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SCRIPTURE – Mat. 10:34-36                                                                                                                                     OCTOBER, 2022

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.



Peace on earth!!! Good will toward men!! Love thy neighbor!!!

What do these terms have in common??

They all represent, what many believe was the mission of Jesus Christ, as proclaimed by the Angels that announced His soon coming.[Lk. 2:14].

While this proclamation was true, it was not an announcement as to what Christ's mission was going to be when He got here. All you have to do, is look at the subject verses, and Who is speaking [Jesus Christ], and you will see a completely different picture than the one many people, including most Christians, walk around believing.

If you will look at the subject verses, you will see Jesus started out refuting this notion outright. In fact, He proclaims that He has not come to bring peace, but a sword [war]!!!

So, with that being the case, you can begin to see a BIG PROBLEM, with what most people believe His mission was, and what He says.

If anyone is going to define Christ, and the Work He was sent here to do, then obviously, it would be Him, Right??

But, the question must then be asked, what did the Heavenly Host mean when they made their proclamation???

What they meant was that the end result or finished work of Christ, would result in those things.

However, His Work, consisted of waging war against the Devil, and his followers, defeating them and putting them in a place where they could no longer be able to use their weaponry, to destroy mankind.

When this takes place, then, and only then will there be peace on earth, and goodwill toward men, because the author of all that is wrong in the world, will have been done away with.

However, until that time, it is an all out war between the forces of evil, and the entity that Jesus established here to fight that war, namely the Church. And, judging from what has been going on for hundreds of years, the Church is having trouble upholding its mission because the Devil has infiltrated the ranks of its leadership, and sidetracked them in to believing a lie as to what they are supposed to be doing.

Most Christians believe that their mission is to show love towards your enemy. And, that is true. However, it is not by compromising, on your mission to do this, but, to move forward in that mission, irregardless of what others may say.

If that were not true, then, the rest of the subject scriptures, would be a total lie.

Jesus goes in to detail as to what could be expected in this warfare when He makes it about as personal as you can get. He talks about not your enemies, or your friends, but your immediate family.

He did this to let us know that the most stringent, tiring, painful battle that the Christian is going to face, will not be outside of their house, but rather inside.

The reason being, when you get worn out battling outside your house, you can find comfort behind the four walls of your own home, where you are among family.

Well, Jesus just put that idea on the stove, and set it on fire.

If Jesus is letting us know what to expect, in our own houses, it should let us know that we are not to compromise with family members in order to 'show the Love of Christ!' And with that being the case, then you have to know what to do about those devils outside of your home.

He even mentions how that if you love your parents, or your children, more than Him, you are not worthy of Him. He then takes it a little further when He says, we have to take up a cross or, if we don't, we are not worthy of Him.[Mat. 10:37-38]

What this does, is set stage for what it is we can expect as we go about doing what He says.

But, the message that is coming from too many church leadership in this nation, and around the world, is everything but that!!

The reasons for this vary, but they all have the same goal, and that is to weaken the message of the Church so as to make it easier for the Devil to get control of as many souls as possible.

The Bible tells us that the Devil [a.k.a. the thief] comes to steal, kill, and destroy.....[St. John 10:10]

The whole idea of showing the Love of Christ from the carnal [human] way of thinking, is totally misunderstood. You have undoubtedly heard sayings like, 'Love is never having to say you are sorry' or 'You will never hurt the ones you love.'

The message then is, quite simply put, you will never say or do anything that will cause those that you love, to be hurt, physically, emotionally, or psychologically.

But, it goes further than that.

Since Christ directs us to not only love our friends, but to Love our enemies, then that means we are to never say of do anything that causes them to feel the same way.

This is the shrewd way of thinking that those that are blinded by the Devil adhere to.

But, this is nothing new.

All you have to do, is go back and look at how the Devil twisted God's Words, to get Eve to disobey God, and how he did the same thing to Jesus in the wilderness, and how he failed.

Not only that, but throughout His ministry, Satan used the religious leaders, to try to get Him to deter from what He was supposed to do, to no end. When none of these things worked, they set Him up to be crucified.

That is because they were thinking from the carnal perspective. And that is what is wrong with those in leadership, that I mentioned earlier.

