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APRIL, 2019
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, IT WAS VERY GOOD. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
When I closed
last month, I was debunking a common way of thinking among most Christians, and that is, a lot of the things that Jesus did when He walked the earth a little over 2000 years ago, are not for this dispensation/era/time.
The reason for this way of thinking, as I have mentioned hundreds of times in the past, has to do with the person in the pulpit of the local church.
God/Christ has not changed the way He did things when Christ walked the earth. In fact, if you look at some of the commands He gave His disciples during His time here, was not for them only, but were for the Church as a whole throughout the future, as long as it remained on the earth.
When Jesus told them to remain in Jerusalem until they received Power, that meant they would receive the ability t
o do the very same things He did, bar-none. He even told them
, John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, THE WORKS THAT I DO SHALL HE DO ALSO; AND GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL HE DO; because I go unto my Father.
Notice, He didn't say 'those of you that are here with me!!'
As long as the Church Age is present, these things are still in effect!!
Whomever it is that is telling you otherwise, is not an anointed man of God. They may be saved, but, they are ignorant in this area.
Look at it like this. As Nicodemus said of Christ, God had to be with Him, because no man could do the things He was doing, otherwise.
[St. John 3]. That meant Jesus was demonstrating God's Power, for all to see.
Later on, after Christ ascended, the disciples carried on, doing the exact same things.
Mark 16:19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
Mark 16:20 And they went forth, and preached every where, THE LORD WORKING WITH THEM, AND CONFIRMING THE WORD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING. Amen.
Without the Power of God backing up this gospel, it is nothing but talk with no substance. A fairy tale!!
That is the reason why other religions fall below Christianity, because in the end, that is all they are, talk!!!
The world is looking for something to believe in, that is more than pie-in-the-sky promises for what will happen for those that will only believe, after they leave this life.
God is no fool. He knows our weaknesses, and one of those is,
'show me and I will believe it!! Remember what Thomas said to those that had told him Jesus had risen?? He had to see Him first!!
[St. John 20:24-29].
Even the apostle Paul, as I mentioned earlier said that preaching alone, is not enough. The real key is in the demonstration of God's Power!!
[1Cor 2:4].
This is what separates the REAL from the COUNTERFEIT!!! Not only does He say it, He backs it up!!
[Jer. 1:12]
Now, the thing is, this is not something that just anybody can take advantage of.
It takes dogged obedience to the rules that Christ set forth as part of the mission of the Church. And, by the way, that also includes the commandments and statutes put forth in the old testament!!
When you hear preachers saying that we no longer live under the law, but Grace, they lead people to wrongly assume that means we don't have to follow the old testament guides of right and wrong.
The only thing the Church doesn't have to do that was the foundation of the law, is the animal sacrifices that all those that wanted to get back in good standing with God were required to do. That's it!!
Jesus even said,
Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. This means He didn't do away with the commandments and statutes but, He fulfilled that part of the law that only He could, and that was to bring man back in to a position where God, by way of His shed Blood, would be able to take up residence within him, to personally guide him through this life.
You see, the law, under the old testament could not accomplish what needed to be done to fully restore the relationship man had with God before he sinned in the Garden.
Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
Rom 8:3 FOR WHAT THE LAW COULD NOT DO, IN THAT IT WAS WEAK THROUGH THE FLESH[SACRIFICING OF ANIMALS AND THE LIKE], God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
Rom 8:4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
This is the only thing that changed from the old testament, to the new.
Paul even remarked,
Rom 6:1 What shall we say then? SHALL WE CONTINUE IN SIN, that grace may abound?
Rom 6:2 God forbid. HOW SHALL WE, THAT ARE DEAD TO SIN, live any longer therein?
If you will notice, he is referring to SIN, in the present tense. And, what is SIN?? It is a transgression of the LAW.
[1John 3:4]
If the LAW had been done away with the way most of us think, then SIN would be no more, because there would be no guidelines.
