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JUNE, 2019
(For the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
The message for this month, has to do with what I would say is something that is critical to all of us, both saved and not, but especially those of us that are saved!
And that has to do with our response to what is going on in this nation today.
A lot of us Christians look around and we see all of the killings, rapes, drug use, kidnappings and other things that are tearing this nation apart, and the first thing most of us do, is get on our knees and pray for God to do something to change the hearts and minds of these evildoers among us.
This is what most Christians do everyday. We see a problem, and immediately we start praying about it.
After all, prayer changes things!!! Right??!!!
Now while I have no problem with the saints engaging in prayer [seeking God], when they see problems. After all we are encouraged to
'pray without ceasing!!'
These types of prayer are supposed to be for our families, friends, enemies, and leaders. After all, isn't that what Jesus did??!!!
However, we have a serious problem, and that is, prayer alone, will get you absolutely 'zilch' from God, when it comes to dealing with the types of problems we are facing today.!!
The reason being, as the subject verse states, we are in a war, and with that being the case, we are supposed to be using weapons in order to tear down strong holds that the enemy is using against all of us.
Notice the word, 'weapons!!!'
What does that mean???
It's something that one uses for offense!!!
Not only that, but, it also means
'more than one.'
So, the question must be asked, why are saints praying to God to do something, when He has provided us with an arsenal of weapons to go on offense to tear down what the enemy/Devil/Antichrist has put in place??
The answer is, He has done all He is going to do when it comes to Him intervening in our problems. He has given us everything we need to defeat the enemy, but we are still looking for Him to do it.
The last time I checked, He already defeated the enemy, and left the rest to us!!
Prayer, is a weapon, but not our only weapon.
If all we had to do is pray, then what are the other weapons for??
You know, there are times for prayer, and then there are times for us to get off of our knees and get busy going after the enemy!!
That's right!! I said go after the enemy!!
Here is where our problem really shows itself.
We are all too willing to take the position that 'as long as the enemy doesn't mess with me, and mine, that's cool!! He can be destroying the neighborhood, the state and the nation, and that doesn't matter??
If he is destroying your neighborhood, then sooner or later, he will get to you. The thing is, by then, there will not be anyone in the neighborhood to help you, because they will be gone, destroyed or been converted to become your enemy.
I am reminded of a story in the bible about a situation like this, that portrays almost exactly what I am talking about.
It is the story of David and Goliath[1Sam. 17:1- end].
In it, we find the army of Israel confronted by Goliath, the champion warrior of the army of the Philistines.
This man was a giant of over 9 feet tall.
He is standing on the battlefield, and issuing a challenge to Israel to send out a man to fight him. The idea was, in order to prevent massive bloodshed on both sides, let the battle between the 2, determine which army was going to be victorious.
I suspect that the Philistines did this to keep from being wholly defeated as they had been in previous battles with Israel.
Anyway, Israel did not respond to the challenge.
What they were doing is what most Christians today are doing. They were afraid and held a 24 hour fasting and prayer meeting.
This went on for 40 days!!
I can see them now, 'O Lord, You see this man standing out there and how he is defying You!!
How long are you going to let him do it???
Are you not the God of our fathers, that has defeated our enemies, and set us free from Egypt???
How long, oh Lord, will you allow this man to hold us in this position???
Notice, Goliath addressed them as, 'the servants of Saul!!'
[v. 8]
This is key!!!
They, the army of Israel, thought of themselves as just that, the servants of Saul, and not as the servants of the Most High!!!
They had essentially lost their true identity in the face of this new, significant threat.
The worst thing a Blood bought, born again, Spirit filled Christian can do, is to forget their True Identity, and who is backing them up!! Because, if you do, you will be operating from the position of fear. And as we know, that means you have abandoned faith, which translates in to defeat!!!
This nation is in the mess it is in, because too many preachers/saints, are actually 'chicken', when it comes to the challenges that face this nation, our neighborhoods, and ultimately, our families.
They would rather hide behind the walls of their houses, and churches and pray about it than actually going out and doing something about it.
But, it goes further than that.
If, after some time praying about the situation, they come up with a solution of what to do, the solution will be, compromise, which really means, surrender.
Back to the story!!
Along comes David, to bring some food to his brothers, and to see how things are going. And while he is there, he hears Goliath issuing this same challenge he has been doing for 40 days, and he, David gets outraged.
Because he hears this 'uncircumcised' piece of human debris, not defying the army of Saul, not the army of Israel, but the army of the Most High, which means he is actually defying God Himself, and he isn't going to tolerate it
So, what does he do??
He literally gives a tongue lashing to the whole army, including his brothers, and Saul.
And mind you, David is a young lad!!
And their response, is much akin to what we see today.
They scold him by essentially calling him a troublemaker/politically incorrect/homophobe/racist/mounting an attack a woman's right to choose/mean-spirited, and the list goes on.
You get the picture.
The thing is, David was doing just what any person that knows their position and relationship with God/Christ, should be doing, and that is, it's time to kick some behind!!!
Now, I am not necessarily talking about physical violence, against any person or group, as what eventually happened when David slew Goliath.
We Christians, have other weapons that God has given us, especially in this nation, to deal with the 'root cause of our problems.'
One is called the ballot box.
Then we have social media.
Then we have the power of where we spend our money.
But, what is stopping most of us Christians, especially in the black community, is that they have lost their vision of who they are, and Whose They Are!!!!
And, as a result, they compromise and settle for what the enemy hands them, which is usually crumbs and leftovers, rather than the feast that God has for those that go forth in the name of the Lord, to defeat His enemies,
David, after much talking, determined to go out and fight Goliath himself. A child, going to do a man's job.
Then, Saul wanted to suit him up with all types of armor, and David said, 'these things are weighing me down!!! I can't battle like this!!'
This is akin to trying to fight a spiritual enemy, with your education, and even, common sense. Both will tie your hands as to what you need to do to get the victory.
Education and common sense mean nothing in a setting where the enemy is spiritual. Goliath may have been a physical giant, but he, and our enemies today, are driven by a spiritual source. Just like we as Christians may be physical, but we are led and guided by a Spiritual Source.[ie the Holy Ghost]
When David went out before Goliath, the giant laughed at him, and mocked him, and told him and Israel, that they were done.
But David, knew who he was and Who was backing him up, and he slew the giant, and sent the Philistines packing.
Today, when a Christian, being led by the Holy Spirit stands on the Word of God, and refuses to accept the status quo, they are immediately set upon, and criticized by family, friends, and sad to say, most black Christians.
In fact, most of these same Christians, show their true colors by claiming that the individual is being led by the Devil. And you know what that means?? It is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Anytime an individual claims that a work of the Holy Spirit, is actually of the Devil that is the unpardonable sin as addressed in the bible
[Mat. 12:24-32].
A lot of you out there, need to watch your mouths when accusing someone of being led by the Devil. The bible says, Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!!
[Mat. 12:34].
We have some so-called leaders in the black community that happen to be preachers, that wouldn't know the Devil or Antichrist, if he came up and hit them over the head with a 2x4.
They align themselves, and encourage the black community to follow their lead in supporting a political party, that by its very actions, shows it is aligned with the Devil/Antichrist.
[Mat. 12:33, 35].
These preacher leaders want to hold a rally at the White House this month, supposedly showing the president that he needs to change his immoral ways.
Yet, the party they support, approves of abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action, separation of God and state, calls whatever G
od says is good, as being bad, and vice versa.
This is not going to stand!!! THIS IS WAR!!! [more next month]