Christ on the other hand, and those that have His mind, realize that what we are required to do, is to see things the way He does, and that is spiritually.

Now the difference between thinking carnally, and spiritually, is best outlined by Christ, 'For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. [Rom. 8:6] One brings death[misery, pain, suffering and the like], while the other brings life [joy, peace, prosperity and such].

And this is where the problem lies.

People are listening to preachers that are carnally minded, whose rationale is along the lines of human emotions. And, to them, it makes perfect sense.

But, let's look at it from Christ's perspective[Spiritually].

Using the same train of thought about Love, and not wanting to hurt anyone that you are called on to Love.

If I am looking at things spiritually, and have put my total trust in the Word of God, then, I know that a lot of what the people are engaging in, is going to end up with them being cast in to hell, for eternity.

My mission then, is to do what I can to exhort them to want to change their lives so that they will not have to end up there.

That means I have to confront them, and let them know the truth about what they are doing.

However, to the carnally minded, that are led by the Devil, [a.k.a. the politically correct crowd], I am not showing the Love of Christ!!

I am supposed to be compassionate, supportive, considerate, understanding and all that.

Cutting to the chase, I am supposed to pat them on the back, and make them feel good, knowing that they are going to end up missing Heaven!!

Friends, from that perspective, according to Christ, that would put me on a path to missing Heaven myself, as well as showing myself to be the worst type of friend that there is.

Would you agree that an eternity in hell fire, where you will be suffering all of the pain of burning, without being able to go unconscious, like you do in this life when your brain says enough and you black out, is totally terrifying??

If you do, then, that is far worse than hurting someone's feelings by telling them the truth about themselves.

The way you should look at it is, you are doing what is necessary to keep them from eternal damnation. That my friends, is true friendship.

But, the problem is, those preachers that are carnally minded, won't sit still for that, because that would mean that you are attacking them, and in many cases, their livelihood. That's because they are being rewarded for what they are saying.

Now, some would argue that what those of us that are spiritually minded have, is our own interpretation of the scriptures. They would say there are thousands of different religious beliefs in the world, and how do we know that our interpretation is right!!

Does anyone remember what all did Jesus do besides preaching???

He healed the sick, raised the dead, opened blind eyes, unstopped deaf ears, cast out devils, and a host of other miracles.

Now, would you believe that that is what the Church is supposed to be doing today??? If not, read this command He gave to His disciples before He ascended back in to Heaven. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. [Mat. 10:8]

Now, think about this.

What do you think the responses of those that hold to being politically correct [carnal mindedness would be, if they had to compete with an individual that demonstrated the Power of God, by doing these things that Christ commanded??

It would be, 'no contest!!'

You wouldn't have to attack anyone's religious beliefs with words, just demonstrate the Power that Christ has given you, and all those people that are sick, blind, poor, deaf, lame, and such would be flocking to you, and leaving those carnal minded preachers behind.

Of course, just like what happened to Jesus, the same thing will happen to you. You will be hounded to no end, and if that doesn't get it, you may get killed.

Jesus knew this, but He continued any way. Why?? Because of His Love for all mankind!!

When any preacher uses the excuse that they want to show love, and not hate, this is code for, 'I don't want to do anything that would cause me to be persecuted, or possibly hurt, by attacking someone else!!'

Yet, Jesus said, Remember the word that I said to you, 'A slave is not greater than his master.'If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you;.....[John 15:20].

What is the difference between the two types of preachers??? One is a con man/woman, with nothing but words to convince people to follow them, while the other has the Power of God backing them up, so that they are able to demonstrate what is True, and what isn't!!

As the Apostle Paul puts it, And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing WORDS of man's wisdom, but in DEMONSTRATION of the Spirit and of power:[1Cor. 2:4].

All of this boils down to one thing. And that is, who are you listening to, and why???

You can tell by simply observing what they say, and do.

The late comedian Bernie Mac, made an observation about Revs. Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson. He said, as long as he has listened to them, he never heard them say anything about the Lord.

These are leaders in the black community, yet everything they say, is from the carnal perspective because that is what pays!!! That is what makes them acceptable to all people.

Every solution they come up with and support, is due to what they think the people want to hear. With people like them, world peace is not part of the future, in this life!!

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