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SCRIPTURE Prv 1:7, 9:10 JANUARY, 2022
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
The message for this month, starts out with what I would say, is the single most important thing that man could have in his relationship with God, and mankind. But mostly God.
The reason I say this is because unless you have it, you are going to find things aren't going to go very well for you in this life.
Though the title of this message addresses wisdom, you will see I put 2 verses as the subject scriptures. One of them addresses wisdom, but the first one seems to be in conflict with the other one.
However in reality, they both compliment each other.
Let me explain.
Where does wisdom come from?? It comes from Knowledge!! And where does Knowledge come from?? Well. it is easy to say, experience. But, if we look at the totality of what Knowledge, we would have to say, it comes from God.
Now, why would I say that??
Essentially, because experience, at its very root, lets us know that God is real!!
But, I'm getting a little ahead of myself.
Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
If I see a skillet sitting on a stove, with the burner on under it, I know that that skillet is hot, and the wise thing to do is, if I want to move it, is get some type of insulated covering for my hands, to move it safely.
Now, why would I think like that?? Because, in the past when I saw the same thing, I tried to move it bare-handed, and got burned. So, I learned from experience.
As a result, I gained the wisdom of protecting myself when facing that same situation.
So in this instance, I gained wisdom from personal experience.
But, there have also been times when I gained wisdom from the experiences of others.
And how did this occur??
They told me, or I saw what happened to them.
However, when a person tells you what happened to them, or you saw what happened to them, unless you know all of the details that led up to that happening, you might not have enough information to make a wise decision about that circumstance.
Why do I say this??
It is because, in a lot of instances, human nature may cause them to omit something that they did, that led up to what happened to them. Some people have a problem admitting when they did something stupid, so they go about covering it up, or changing the facts.
The thing is, as people will tell you, personal experience is the best teacher!
However, there is another type of knowledge that comes from a source, whose credentials are impeccable which is why the first scripture in the title, deals with knowledge, with wisdom being second. Even though, if you look at it, they both are essentially the same thing.
God's Word, the Bible, gives us the knowledge to be able to make wise decisions about our lives, and the things that go on around us. That is, if we take the time to read it, to attain that knowledge.
The problem with our society today, comes from what God calls, 'a lack of knowledge.'
[Hos. 4:3].
Before you can have wisdom, you have to have knowledge. And, in this case, I am talking about knowledge of God.
If you have no knowledge of God [i.e. what He likes, and what He dislikes, and how He responds], then, it is impossible for you to walk in[use] wisdom, when dealing with the tests and trials of life that you will be confronted with.
As I said earlier, our problems all stem from a major fact, and that is we don't know God, because, in most instances, we have chosen not to learn about Him, or refuse to accept what He says, because it is offensive to us.
If we believe, or take pleasure in certain things, then, we are told that these things are offensive to Him, we set about to reject what He says, or worse yet, try to change what He says, to fit our own beliefs.
Have you noticed if you are old enough how the Church today, is a far cry from what it was several decades ago???
The emphasis back then was on Holiness and sanctification, with no tolerance for sin. Preachers preached hell-fire and brimstone, and the message was '
repent or go to hell!!!'
Contrast that with the church today, where nearly everything goes. You have preachers pastoring churches today, that are not only clueless as to what God has to say, but are involved in activities that are totally against His principles.
If God says something is sin, these pastors support it [the sin]. If God says the Church should stand against something, these pastors reject it as being mean-spirited, and not showing the Love of Christ!!
Now, to the average person that doesn't know God, this all sounds like a good thing.
After all, a 'good Christian should be about showing the 'Love of God' and be about supporting those that are having problems in their lives, and not being judgmental. After all, none of us is perfect, and all of us 'are sinners!!'
Sounds good, but it is as about as good as a $3 bill.
If you truly know God, the first thing you would realize is that He sets the rules for us to live by, and He doesn't change, period!!
[Mal 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not;] If something was 'sin', or an abomination to Him thousands of years ago, then, the same thing holds true today, and will thousands of years from now.
Now, any wise person that knows that, would have to realize that, with this being the case, if He destroyed those that were guilty of those sins in the past, then He will do the same thing today!!