We could get saved, and continue to engage in what was sinful behavior, like many of you are doing right now, and not even think about repenting because we have accepted Christ, and that is all we need.
This is like having your cake, and eating it too. You want all the blessings God has for you, while at the same time, thumbing your nose at Him!!
This is nonsense.
This is the main reason why preachers take the position that God does not do the types of things He did in the past, as far as miracles go.
No!! He doesn't do those types of things for those that are not following His directions!!
As I explained last month, He has done them for me, as far as raising my son from the dead, and controlling the weather when I needed no rain, while others needed rain.
Ever hear people say, they have a personal relationship with Christ??
What this means is Christ is your personal Savior. You know Him personally/intimately. He is not your savior based on what your church says, your parents say, your friends say, or anyone else.
You have to get to know Him, for yourself.
Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Your church, family, friends and others like myself can get you acquainted with Christ but, after that, it is up to you to make the effort to get to know Him for yourself.
If you are, or have ever been married, you got acquainted to your spouse, through some acquaintance, family member, or maybe by chance. But, before you tied the knot, hopefully, you got to know each other on a much more personal level, to see whether or not you were compatible with each other.
Most of the problems we have in society today concerning domestic abuse, can be traced back to the fact that the two should not have been married in the first place because they entered in to something, not knowing how the other person felt about some of the things that they liked to do.
This is why most preachers that are anointed, will not perform a marriage until they have counseled the couple first before they bestow God's blessing on their union.
This is why, among other things, 'gay marriage' is not a marriage in the eyes of God because He will not bless disobedience.
The same thing holds true with traditional marriage.
God, created the marital relationship to be
'very good', and it was, as long as the couple abides by His principles with the husband as the head, and the wife as the helper. He even blesses the ungodly in this area.
Problems develop when they choose not to seek God's direction before, or after they get married.
Well just like marriage, when you accept Christ, you are supposed to be committing yourself to Him, and His ways. This is where that personal relationship begins.
You must remember this. Jesus knows everything there is to know about you. Therefore He wants you to know everything there is to know about Him! It's all out there in the open, all you have to do, is find it!!
But, most of you are too lazy to do that. You want the man of God to do it for you, and as a result, your relationship with Him, is guided by what this person tells you, even though this person may not know Him as well as he lets on, if, at all.
And the result?? You end up missing out on His multitudes of blessings because you are showing Him you don't really care about what He has to say.
Try that in a marriage, and see how far it gets you!!
Only when you show Christ you determination to get to know Him better, will you begin to see all of what He promised, in your life, talking about the blessings, and miracles.
These miracles, are not necessarily for public show. If you will remember, Jesus didn't go around raising every dead person, or healing everyone that was sick and afflicted.
He only did it for those that sought Him out, and put their faith in Him.
You have to believe in Him totally, or at the very least, be seeking to know Him, in order to reap the benefits.
People that tell you different, are only saying that because they don't know Him, and don't want to, especially if it means abiding by some commandments, that call what they like to do, sin and an abomination.
And this goes for a lot of preachers, especially in the black community.
They have been bought and paid for, not by the blood of Jesus Christ, but by those that see them as tools to be used to further their own evil agenda.
How else do you explain preachers urging their followers to support people and a political party that is the Antichrist[antithesis of all that Christ stands for]??
And, as a result, people are suffering and dying. And to cover their behinds, they talk about it's God's will.
Well, it is.
It is His will that those that are disobedient, suffer the consequences, which, by the way are part of the LAW!!
[Deut. 28:15-end]!!
But if you read the first 14 verses of that passage of scripture, you will see that obedience will bring about a life that will be 'very good!'
What happens in your life, is totally dependent on what you labor to do. Just like the amount of money you get in your paycheck is based on how much work you have done.
How serious are you about getting close to Christ??
You don't have too much time left to be fooling around. It is time to get serious, so that you can have a very good life, here and in eternity.