The Tax Cut Con.
Over the years, I have witnessed something, that really shows how stupid, some of our leaders think we are.

We have heard many times, from Republicans, that they want to give us tax cuts. These cuts are designed to put more of our own money, back in to our pockets. After all, we all would like to bring home more money, wouldn't we???

Well, to counter that, Democrats, jump up and say, 'these cuts, the Republicans are proposing, will not do anything for the working poor, but will benefit the rich.'

Excuse me??? Are they telling us, that we should go on suffering, so we can keep the rich from getting a little extra in their pockets??? What kind of lunacy is that??? $500.00 more a year, is better than what I am taking home now. Only a 'looney toon' would not see that.

And that is what the Democrats think we are. Time and again. The issue comes up, and time and again, they use the same excuse.

What do the Democrats say. 'Raise taxes on the rich, and give the rest of the people a break.' Sounds good, but it won't work. Why???

Because the ones that provide goods and services, are usually the rich. And, in figuring the prices for their products, they look at all their overhead among which is (wages, utilities, benefits, rent, and taxes) to name a few. If the cost of either one of these things goes up, the price of the products or services they provide will go up. They do that, so they can recoup the money they lost.

Now, the interesting thing is this. Let's say, in order to recoup the money they will have to pay out on a tax increase, would mean they would have to raise their prices 2.5 cents per item. This would mean that they could still bring home, what they were before the increase. However, do you see a problem?? I do. We don't have half cents in this country. So, the rich would have to either raise prices 2 cents, which means they would be losing money, or raise prices 3 cents, where they would start bringing home more than they would have if prices remained the same.

Which of the two, do you think the rich would do???

By trying to punish the rich, you wind up making them richer, while we will end up with an increase in prices, that will offset any tax cut we may get.

If we choose not to buy the product at the increased price, that will decrease the demand for the product, and layoffs will take place. That means more people out of work. This is all following the Democrats' way out thinking.

Next time a tax cut proposal comes up,

