On May 14, mothers from all over the nation, converged on Washington, DC, to show their unity for enacting tougher gun laws, in hopes of protecting children, from gun violence.

What sparked this march, was the recent fatal shooting of a 6 year old girl, by her 6 year old classmate, on top of all the other recent shootings of kids, by other kids.

This march, was billed as the 'million mom march', though no one knows for sure, just how many mothers showed up in Washington.

However, other marches, and gatherings in other states, in support of these moms, was reported.

The organizers, when asked what they saw as their goal, said, 'We want to do something to protect our kids. Washington needs to know that moms, have voting power, and we want to send a message to them to enact stricter gun laws, to protect the kids.'

When they were asked, if this was a political movement, they said, 'No, it is just for protecting the kids.'

What a noble cause!!!. Moms, wanting to protect the kids, just what moms, and dads, should want to do. Any one that opposes this action, would be seen as being against kids. And who, in their right mind would want to do that???

But, if you consider this, then you will see there is something, not on the up and up, going on.

First. Protecting the kids, sounds good, as all such causes do, but it is the remedies that they seek, that is the problem.

In the last newsletter, I mentioned that we already have more than 22,000, that's right, 22,000, gun laws on the books. There are laws for every conceivable scenario addressed at the Federal, state, county, and municipal level.

So, what is the problem??? Enforcement.

It is my belief, that if all of these laws, or even 25% of these laws were enforced, then there would be no need for newer tougher gun laws.

But, let the record show, that in far too many instances, police, judges, civil rights groups, the ACLU, as well as the Clinton administration, democrats, and even the news media, are the main barriers to the enforcement of these laws, and the dissemination of information that is needed by all of us, to make an intelligent decision, on where to place blame, and what to do about correcting it.

The Clinton administration, and most democrats, have an agenda, which simply put, is to get guns out of the hands of every citizen in this nation, if possible, so that there can be no great opposition, to them turning this nation, in to a socialist nation, like the majority of other nations.

Just like in the Revolutionary war, it was an armed citizenry, that defeated the British, when they came over here, and tried to keep them under British rule.

If you will follow the history of most of the other socialist, or communist nations, you will see, that the first step in their being made like that, was in the disarming of the citizens.

The citizens, bought in to the lie, that government, and the army would protect them. But it was their 'protectors', that turned on them, and subjected them to the conditions that they are in now.

Every country that has true freedom, as its mainstay, has citizens that are able to protect themselves from all enemies, both foreign, and domestic.

You see, take note, that most of our problems, are internal, and not external.

Criminal activity is on the rise, and the police, try as they might, can't be everywhere at the same time. If someone wants to harm you, the police aren't going to be there, until after the fact. It is common knowledge that they, the criminals, usually have a gun, so, what do you do to protect yourself, and your family???

Police officers, judges, and lawyers, carry guns while they are on, and off the job, for their own protection, but the rest of us, have to walk around defenseless, and at the mercy of thugs, that feel that since we are law abiding people, we are, easy pickings.

Some of you may say, there is nothing wrong with having guns registered, and equipped with safety locks, so that children, can't find them and hurt themselves or someone else. This is true, but that is not what is going on with the push for more gun laws, that is only a smoke screen, set up by the administration, to cover their real agenda.

Look at it like this. In this city, in order to purchase a handgun, you have to have permission from, the police department. In 1967, when I returned here from serving in the military, I had a .32 cal. automatic pistol. I went to the police department to register it, and they took it for 3 days, to do a ballistics test on it, and to do a background check on me, to see if I had any criminal record. After that, I was able to get it back. That was the procedure way back then, and what it is today, I don't know, but it is probably the same, or more in depth. So, what could be added on to it, to make it better?? By the way, the gun I had, got stolen, and I reported it, like I was supposed to. It never was found.

Now, the point is, with this procedure already in place, there must be some other reason for the violence, that is going on around us.

The reason for the violence today, is a lack of respect for the law, and others, by those that essentially, don't respect themselves.

Laws, are designed to protect and benefit, all of us. If a person chooses to break the law, then they are putting themselves at risk, of getting hurt or killed, let alone, the rest of us. Now, people that are intent on breaking the law, aren't going to let the law, keep them from doing what they want to do. They will find a way around it.

A lot of criminal activity, centers around the use of stolen, not legally purchased, weapons. This is what people are not getting through their heads. If every law abiding person, did as the Democrats' anti gun lobby supporters want, then no one would have any guns, except for the criminals. And, suprisinlgly, a lot of us want it. Why??? Because it's for the kids.

