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AND THIS IS THE CONDEMNATION, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
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The message for this month, takes a look at a particular mindset that, as little children, many of us seemed to embrace, and that is, while we liked playing around during the hours of daylight, or even out in the open, there was always that desire to get involved in things where no one, other than those that were participating in them with us, could see us.
Usually the reason for this was, we were doing things that our parents, forbade us, or frowned on us doing.
There was always that hidden thrill of defying the rules for no other reason than it felt good to, in our minds, defy what was the standard for what being a 'good' child was.
Most of what we did back then, was really inconsequential, with no long term negative effects.
Smoking cigarettes, reading comic books in bed, after bed time under the covers with a flashlight, looking at adult magazines, eating candy and other sweets, while on punishment, and more.
These were the inconsequential activities that I was involved in.
However, there were those that went even further than that.
Some of my other friends, or should I say associates, would get involved in activities that were serious enough for them to end up injured, hospitalized, or even dead.
They did drugs, they stole things, they got involved with the opposite sex and the girl got pregnant, they even robbed people, and worse.
In some of those instances, they found themselves in positions where their very lives were at risk. Several of them, sadly, lost their lives in the process.
Now, the question must be asked, what is my point, here??
It is this. As human beings, we all have what can best be described as, a desire to do what we feel like doing. And as such, our first desire is to do what we feel will satisfy that desire, no matter what!!!
Now usually, there are boundaries which are in place to get us to live within those restraints/laws. These are usually for the good of everyone in our community.
You can't have people putting the general public at risk because they feel like driving at high speed through a school zone, or neighborhood, while kids are playing outside.
Therefore, the restraint/laws, indicate that a person, in violation of these laws, will face serious consequences.
Most individuals, with any sense of decency about themselves, would respect those laws and place their desire to drive recklessly, out of their minds, in those areas.
They essentially place the welfare of the community, and its inhabitants, above their own selfish desires.
This is what makes for a mature man or woman. The ability to put the needs of others, ahead of yours, when safety, and lives are in the balance.
Now, in the course of normal human interactions, there are things that do not pose that big a threat to the lives, health and safety of others. Those things present very little if any cause for concern,
In fact, I would say that some of them are more of a nuisance than a building block to better community relations.
Sometimes, it makes me wonder, who came up with such an idiotic idea for laws like these in the first place.
As I mentioned earlier, laws are put in place, not to stop people from enjoying their freedoms, as much as they are, for the protection of everyone.
If a person chooses to ignore them [the laws], then that is a clear indication that they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.
People like this, are the ones to steer clear of, or, to be locked up before they can do any damage to others.
The problem is, you can't lock them up until they have actually done something that warrants them being locked up.
And here is where one of those stupid laws comes in to play.
Despite what the person may have done, or is doing, there are laws that allow for them to have someone testify in a court hearing, that the person, was somehow pre-disposed to their behavior because of how they were raised, a traumatic event in their lives, temporary insanity, or a host of other things that are designed to set the person free, without any meaningful punishment.
The result usually is, they will eventually do it again. Whereas, if they had been dealt with properly the first time, other victims would have been spared.
Our problem is, in this society, people will lie, scheme, connive and threaten others, to keep them from doing what is necessary to rid the community of those that are not suited to be among us.
Lawyers are good at making arguments that will sway juries, and even judges to find the accused, 'not guilty', or throw the case out.
However, there is One Judge, and One Jury, that is not going to be swayed by the myriad of excuses, that men can come up with, to evade the Justice that is demanded on them because of their evil [and that is what they are] deeds!
If you will notice the subject scripture, I told you to take special attention to the first 5 words of
verse 19 which states, '
And this is the condemnation!!'
In other words, when it comes to what man will be justified, or condemned by, will not be for any other reason than how they reacted to the Light, that God sent in to the world!!!
The scripture then goes on to say that those that are condemned, loved darkness, rather than Light, because their deeds were evil.
The next verse says that they hated the Light, and refuse to come to it because they don't want to see themselves, in the Light of God's Word.
We just had an election last month, that if any one considered what the stakes were, from the worldly, and spiritual side of things, you would have a clear example of what I was talking about in the first part of this message.
You had a man, Donald Trump, that was being used by God, to shed some light on what was happening in this nation, thanks to individuals from all walks of life, supporting things that they liked doing, regardless of the harm it was causing everyone, including them.
Abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, Separation of Church/God and state, affirmative action, environmentalism, idolatry and you name it.
In the case of all these things, men have passed laws that protected these so-called rights.
But, in the eyes of God, they are totally evil.
The minute he announced he was running for president in 2015, and what he planned on doing, the other side, which supported these evils, started what turned out to be a 9+ year campaign to keep him from being elected the first time. And when that failed, they tried to impeach him and get him out of office, and that failed.
Mind you now, this man was/is being used by God, and the opposition is doing everything it can to destroy him.
Meanwhile, he started to 'clean things up' in Washington, and the Democrats fought him every step of the way.
A lot of people didn't like what he was doing but, things started looking up for the entire country.
The unemployment rates dropped to the lowest in history, especially in the black community. Thousands of families were able to get off of the government welfare rolls, and became self sufficient.
Still, the Democrats kept up the fight to keep him from completing his term. But, failed.
So, the next thing they could do was to try to keep him from winning a second term in office.
Once again let me remind you, their goals were to protect the rights of those individuals whose activities were putting all of us in danger, not necessarily from man, but most certainly from God.
You see, when God judges a nation, He takes several factors in to consideration. Among those things are, have they been told/warned about their evil ways, and how did they respond.
Then He looks at, are they completely rejecting what He says, or, are they questioning it. There is a difference between outright rejection, and, not being quite sure about it.
Being inquisitive, or not sure, is a sign that a person needs a little more information, first. Complete rejection means that a person doesn't want to hear it, no matter what the information is.
This is why it is important that people have leaders that, are anointed by God, that they trust, to tell them the Truth of God's Word.
Most of those that are in outright rebellion against God, and make no mistake, that is just what it is, are in that position because they are listening to some minister of the Devil, that is getting them to believe that they aren't doing anything wrong. It is those that are trying to get them to stop, that are the problem.
Anyway, the more people that fall for this trick of the Devil, the greater the danger to this nation.
And, if we put people that make and enforce laws in power, that support this 'war on God', then, God will respond with much the same things that He did in the old testament cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Egypt.
Now, as I said, these people like doing these things because of the pleasure they get out of them. Just like we as little kids, liked doing things that we didn't want anyone knowing what we were up to.
It was hidden from view [in the dark, so to speak].
In a way, Donald Trump, was exposing all the wickedness that was going on in Washington, which was one of the main reasons this nation is in the mess it is in today.
People might say that Donald Trump himself has skeletons in his past. Why am I saying that God was using him???
Well, first of all, no one walking the face of this earth, past, present or future is perfect!! So that means that if God is going to use anyone, it will be someone who isn't perfect.
Next, despite what many may think, God looks at what is in a person's heart, and not what is in their past. If that was not the case, then there would be no Church, because all of us are guilty as hell, and deserve to go there.
If you consider some of the main characters in the Bible, Moses, Joseph, David, Daniel, and the three Hebrew boys, Jesus, Stephen, the apostles, and Paul, just to name a few, they all, if they were alive today, would have been felons in the eyes of Democrats. Yet, they have no problem with them. But they do with Trump, got far less than what these men did.
If God saw fit to use him, then the best thing for any wise person to do is to keep their mouths shut.
Some of you may be wondering why I put Jesus' name in the mix. That is because He is the One that destroyed the rule of the Devil, on this earth. The Devil these Democrats so wholeheartedly support, and who is their sworn enemy, just like Trump is.
Jesus says,
Mark 9:40 For he that is not against us is on our part.
The wicked, evil people among us, are working behind the scenes, in the dark, so to speak, trying to figure out how they can stop the light from being turned on, exposing them for what they are. Especially those that are masquerading as ministers of Christ!!!
If God were not using Trump, then how is it, that despite all their tricks, he is headed back to the White House again?? They even tried to assassinate him, and the bullet just nicked his ear. Two other times, assassins were caught before they could get a crack at him.
That has to be Godly intervention. And yet, some Christians want to still fight against him, which means they are fighting against Christ!!!
How idiotic is that???
But, I guess they just don't care, they are busy having their fun in the dark. But soon, the lights are going to be turned on! Then watch them, like roaches, scatter for cover!!