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(For the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Last month, I closed with a DIRE WARNING FROM GOD, using 2 of many passages of scripture. Those scriptures were,
'There is a way that seems right to men, but THE END THEREOF IS THE WAY OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.' [Prov. 14:12, 16:25] And,
Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
And while I'm at it, let me toss this one in,
Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: SEEING THOU HAST FORGOTTEN THE LAW OF THY GOD, I WILL ALSO FORGET THY CHILDREN.
If you will notice to capitalized portions of the scriptures above, you will notice that each of them relays a message of death and destruction not only to the people directly that are involved in sin/ disobedience, but to their children as well.
These are things that those that name the name of Christ should be acutely aware of. What they represent are consequences for engaging in sinful behavior.
Today, in the majority of churches in this nation, and especially the black community, these types of scriptures are rarely mentioned, or if they are, they are mentioned in a way, that leads a person to believe that they refer to others and not them.
The whole idea is to get people to believe that their sinful behavior is not a problem with God, but rather the problem is with those that point out that behavior as being sin.
And as a result, we end up embracing sin, and opposing correction.
Prv 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge:but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
And as I mentioned earlier, the preachers that I named last month and others that support a political party that is engaged in an open warfare against Christ, are showing their true colors. And those colors are the colors of the Antichrist.
The reason they are in this condition, is because with all of the education that they may have, they are spiritually blind and they can't see the danger that they are putting others as well as themselves in.
This then means, any one including our politicians that sit and listen to these individuals, will walk away believing that the policies that they are pursuing are just.
And as a result, they will fight against any one that opposes them, thinking that they are the evil ones.
I have said it once and I will say it again, when it comes to God and whom He chooses to speak for Him, He will choose those that He prepares, over those that are prepared. That means just because you want to be a preacher, and you go to school to learn how to become one, does not mean that God will use you.
God does not look at your education, who you are related to, how much money you have, or how popular you are, He looks at what is in your heart.
So many of our preachers today, like the Rev. Al Sharpton, are in that position because that is what they wanted to be even as a child. They saw a man that they admired, usually because of their popularity, the way they dressed, or the way they preached. They decided that they wanted to be just like him. Some preachers, are only preachers because they needed a source of income, so preaching is just a job to them.
Rev. Sharpton said he wanted to be just like the Rev. Jesse Jackson. The Rev. Jesse Jackson, wanted to be like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Now, while I believe that Dr. King was called by God to do what he was doing, Rev. Jackson, was not. And consequently, Rev. Sharpton ended up following a man that was just as blind as he was.
This was the beginning of the downfall if you will, of the black community.
Because as I mentioned earlier, after Dr. King was assassinated, the preachers that were with him began to scatter just like the disciples of Jesus Christ scattered after He was crucified.
However, the scattering that they did was not so much a physical scattering, as it was an emotional, and spiritual scattering.
By this I mean, rather than putting their lives on the line, they pursued a safer path that would not cause them to face the same fate as Dr. King.
Just as a soldier in an army must be prepared to sacrifice his life for the cause he is fighting for, Dr. King paid the ultimate price.
But, those that came after him, want to play it safe, and try to get along with an enemy that is only interested in one thing, and that is the total elimination of all opposition!!
And, seeing that that primarily includes the Church/Christ, that means that you my friends have a choice to make. You will either have to be on the side of God/Christ, OR, on the side of the opposition!! THERE IS NO MIDDLE/COMMON GROUND!!!
I get so tired of listening to preachers talking about finding common ground to work with those that are aligned with the Antichrist!!!
Figuratively speaking, and I do mean figuratively, it is a case of 'kill, or be killed!!'
The reason why I use the term figuratively, is because I am not advocating physical violence against any one.
I don't care how evil or wicked a person or their actions may be, they are not the problem. They are being held in bondage by a spiritual entity known as the Antichrist. You could say, that they are being used as his puppets, to help him accomplish what he wants to do.
We have to remember that these individuals are God's creation, made in His Image, that are being misled by the Antichrist, just like most of us were. They need to be set free, just like we were.
How do you do that???
You can't get rid of this individual by destroying his puppets, because he will only get more. Not only that, but since he is a spirit, you have to use spiritual weapons in order to defeat him. You need the Word of God.
As our subject scripture states, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal/physical, but mighty through God/Spiritual to the pulling down of strongholds.
The bible tells us, with Jesus speaking, " How can a person spoil a strong man's house, unless he first binds the strong man, then he can spoil his house.[Mark 3:27, Lk 11:21-22]. These people are pawns under the strong man's control, and they need to be set free.
This is where preachers come in. They are the ones that are supposed to be able to come in, armed with the Word of God, to bind the strong man Antichrist, and set his captives free.
That is what is supposed to happen, but in many cases, we have preachers that are aligning themselves with the strong man against those preachers that would bind him.
These preachers, whether they realize it or not have become willing conspirators in the Antichrist's war against Jesus Christ and His Church.
As you can see this presents a real problem. On the one hand, you have people faithfully serving Jesus Christ, and setting about to do all that He says. And on the other side, you have people who believe they are serving Jesus Christ as well, but are really being deceived by these preachers and the Antichrist.
Thus you see the dilema.
You have both sides believing they are doing the right thing, and as a result they view the other side as being the ones that are opposing what Jesus Christ wants them to do. And as such, they dig in their heels and prepare for battle. All of this, while their real enemy sits back and watches them battle each other.
They are so focused on each other, that they don't realize there is a third party that is manipulating them.
This reminds me of the cartoon of two guards, marching in opposite directions, guarding the entrance to a weapons storage area.
As they are marching back and forth, at some point in time they are facing each other, while at other times, their backs are to each other. It is at this point, that an enemy that is hidden from view, throws a rock and hits one of them in the back of the head.
Not seeing anyone else, the one that was hit thinks his fellow hit him. So he attacks him.
Meanwhile, while the two are fighting, the instigator waits until both have knocked each other out, and then he is able to just walk right on in and take whatever weapons he wants.
Thus, you can see the problem. We are fighting each other, our brothers and sisters, while the Antichrist is making fools out of us. Or at least those of us that don't have our Spiritual eyes open.
As the bible tells us in
Ephesians 6:10 - 18, we are in a war, and we need to be prepared in order to be victorious. That means, we need everything that is listed in this passage of scripture, both in the defensive and offensive areas.
You can't have some, you have to have them all.
If you aren't prepared, get prepared!! If you are prepared, then get off the sideline, and get on the battlefield!
Your future, your family's future, and the future of this nation is at stake!!! God has given us everything we need to set the course of this nation on a firm foundation. All we have to do, is stand on it.
Merry CHRISTmas, and Happy New Year, to you and yours!!!