Ronald Reagan's Theory Proves Right!!!!
'Trickle Down' Economics Works
In the past few years, we have been hearing all of the praises of the news media, and Democrats, about how the policies of Bill Clinton, have led us in to this new millennium, with record employment, and people being able to afford to do some things that they wanted to do, but couldn't afford to, like taking vacations, and buying that first house or car.
Everybody seems to be doing a lot better than they were in the 70's, and 80's.
So, Bill Clinton, is making it an issue, and so is Al Gore, that under their leadership, the economy is booming, and we have been having surpluses, for about 4 years in a row.
But, amidst all of this, one thing has been overlooked, and it is something that the Democrats are hoping you don't find out. And that is, all of this, the budget surpluses, the record low unemployment, the prosperity, and everything else, tied to it, would not have been possible, were it not for the administration of Ronald Reagan, and the policies that he instituted, despite a Democratically controlled house, and Senate.
When he first took office, he had this idea, that if the people that, had the money, the rich, could be encouraged to spend it, and not have to worry about being taxed as heavily as they were, that they would do it.
This would increase the demand for products, and they would even invest some of that money in ventures, that would provide an opportunity for new jobs, thus putting people back to work.
Almost immediately, out jumped the nay-sayers, liberal Democrats, talking about it would never happen, or if it did, it would take too long for the money and jobs, to get to the ones that really needed it, the poor.
The Democrats, fought to keep the changes, led by tax cuts, from happening, but yet, they had no plan to help at all.
Reagan, even challenged them to come up with something, and they could not. All they could do, is try to shoot down the tax cuts, as being for one purpose, and that was to make the rich, richer.
But, he, cut taxes anyway, and when George Bush came in to office, he kept the ball rolling, except the Democrats, blind sided him, and got him to raise taxes on everyone. They did it by not letting any of his proposals, or bills that he wanted to get passed, to go any further than in committee meetings, where they were stalled, or killed. In order to get what he wanted, Bush, had to compromise, on his position of 'NO NEW TAXES.'
This is the power that the Democrats had, and want again.
So, he, doing what the Democrats always say they want, and that is to work together with the Republicans, compromised with them, and they jumped all over him, saying that he lied to the American people, and couldn't be trusted.
This helped the Democrats to re-gain the white house, meaning they had full control of all three branches of government again.
And what did they do??? They had a plan to take over 1/7th of the total economy, when they tried unsuccessfully to start up 'national health care.' This would have put them in a position to control the pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors, and any one connected with heath care.
Because of this, they lost control of both houses, congress, and the senate.
Since then, they have been trying everything they can, to get their power back.
Now, they are using the fact that the economy is so good, because of them. Yet, if you look at all the tax cuts that Reagan put in place, and all the wasteful spending that he eliminated, you will see, that the Democrats have not tried to return things back to the way they were, before Reagan. That is because they know what will happen. The economy will go south, and they don't want that. At least not until they can get back in control this November.
If they do that, then we will all will be in trouble.
To a lot of you, what I am saying, is making you feel like a fool for believing the Democrats. But, it is not as bad as them, thinking that you are fools.
You see, they feel that they can pull the wool over your eyes, anytime they want, because you have no where else to go.
When anyone feels that way about anyone else, then it is time for that person tostand up and let them know that they are not about to be made a fool of.
Yet, in all too many instances, everyone falls righ in line and believes the outright blatant, lies and misinformation that they put out.
But, as I say once again, Reagan's trickle down theory, has proved to be absolutely right.
Just look around.