But, as I said, the vast majority of the Church, doesn't have a clue as to what is going on. And, as a result, they choose to blame others, mostly those that
do have knowledge of God, and are adhering to His principles, despite what the majority of the rest of them might say!!
But, it gets even worse when these individuals set about to attack those that won't budge off of His Word. Jesus put it like this,
Mat 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Mat 18:7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but WOE TO THAT MAN BY WHOM THE OFFENCE COMETH!
You see, God gives us a clear warning about what will happen to anyone that chooses to attack a person, or group, that is standing on His Word.
Therefore, any person, with any type of knowledge of this warning, would be wise to avoid doing something like this, because it leads to trouble. Trouble from God, and not man even though God may use man to carry out His punishment!!
A clear example of this happened back in the 70's after several 'gay' groups openly attacked Christians, groups and churches that proclaimed their lifestyle to be an abomination in the eyes of God,
[Lev. 18:22, 20:13]. I mean it got vicious.
All of these attacks were designed to make them shut up by instilling fear in them. They even vandalized churches by painting vulgar obscene language on them.
What happened next is proof of God responding according to His Word.
Within months of these attacks, AIDS appeared on the scene, in their community and began wiping them out in catastrophic numbers, so much so, that it became known as a 'gay disease!!'
This really set them in a position of fear, a fear that they were trying to put Christians in. And as it was back when God sent the plagues on Egypt, to let His people go, He isolated them from the plagues, while the Egyptians suffered, so did God isolate the vast majority of the heterosexual community from it. That is why it was called a 'gay disease!'
You see, God's Word is full of examples like this, as I said earlier, He does not change in responding to sin, and especially attacks on His Children, that are standing on His Word.
So, what is the wise thing to do when a Christian is telling you something you don't want to hear from the Word of God???
Be quiet, and go on about your business.
Now, that is one example. But it relays the point. You don't mess with God's anointed!!! PERIOD!!!
There are a lot of people out there suffering all sorts of things, including some Christians, because they set about to destroy someone whose only offense was 'standing on the Word of God!'
I have had brothers and sisters in Christ, disagreeing with me on issues, and what they would do is simply ask me not to send anymore literature to them. Which is the best way to do things.
However, even in that, there is a problem.
The fact that, if I am delivering a message that God has told me to tell you, and you ask me not to correspond with you anymore, shows Him that you don't want to hear what He has to say.
In other words, you aren't rejecting me, but rather Him!!!
So, as you can see, there is a lot more to Christianity, and our relationship to God and Christ, that most Christians don't know about. And as a result they are making all sorts of 'foolish' decisions about how they live their lives and respond to problems.
I would dare say most of the problems they are experiencing, are a direct result of those decisions that they have made in the past.
Then the other problem is, instead of admitting to this fact, they set about to find someone else to blame. This makes matters worse in many instances because as the first subject verse states,
fools despise wisdom and instruction!!'
The problem here is, once God has told you something, by whatever means He does it, you can no longer claim ignorance, or 'no one ever told you.'
You can try, but, when the time comes, and you stand before Him in Judgment, He will play back to you, all the times you were told, and your response to the messenger that told you. Then He will sentence you!!!
Now, just knowing this little bit of information, don't you think it behooves you to start getting to know God through His Word, the Bible???
Don't you think that is the wise thing to do?? I know, if it were me, I would say 'yes Lord!!'
Why do you think the Bible uses the term 'He that has an ear to hear, let him hear!!'???
It is because not everyone wants to accept the Truth of God's Word, because they are set, and comfortable in their ways, and refuse to change. Even if it means going to hell!!
Here you have God, doing all He can, short of making you obey Him, which by the way, He will not do, to keep you from ending up in hell, and you are fighting against Him!!!
How foolish is that?? And how many of these types of people do we have running around?? Well, Jesus put it like this,
Mat 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Don't let the numbers fool you. The vast majority of people, thinking they are in right-standing[Righteous], in God's eyes, are the main ones this passage of scripture is referring to.
Now, in a case like this, what do you think is the wise thing to do??
If I were you, I would set about getting to know about what God likes, and dislikes, as well as how He responds to the things we do, so that I can get in line with the program.
Start out this year on the Right foot!! It just could be your last chance to do so.
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