In a story from the bible, King Solomon, is faced with a problem concerning two women, each claiming that a child, is theirs.

Solomon, after thinking about the situation, came up with a unique solution. He commanded that the child be cut in two pieces, and each woman would get half.

One woman, readily agreed to it, while the other, cried to him to spare the child and give it to the other woman.

When Solomon heard this, he said that this woman, was the true mother of the child.

Solomon's reason for this, was that the true mother would rather give up her child, than see it killed, and split in half.

What gave Solomon this unique solution, was the wisdom that God had given him.

Wisdom, true wisdom, the key to long life, and prosperity, only comes from one source, and that is God.

It's one thing to be educated, with all types of degrees and such, but without wisdom, the most intelligent among us, can prove to be the ultimate buffoon.

It is one thing, to know how to use or do something, and totally another, to know when to use, or do, it.

There are times, when it is better to walk away from trouble, than to stand there and challenge it, knowing that you have the ability to prevail.

There are times when you may find yourself being called on to join in with something that is going to be detrimental to you or a loved one, even though it may be legal.

Some of the most intelligent people I know, including myself, have done some of the dumbest things, not because we are stupid, but because we didn't use wisdom. One time, I nearly sliced the tip of my finger off, because I was using a sharp knife, to cut something, and I was cutting it, toward myself, rather than away from myself, and it slipped.

Accidents usually happen, when people don't use wisdom, in what they are doing. Driving, at home, on the job, out with friends, or whatever, wisdom will always get you through.

The reason why I use the term 'true wisdom', is to sort of differentiate between the wisdom of man, and the wisdom of God.

The wisdom of man, is what can be called, common sense. It is something that all parents try to instill in their children. It is something that, depending on where you live, and the type of culture you are in, will dictate how you act. In some cultures, for instance, they don't wear clothes, and there is no problem. That is the way they are raised, and it is totally natural. To try that here in the US, would cause problems, to say the least. What common sense in one culture permits, may be fine, but in another, it would cause chaos.

The wisdom that God gives us, supersedes common sense, and is applicable, the world over.

The wisest among us, using common sense, is no match for the dumbest among us, trusting in God, and His ways. There is a way that seems right to man (common sense), but the end thereof, is the way of death (destruction and chaos).

Choose God's wisdom, and prosper.
