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SCRIPTURE 2Chron 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways, then will I hear them[from Heaven], and forgive their sins, and heal their land!!
You know, I have been preaching the Gospel for nearly 44 years now, and, I am still amazed at how many brothers/sisters [in Christ], who have been in my position for just as many years, if not longer, that seem to get all caught up in this idea that God, has Blessings all lined up for us, and all we have to do to receive them is, have Faith in Him!!
Over, and over again, I listen to preachers encouraging their followers/listeners/flock, to '
Get ready to receive your Blessings, because this is your time!!! The Devil has been on your case for years, and now the Lord is telling him to BACK OFF, AND GET OUT OF THE WAY!!' All to the cheers, clapping and screaming of those who have gladly received the Good News!!!
They are told that
'the Devil still has his people out there to discourage you!!! He doesn't want you to be happy and successful!!! But, the Devil is a Liar!!!'
Now, just listening to the first part of what I just said, most of you would give a hearty 'Amen' to that.
But, there is a problem!!!
And, that is what I want to address in this message.
The problem is, all of those pronouncements about coming Blessings, make it appear that the individual is going to receive them, irregardless of one key factor, and that being, their spiritual condition!!
You see, I don't care who it is that is telling people these things, and I don't care who it is that is looking forward to them,
'If you are not being told that there are certain conditions that you must meet, in order for you to receive them, then friend, you are being deceived!!!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the best way to be popular, and to cash in on that popularity, is to,
give the people what they want!!! That is the #1 tenet of running a successful, prosperous business.
Problem is, when it comes to the Church, and ministry, it is not to be run like a business, because it isn't one. It is a Holy Calling by God. And as such,
it is designed, not to give the people what they want, but rather, to give the people what God says they need to hear.
And, chief on the list, as I mentioned earlier, are what are called prerequisites.
Prerequisites are conditions that must be met before a certain result can be realized. It does no good to expect the latter, without the former.
If you look at the subject scripture, you will see several prerequisites that are 'key' to all of the Blessings that God has for humanity.
The first is, '
If my people, which are called by my name!'
Right away, we see that God is setting the parameters for what the people want. And what is that??
They evidently want their land healed, as it says in the last part. I will address this later.
But, look at who it is He is talking about!!
He is talking about a certain group of people, And who are those people??? They are people that are called by His name.
Right away, He is singling out a certain group of people, separate from the masses. Those people back then, were the 'children of Israel!' Today, they go by another name, 'Christians!!'
But, even with them, He sets the prerequisite of 'If!' This sets the condition that this will only come about if and when, another condition is met.
And, what condition is that???
The subject verse goes on to say, '
will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways!'
Right away, we can see a couple of things.
The first is, just because they are His people, does not mean that they are in the position to receive His Blessings in their lives.
Now, all of us receive blessings from Him in the way of what is common for all mankind, saved or not. That is not what I am talking about. What I am referring to is on the line of what you would call
'supernatural' Blessings that are there for those that are deserving of them in their lives.
As I mentioned, too many preachers are giving people
'a false sense of hope', by giving them the idea that they are going to receive something,
despite, or irregardless of their 'spiritual condition.'
The conditions that the subject scripture address, is that His people, do what is necessary to put themselves in the position of being
'Righteous', by humbling themselves, coming to Him, seeking His direction, and turning from their wicked ways [in other words repenting].
These are the prerequisites that are required before He will move to do anything above what is common to all mankind.
When a person meets those conditions, notice what He says will happen! Then will I hear them[from Heaven], and forgive their sins, and heal their land!!
Now, what I want you to notice here, is the term
'their land!!'
While it implies a healing of the land, it is not only talking about a particular country, or a piece of real estate. What it also means is 'your individual body, or any other thing that you may be in control of, or depending on like your marriage or your job.
Depending on just what it is you need God to do for you, they all require these conditions first!!
After that, there may be other things you need to do, as a show of your willingness to follow what God says.
Some of you might ask why is it so important to essentially give people the idea that they are under some sort of condemnation, that they need to repent of, before they can receive these Blessings??
