What is your stance on Y2K???

My stance on the issue of Y2K, is one of cautious reaction.

The reason that I use the term cautious, is that there is the very real possibility, and I stress possibility, that all that I have heard might happen, will really happen. So what do I do???

Well, it depends on who you are listening to.

Some sources say that the problem will be so severe, that everyone needs to get all their money out of the bank, because the computers will malfunction, and read the year 2000, as 1900, and since no one had an account in that bank at that time, the computer will show a balance of $00.00.

Some banks are saying that they won't have a problem, because they are Y2K compliant. They have run tests, and have found no problems. Now this could be the truth, and it can be a lie.

For everyone that is saying there won't be that big of a problem, and if there is, it won't be immediate on January 1, 2000, there are those that say it will happen, if not on January 1, 2000, then later in the year. They say we need to stock up on all types of things, to be prepared for at least 2 to 6 months of trouble.

Now, my point is, who do you believe?? Some Christian programs on the radio, are saying that we need to prepare, but not to be in a panic, doing it. Others are saying that their faith in God, supplying their needs, will carry them through.

Well, I look at it like this. We know, that we are living in the last days, according to the bible. We also know that America, is being judged, for all the evil it allows to go on within its realm of power. So, no amount of preparation will thoroughly eliminate the problem. However, just like God told the Hebrew children, to prepare for His judgment on Egypt, and Noah, being warned of the flood, and Joseph revealing the coming 7 years of famine to Pharaoh, God does indeed give us warning, to prepare for things. That is why I would tell my Christian brothers and sisters, to at least, prepare something. It won't hurt to have a month's supply of food and water on hand, just in case something does happen.

Who knows, your being prepared, may be an opportunity to help some people who, for whatever reason weren't, and that would make for a good witness, of how God supplied your needs, and that He told you to share it with them.

Let's face it, I'm not God. Only He knows

what is going to happen, and when it will.

No one needs to be in a panic about it. Some people have already taken their money out of the banks. Others have remortgaged their homes or taken the equity out of them, to buy supplies for the coming disaster. In many instances, that type of rationale, will make a problem a lot worse than it really was going to be. In other words, some thing's will become a self fulfilling prophecy.

A phone company executive said, that if everyone picks up their phone at midnight on January 1, to see if it is working, they will blow the phone line circuits out. That is because they are not designed to handle all of that traffic.

Then, we have the possibility of people, that are not prepared for the problem, seeking to take from those that have prepared for it. Violence could be a real problem, if, as some have predicted, fuel for trucks and cars dries up, because there is no electricity to operate the pumps to fuel their vehicles so they can bring products to market.

The possible problems are endless, and there are a million scenarios that can be played out.

The only thing I can do, is do what I believe God would want me to do, and that is, after having done all that I can, then stand, on His promise.
