelligence, is geared to one thing, and that is the flesh. The older and more educated we get, according to world standards, the dumber we become.
The people that have the hardest time, believing in God. are those that have the highest IQ"s.
Children, can easily understand the concept of there being a God. You can tell them all about Him. read stories about Him in the bible, and they will not have a problem with it.
Let that same child, become a man, or woman, and have been educated in our public schools, then try to tell them about God, and they will laugh in your face. Why?? Because they have become conditioned to accept what man says, and reject anything that flies in the face of what man says is right.
As a result, trying to convince someone that their wrongdoing will lead them to destruction and hell, will only serve to make you look like some sort of religious nut, that has been reading the bible too long.
Tell them about the things that Jesus did, while He was here, and they will start giving scientific proof why those things could not have happened.
In thinking about how Jesus fed over 10,000 people with two fish and 5 loaves of bread, that is something that defies all types of logic, when you consider, that after everyone had eaten until they were full, that the crumbs totaled to about 12 or more baskets. Tell these educated people that, and they will laugh you out of their sight.
'It is not possible', they will say. 'Even if you had two whales, that still wouldn't do it.'
Raising someone from the dead, that has been like that for 4 days?? 'That's hilarious.'
The healing of lepers, opening blinded eyes, casting out 'devils???' These and many more acts by Jesus, get the scientific treatment, and then given a spin, that makes it seem that man had something to do with it.
The virgin birth, is one thing that man has had problems with for years. How can a woman, that has never had sex, have a baby?? Impossible, we used to say.
Notice I used the phase, 'used to say.'
Now, man, himself, has gained the
knowledge to do it through invitro, fertilization, and other techniques.
Funny. man doesn't seem to realize, that what he is trying to do, is to be equal to, or even better than God, Himself.
Man playing God. The ultimate goal of education, in this world. Man seeks to prove to himself, that there is no God, or if there is one, we can be as good or better than Him.
It never ceases to amaze me, how that we will consistently reject God, and His commandments, then turn right around and enact them, under the guise of man setting up his own laws.
God, gave us ten commandments, and today we have over 1 million laws on the books, which are man made, and yet our rates of crime, and immorality are consistently on the rise. Why?? Because God says, 'without Me, you can do nothing.' [St. Jn. 15:5]. He also says, Except the Lord build the house, they that labor to build it, do so in vain. Except the Lord keep the city, those that try to protect it, do so in vain.' [Ps. 127:1].
We have gotten too smart for our own britches.
Now, God, is letting us reap the fruits of our ways, and what do we do??? Instead of coming back to him, we go find another educated misfit, to get a solution from, so things can get better, and they only get worse.
Looking at the removal of the ten commandments, and prayer in school, was thought to not be that big a deal. Yet, today, our public schools are 'war zones', drug dens, and full of sexual activity, and the like. All because of the removal of a few simple activities like prayer, and the reading of the ten commandments.
I know it sounds foolish to many of you, but, it is still the truth. We never had problems this bad in schools before prayer and the commandments were taken out, yet today there are those, including some religious leaders, if you want to call them that, that say, 'That's hog wash, to believe the removal of these two key activities, is the cause of our problems.'
Is it my imagination, or do most of them, have degrees in philosophy, theology, and a host of other man oriented things that signify success?? The more educated
they get in worldly things, the more they lose sight of God, and the consequences of going against Him.
The bible tells us, that Jesus,, told His disciples, who were rebuking children for wanting to come to Him, to 'Suffer them to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom...... Except you become as one of them, you shall in no wise, enter in.' [Matt. 18:3].
What is the difference between a child, and an adult???
A child, will quite frankly, believe whatever it is you tell them, without question. It makes no difference about how stupid it sounds to an adult, a child, will act on it, as if it is the truth.
Some of us, would do well, to follow after a child's reasoning.
Everything that is wrong in this world, can be traced back to man, trying to out do God.
This nation is on the verge of collapse, just like all the other great nations in the past, especially those in the bible.
We continually read about them, and how great they were, until they thought they didn't need God, then they collapsed.
We figure we have it all together, just like they did. We are 'el numero uno!!!' No one can defeat us, we think. Yet, in most instances in the bible, it was nations that no one expected could do it, that brought them down. In other instances, internal moral rot, destroyed the people from the inside, out.
Wake up America!!! Judgment is coming.