The thing is, if the people are not told the whole Truth, and their lifestyle is not in line with what God says, several things can happen, that will lead the person further away from Him.
The first thing is, if they have been given the idea that God is willing to bless them, irregardless of the mess they are in, then, human nature being what it is, they will figure that they aren't doing anything wrong, or at least not enough to have to make a total change in their lives.
Another thing is, if He doesn't come through for them, they will look at it as being the Devil still holding them back. And as such, still clinging to the message that says,
'Don't give up, keep pressing forward', so much so, that they will engage in some other behavior to obtain what they have been seeking, which will most definitely put them at greater odds with God.
Another thing that could happen is that they will get discouraged, and turn their backs on God, because He promised them something, and didn't deliver.
This is one of the main reasons we have so many atheists in the world.
They were given false hopes from a person who was out to attain popularity, prestige, and of course, riches for themselves, no matter what happens to those that listen to them.
Then, we have those that receive the manifestation of what they sought God for, and as a result, they give testimony supporting these preachers, with evidence to prove that what they said, did come to pass.
Now, remind you, they are living lives contrary to what God says, yet God chooses to bless them??
Do you take God for some kind of a fool???
Well, where did this blessing come from?? It came from the one entity that no one seems to even recognize as being a major factor in this situation. The Devil!!!
You see, among other things, one of the Blessings from God, is the ability to be able to recognize what is, and is not of God.
Consequently, if you can't recognize the Devil, his ministers, and his tricks, you are doomed to be taken in by him/them, and thinking you are getting these things from God.
What you need to know is though he is limited in what he can and can't do, if you give yourself over to him, then, you have given him the authority to do what he wants to you. And, God won't stop him!!
You made the choice, so you have to live with the consequences!!
People tend to believe that God is all powerful, and there is nothing He can't do.
This is true, only to a point. And, that point is,
He will never violate the personal will of anyone!!
In fact, did you know, that as powerful as Jesus Christ was/is, that there are circumstances that occur between Him, and some of mankind, that He can't heal, deliver, or do other supernatural things for them??
Matthew 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
This is a passage of scripture that many don't even consider.
Jesus goes back to His own home town, and most of them that knew Him before He became empowered by God, rejected Him, because of what they knew of His beginnings, which evidently wasn't much.
By the same token, most of us here today, are in that same boat. We may not come out and openly say it, but,
when you choose to reject the Truth of God's Word, for the lies the Devil puts before you, you shut God off from doing anything for you!
Right now, today, most of humanity is suffering, because of this single bit of facts.
We accept anything scientists, doctors, sociologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, theologians, and others tell us over what God, through the Bible tells us.
As soon as the man of God refutes what these people say, he is labeled a fanatic, and troublemaker!!
Because man, with the help of the Devil, knows more than God knows, evidently.
It gets so bad, that they are trying to make God to be more like us!!! And, if He doesn't fit, then He is not God!!!
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
You want to know the reason for the subject verse???
You want to know why your kids are being killed on the streets of America by violence, dying from drug overdoses, accidents, suicide, diseases that are usually attributed to the elderly like heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and the like??? Want to know why, despite their education, if they have one, and good grades, they can only get minimum wage jobs??
Look again at the verses above, and you will have your answer.
But 'no', you want to hear words of encouragement that essentially tell you, 'It's not your fault, it's the Devil. And God is about to tear that wall that the Devil has put in front of you, to keep you from what He has for you, down!!'
Listen!! This is the creed I live by.
God is in control of everything. That means, nothing good, or bad, can happen to anyone of us, unless He allows it.
That then means, if I am going through hell, the first thing I am going to do, is try to find out what I am doing wrong, not from man, but God!!
This brings us back to the subject verse. And mind you, it is addressing one single group of people!! Christians!!!
As long as you ignore the prerequisites that God has in place for your deliverance and benefit, you are going to continue to be the recipient of things you really want to avoid. Including the final circumstance, Hell!!
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