When terrorists attacked this nation on Sept. 11, 2001, it shocked all of us, and we thought we were going to see more of the same thing that we saw with the previous administration.
With them, it was a lot of threats, with very little action, against those that had attacked us and our interests on several occasions. In my opinion, I believe if we had done something rather than talk, back when they first tried something against us, by bombing the trade tower back in, I believe '92, this situation, may not have happened.
Leadership, carries with it, the responsibility to protect, and if necessary, deal quickly, and decisively with those that try to attack us. If they think they can get away with it, they will continue to bolder and bolder.
Last November, we voted for a new president, and we looked at two men. One represented that administration, while the other, was described as an incompetent 'buffoon', so to speak. A lot of people were making fun of him, and saying he didn't have the qualities to be president.
The one thing that any one that means to do us harm looks for, is weakness in leadership, and George Bush, had all the appearances of being someone that they could run over. So, when he took office, they thought they had a green light to really do their thing. The type of political battles that politicians involve themselves in, i.e. character assassination, along with a news media, that has no problem in airing dirty laundry and such, which is all our enemies need to hear.
Anyway, all that aside, Bush got in to office, and right away, people were finding everything wrong with him. By all accounts, he was a disaster waiting to happen, he was a 'wimp.'
When 9/11 occurred, people were thinking we should have elected the other candidate. One reason being, is that for a few hours, he had not made any appearance or comment about what had happened. However, that was because of security reasons.
But, it didn't take long to see the true George Bush.
When he finally did appear, he let us, and the world know, that underestimating him, and us, was a big mistake, and that mistake, was going to cost those that took advantage of our kindness, were going to regret it.
Within days of the attack, he implemented a plan, that to date, has unified this entire nation behind him, Even those that had nothing good to say about him, have commented about how brilliant he is executing our response against the terrorists. His approval ratings are nearly 95 percent.
He has warned us against being complacent in thinking that we didn't have to worry about another attack. He told us to be prepared for a long battle, not only of foreign soil, but right here at home.
All of this, has caused us some inconvenience, but hardly anyone seems to mind, seeing that things could have been, or could get, a lot worse.
Throughout the period after the attacks, things have been going along pretty good, despite the few cases of anthrax that have, sadly, taken a few lives. But our resolve is still strong.
George Bush, has shown himself to be a man, that like some people used to say about some western heroes, 'walks softly, but carries a big stick.'
His faith in God, and his public profession of that faith, is really the force that is allowing him to be as wise as he is, in planning this whole thing.
Truly, God has a purpose for him, and this may be it.
I mentioned, some time back, that while a lot of my fellow preachers, were talking about how, Bush stole the election, with the help of the Supreme Court, I was saying that it was God, who allowed him to win, and that these preachers should realize that. Now, many of them, even though they may not admit it, do realize it.
All that we have, and all that we are, is because of God's grace and mercy, and it is about time that we all realize that, and get back to God, before it is too late.