If these people really want to do something for the kids, then they need to tell all of these judges, civil rights groups, lawyers and the ACLU, to quit playing politics, and get down to seriously condemning those that use guns in the commission of a crime, instead of letting them plea bargain, to a light sentence or even probation.

The reason I mention civil rights groups, is that in many cases, minorities, especially African-Americans, are the most often involved in these crimes, and they usually have to go before white judges, and juries. When this happens, the NAACP, usually pops up, to observe the trial. If the victim, happens to be white, and the jury white, then the NAACP will most likely put the old racism spin on it, if the person is found guilty.

Because of this, a lot of judges, are starting to lighten up on the perpetrators, and letting them off with just a slap on the wrist. So, then, we have another criminal walking around in the community.

It is not unusual to see a criminal sue, and collect damages from his intended victim, if the victim, uses a gun on them, and disables them. And, the ACLU, or some other liberal minded lawyer, is ready and waiting to take the case. They live to do this.

Lately, these suits have taken on a whole new agenda. Now, police are being sued for shooting suspects, when they, through their actions, appear to be a threat to the officer, and the officer shoots them. We've had several instances of that, right here in the city. So now, the police, are being expected to do a psychological profile on an individual, before they determine if they need to be shot.

No wonder the police take their time when answering a call. If I were them, I probably wouldn't even bother to answer a call. Thus, we are left to try to protect ourselves the best way we can.

As I was writing this article, something happened that brings out my point perfectly.

An off duty police officer, was shot in the chest, when trying to stop a robbery at a local Blockbuster store. Even though he was armed, he didn't try to use his weapon, he said later, 'Because of all the criticism of police using unnecessary force, in shooting people.

It is a good thing, he had on a bullet proof vest, otherwise, he would probably be dead.

Being a former law enforcement officer, I know that in situations like this, and others, you don't have time to research if this person is armed, serious, or bluffing.

The officer's main job, is to protect the public, but their natural instinct is to protect themselves. If someone wants to challenge them, then as far as I am concerned, they, the person doing the offense, needs to be sent out of here.

I know it seems hard and not the way a preacher should be talking, but, if it comes to an officer losing his life, or a suspect, then I'll side with the officer.

What will eventually happen, is that police, all over the country, will start refraining from using deadly force, and simply let suspects, get away. We almost have situations like that now, when it comes to police chases. People want the police to stop chasing criminals, because too many innocent people are getting hurt, and killed. And when that happens, they sue the police and the city, not the criminal. So, once again, the police are the bad guys.

If this keeps up, things will definitely get worse, and that will lead to the citizens, demanding that the government do something. And the government will declare martial law, and confiscate all the guns that people have registered, and voila, you now have a socialist government. Just what the liberal Democrats, like Clinton and Al Gore, want.

Only thing is, the criminals will still have theirs.

So, you see, more laws, are not going to do it, and playing 'patty cake' with criminals isn't going to do it. Only serious, and I mean serious enforcement of existing laws, will turn things around.

Another thing you need to know, and that is, the news media, won't give you the numbers of how many lives were saved because of guns being used for protection, they only want to sensationalize of the few lives that are lost.

If we could count all the times criminals decided not to victimize a person, because they were known to have a gun, then the numbers would be far greater, and we wouldn't even being considering what the Democrats are talking about.

All of this leads back to the march.

Misguided moms, are doing what they believe is right, but, they are playing right in to the hands of the Democrats. To them, standing against more gun laws, labels you as being against the safety of our children.

Where, oh where, will it end???

When will this nation decides to get back to the principles, outlined in the bible. Our society, especially our children, are cursed, because we have left these principles, and gone our own way. And instead of turning back to God, we keep trying to find remedies to correct, only what God can correct. Each remedy, only takes us further from Him, and makes it that much harder, to return to Him.

Some of the remedies that are proposed by this administration, include, mandatory gun locks to be installed on all newly manufactured guns.

You and I know, that even if a lock is on a gun, or provided with it, does not mean that it will be used, or can't be disabled. It might be a deterrent, but a determined person, will be able to remove it.

Also, what happens if someone is breaking in your house, and you get your gun, but can't find the key, or you don't have time to unlock it, to use it??

Enter the latest remedy, the 'smart gun.'

Here is an idea, that comes out of star wars technology. Supposedly, it is specially designed, to only be able to be fired by the owner.

Problem is, what if the owner isn't at home, and the spouse, or other grown person living in the house, is threatened?? Who will be able to use it???


JUNE, 2000