One of the most important issues to face our society today, is the education of our children. For, these are the future leaders of our nation.

It makes no difference how many people live in a nation, or how powerful it may be, or how many riches it has, if, you have leaders, that are not educated, in the practical everyday experiences of life, that nation, will not, long endure.

Over the past few decades, I have heard of the increasing number of students, graduating from high schools, in this nation, that can't read, write, or let alone, do math.

It seems unbelievable that, in this nation, with all of its resources, and availability of information, that such a thing is possible.

Without these basic skills, a person, is at the mercy of everyone, that would desire to take advantage of them. Without these skills, finding a job, is next to impossible, at least, any meaningful job. About the only type of jobs for those individuals, are below minimum wage, and ones that are beneath a lot of people, to do.

The success of this nation, has come from those that, utilized their full potential, in experiments, business, sports, and all facets of life. And all of these were made possible, in large part, by the education that they had.

The bible says, 'the people are destroyed, for a lack of knowledge' [Hos. 4:6]. Knowledge, is key, to survival. This is why, when the slaves were brought to this country, they were kept from learning how to read or write. The slave owners, knew, that if they ever got educated, then they would rise up, and be trouble.

Well, looking at this problem today, both candidates have different proposals to solve the problem.

Al Gore, and the Democrats, believe that the problem in the education of our children, is, a lack of good teachers, because of, what they call, being overworked, and underpaid. They say, the class sizes are too large, and, because of the low pay, good teachers, are going elsewhere.

Now, my problem with this type of thinking is, they are saying that the present teachers that we have, are, below par, substandard, no good. The teachers unions, should be outraged by this type of thinking. That is, if that is what they are truly saying. But, I think, what they are trying to say, reading between the lines, is that the present teachers we have, are not being paid enough money, which translates in to them, not being able to teach our kids. In other words, if we give them, the present teachers, more money, then, magically, they will be able to do their jobs better.

My perspective on this is, more money doesn't make better teachers, working at being a better teacher, does. Many teachers, in our public schools, really, are not qualified to be in the positions they are in. They may have an expertise in home economics, but yet, be put in to teach math, which may not be their best subject. If someone is not good in math, then why put them in the position to teach it??

Usually, it is the school administrators, that set the standards, and the unions, simply protect the teacher's job. If a good math teacher, has low seniority, when a layoff comes, they are laid off, and a teacher with higher seniority, may be moved in, to fill that void, irrespective of whether they are qualified to teach that subject or not.

Then we have, the cost. The average cost per student, is around $7000. So, there is, to me, plenty of money to take care of student's needs. Yet, we are told, that supplies, are scarce, and without supplies, student's can't achieve, as they should.

If we look at public education, and where the money is actually going, you will be, or should be shocked.

Out of every dollar, allotted to education, in our public schools, over 80 cents, goes, not to the classrooms, for supplies, but, to administrative costs. The salaries of the school board members, and teacher's salaries, eat up all but about 15 - 20 cents, which finds its way to the class rooms.

The Republicans, feel that what is needed, is competition, if you will, between school systems, as a means of forcing those that want to stay in business, to either shape up, or ship out. But, the unions, will have no such thing. There are many studies that have shown, that students, that have the ability to go to private, or parochial schools, on average, are 2 years ahead of their public school counterparts. They excel in every area of education, and business.

The cost per student, in these systems, is about 2/3 of what it costs in the public schools. Out of every dollar that goes in to these schools, about 80 cents, goes to the class rooms for supplies, and other things that the students may need. The teachers earn about, 1/2 - 2/3 of what the public school teachers make, yet they turn out vastly superior students.

The teachers unions, don't want to have their teachers tested, to see if they are competent enough to teach the subjects they are teaching, which is ludicrous. Incompetent teachers, should be removed from their jobs, or at least, put in positions where they are competent, and paid the salary that goes along with that position. In these tough, economic times, rewarding inferior work, with more money, like Al Gore wants to do, will simply continue the cycle of illiteracy for our future students

If private and parochial schools can turn out superior students, for less money, then why do you want to vote for someone, that wants to put more money in to the teachers pockets???

The Republicans propose a voucher system, whereby, parents, can put their children, in the schools, that they feel are best, to give them a decent chance of making something of themselves.

The Democrats, and the teachers unions, don't want you to have that choice. They want to force you, to have to settle for what they think your child needs to have, and in many instances, that is, no chance at all, for the future.

They realize, that if you have that choice, you will take your children out of the public schools, and cause many of them, to lose their jobs.

Don't think the Democrats, and the teachers unions, are thinking of you and your child(ren), they are thinking about one thing, and that is their pocketbooks.

I believe there is a conspiracy going on, and I will share that with you later, in this issue.

But, suffice it to say, the Republicans, have the best plan.
