ell, well, well, look at what time it is. It is time for a show, to end all shows. It is time for people to endure what can easily be called the greatest show on earth. It is time for the beginning of campaign 2000, as our politicians, vie for office, including the presidency of the United States.
And, as the campaign begins, there is one thing that is like that old broken record, that just keeps on playing the same old thing, over, and over again, and that is the actions of the Democrats.
Every time there is an election, they can be counted on to do the same thing, and that is attack the Republicans whenever, and wherever they can.
It is the only thing they know to do, because that is all they ever have to offer. They have never had any substantive offerings to give the public, only fear, and dirt. And that is what they are starting out with, now.
Listening to some of their commercials on the tube, they are trying to make the point, that George Bush, if elected, will do on a large scale, what he has done in Texas.
Well, just what has he done???
He has only turned it in to a booming economic success, and cut crime rates, as well as improved the over all quality of life for all.
But, you will never hear any of that from the Democrats, or, their allies, the liberal news media.
What you will hear is that a lot of people
in Texas are homeless, and poor. Most of these, are illegal aliens, that can't legally get assistance from the government, or jobs, because of their being here illegally.
Texas, is one of the main avenues that illegal aliens use, to enter this country, and they usually stay there, until they can get enough money to move somewhere else, or get a job, and get legal.
Another thing the Democrats, and the news media will talk about, is all of the people that have been executed in the state. Admittedly, there have been a high number of executions carried out, however, that's what needs to be happening all over the country. If you really want to do something about crime, especially about those that are repeat murderers, and rapists, you will remove them from the living. While this may seem mean-spirited, and taking an eye for an eye, let me remind you of one thing, God, that's right, God instituted the death penalty [scripture], and I think He has a little more knowledge of the human character than, we do, wouldn't you agree?? Especially those of you, that claim to be Christians.
Then, we have the argument about the environment.
Commercials on TV, talk about Houston, Texas, is the 'smog capital' of the US. If this was the case, then, why are we just hearing about it now??? Did it just get that way, after George Bush, started to run for president??? I would dare say, that the Democrats, are throwing out things that they have no numbers to back up, and they know most of the American voting public, aren't going to investigate. It seems awful hard to imagine, that Houston, is worse than Los Angeles, CA.
If you will notice, the Democrats, always seem to have to tear others down, to win. You rarely see Republicans attacking anyone, no matter how messed up they are.
If you think about it, the Republicans surely have enough ammunition, if they want to use it. They don't have to go looking for dirt, 5 or more years ago, like the Democrats do. All they have to do, is point to the present occupant in the white house.
Can you remember when, there has ever been a president, that has been guilty of so much wrong doing, while in office?? I don't think there has ever been one, that came close to it.
JFK, was known as a 'lady's man', and if he was, it wasn't obvious. With president Clinton, it wasn't that obvious, even though he came in to the office with a lot of baggage, that should have let a lot of Democrats, and the public, that he was 'trouble.'
People began to call any one that accused Clinton of doing wrong, 'mean spirited.' They stood behind their man, through thick and thin.
Then, when the truth came out, and they had egg on their faces, they scolded him, somewhat, then acted as if nothing happened.
And now, the 'mean spirited' Republicans, who choose to talk about the issues, of the state of this nation, and bringing dignity back to the office of president, are being attacked, once again, by these same people, and the president, who, if I were him, I would keep my mouth shut, before he gets them angry enough to start digging in to all that past histories of the Democrats, and their actions, like Reagan did in 1979. Talk about the pot, calling the kettle, black.
Time and again, I hear the theme, that Republicans are being supported by 'big corporations, insurance companies, and the rich.' This is nothing more than the Democrats trying to keep, what is known as 'class warfare', going on. They want to pit the poor and middle class, against the rich, thus dividing the country, and keeping us at each others throats, so we won't see what they are really doing.
As an example, if one would really sit down with pencil and paper, and add up all of the things that the Democrats have done, to improve living conditions for all, they would see, that the Democrats, are the ones, whose policies, have led to the conditions we see in our urban areas, especially in our minority communities.
This, in spite of all that they claim to have done for African-Americans and Hispanics.
The 'civil rights' laws that they tout as being the best thing that has happened to the African-American community, as well as other minorities, and women, has not really, done anything to improve our living conditions as a whole. In fact, as I think about it, it has contributed to the decay, of these communities, and society, in general.
The 'civil rights' laws, were instituted to eliminate, the road blocks, that kept blacks from being able to get decent housing, jobs, medical care, and most importantly, the having the right to vote.
Well, after these things became law, the Democrats, began to capitalize on the fact, that they were the 'real friends of the black community, and many blacks, began to vote for them, where they had at one time been voting for Republicans.
What a lot of people don't know, is that, it was the Republicans, who were the supporters of the black community, while the Democratic party, was the one, that had the label of being the party of the likes of Gov. George Wallace, 'Bull' Turner, and other notables who were 'racists.'
If you go back in history, and find out what political party the former slave owners joined, or supported, when Lincoln, who was a Republican, set the slaves free, you will see nearly all of them went to, what is today called, the Democratic party.
Now, while all Democrats, are not racist, the leaders of the party, known as 'liberals' may very well be. Even though they don't openly show it, the legislation that they pass, is designed to do one thing, and that is to keep blacks, and other minorities, 'in their place.'
Think about this. The Democrats, had control of the legislative branch of Government (the congress), 1954 -1994, that's forty years, and yet they did very little for us.
In '67, after the riots, which were in large part, fueled by the despair of the black community, feeling no hope of being able to get out of the 'ghettos', and in to 'mainstream' America, rebelled. The Democrats' response, was to appease us with things, that, looked good on the
surface, but underneath, set us up for our own self destruction.
The more we gained through the new openings made available to us, in the areas of jobs, housing, political power, and even judicial positions, the more we looked to these same liberal Democrats for our protection.
Yet, here it is, 2001, and we are still not where we should be, economically, and the violent crime rates in our communities, is higher than it ever was, in the days of slavery, when we were lynched, shot and bombed. And the perpetrators of these acts of violence, are not some racist whites, but other blacks.
To the liberal Democrats, who have of the mindset of the slave owners of old, they can best keep us under control, if they make us believe that 'they', are our only hope for the future. As long as we need them, they will always have power over us. This is why they consistently portray the Republicans as being for the rich, and big business. They want us to vote against a perceived 'evil', by voting for them, the real evil.
Their policies, have proved a disaster, not only for us, but for all of us.
The morality of this nation, is at an all time low. Anything goes. We slap God in the face, over 1.5 million times a year, with abortions. We are taxed to the hilt. Business, have had to close down, putting millions of people out of work because of environmentalism, and animal rights amendments. The top money making enterprises in our community, are alcohol, drugs, gambling and lawsuits. We will sue each other, at the drop of a hat. No one trusts another. We used to be able to leave our doors open when we left the house, and could come back and find everything in tact. We used to watch each others kids, and punish them if they did something wrong. Now, it's every one for themselves, every one else be damned. We have become selfish, and self-centered, two key ingredients, to self destruction, thanks to the Democrats, and their 'civil rights' legislation.
So, when you see and hear all of these ads about the mean-spirited Republicans, think about, what the Democrats are trying to hide.
Remember what the bible says, 'the people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge' [scripture].