Leaders, or Horses, Which Do You Want???

In our communities today, we are finding that we have a very serious problem, and that is, that we don't seem to know where we are going, and how we are to get there.

The black community, the white community, the women, the people from other countries, and ethnic groups, all seem to be striving to get somewhere, but they don't know, where there, is.

So, as they all get together, and talk, they come up with a goal that they want to achieve. And then, they get together and try to find someone to take the role of leader, to be out in the forefront, espousing their beliefs and desires, and to guide them to that end.

But, as time goes on, the people become dissatisfied with how their leader is doing things, and begin to tell him, or her, what they should be doing, as well as how to do it.

This brings to mind, the question of what is it, exactly, these people want??? Leaders, or horses???

To properly examine this question, we need to know, just what a leader is.

A leader, to me, is someone who is out in front of something. They have a goal they want to achieve, and they ask others to help them achieve that objective, by supporting them, in their cause. They have a set plan, and strategy, to achieve that objective, and those that choose to follow, do so, not necessarily knowing what the person plans to do, and therefore, rely on his or her direction, to get to where he or she, wants to go. The leader, is the one, who is always in control.

If a person is a true leader, they will make the decisions, on their own usually, even though they may ask the opinions of followers, but if the opinions conflict with what this person wants to do, he will have to make the decisions, and live with it.

Leaders, are a special breed. They usually see things that the ordinary folk, don't. They know where they are going, and how to get there. They have a lot of patience, when it is called for, and when it is time to move, they move. They are their own person, and if they have to go it alone, they have no problem.

If we look at the ultimate leader, Jesus Christ, He knew what it was He wanted to do, and how to get there. When He asked people to follow Him, He told them what He was going to do for them, and they followed Him willingly. They didn't know where He was going, or what He was going to do, but they chose to follow Him.

When you choose to follow someone, you agree to let them lead the way. If, as even in the case of Jesus, some people didn't like what they (the leader) was doing, they separated themselves from them. The leader is the one who is in control, and out front. That is what you want. A person who is not afraid to put themselves out front when things get rough. They are the ones who will take the flack, first, like Jesus did.

Now, let's switch to horses. Horses are leaders also. They are out front, and have followers. How is this, you say???

Picture this. A horse attached to a buggy. Where ever the horse goes, the buggy, and those in it, follow. So, the horse, being out front, is the leader. Those in the buggy, are the followers. At least that is the way it appears.

But, if we look at this relationship, between the horse and buggy, the opposite, is true. For it is the ones in the buggy, that are leading the horse. So, in effect, the (followers) are the leaders, and the leader is being controlled by them.

This type of relationship, is really what most people seem to want. As long as the horse can be controlled, it is useful to them. It goes when they want it to go. It stops, when they want it to. It turns, runs, and walks when they want it to. It has no mind of its own.

But, there is a danger in this type of relationship. The horse, can't realize a dangerous situation, that could not only get it, but those in the buggy, injured or killed.

Many groups of people, have been destroyed, or put to great disadvantage, because they have chosen the horse and buggy type of relationship, over the more rational leader and follower relationship.

As a rule, the leaders, usually have more knowledge, education, and wisdom, than their followers. They may have more information of how things are working, and what needs to be done, to keep from getting themselves and their followers, injured or killed. Experience is the key.

Those that, say for instance, are the highest

commanders of our military, are in that position, because they know how to do things, and make decisions on what actions to take, and when to take them. Their actions and decisions, impact many lives, not only of their followers, but also their country.

It is important to have a leader, that knows what they are doing.

In the horse and buggy situation. Those in the buggy, tend to not know anything. They are willing to run head on, in to destruction, and not even know they are doing it, because they don't understand anything, except, that any one that stands in their way, even to warn them of danger, needs to be run down.

Picture a guide, leading people through jungles, mountains or other places of danger. They are guides, because they know which way to go. What if those, that hired them, tried to make him to go the way they wanted to go??? There would be trouble.

Many times, what we have is, the blind, leading the blind They know where they want to go, but don't know how to get there, so they pick one from amongst themselves, to lead them. What you have then, is a case of the blind, leading the blind. And, as Jesus said, when that happens, both will fall in to the ditch [Mt. 15:14]

This is why we have all these people, whining about they can't get their piece of the pie. They are at the back of the economic bus, and it's going the wrong way, and don't know it.

That's what we have here in Detroit. Dennis Archer, is the Mayor, and he is doing the best he can do, under the circumstances, but, those in this city, who don't know anything about what's going on, want to get rid of him, and put one of their own, in his place. If that happens, then we will be in the ditch, soon after. The handwriting, is on the wall.

So, Detroit, will it be a leader, or a horse???
