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SCRIPTURE Matthew 15:14, 2 Timothy 3:5
JUNE, 2024
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
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Last month, when I left off, I had been addressing how that, because of the leadership that we have today, we find ourselves in the position we are in.
Let me go further in to details, so you can see for yourself, what I am talking about.
I had been saying that, because of the 'religious leadership', that we have in our community today, we are unwittingly, in most cases, siding with those that are our enemies. By that I mean, they are getting us to join them in their
'war against God/Christ!!'
And it can't be overstated enough, that in so doing, you are engaging in a battle, which is not really a battle, because there is no chance for you to even mount any type of offense, that would come near to being considered a threat, against God.
All He really has to do, is not allow you to take another breath, and you are done!!
But, that wouldn't be punishment enough for most of you, because He wants to make an example out of you, just as He has done in the old-testament times, when dealing, not with His enemies, per se, but His people, so that those that observe you, won't be inclined to make the same mistakes you did.
In the book of
Hosea 4:6 God makes something abundantly clear, and that is
First He says,
His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
What He is saying is that, those that He considers His anointed messengers, are being destroyed, because of their ignorance of Him, and His ways!!
Now, back then, there was very little means, short of word of mouth, about the Lord, and His Ways, talking about who He is, what He likes and dislikes, and what the consequences of pleasing Him, or displeasing Him would be.
God, would be totally unfair if He punished us for something that we were doing wrong, if He did not tell us in advance of what the Rules were.
So, He did that, when He gave Adam the Rule about the tree in the middle of the Garden that they were not to eat of. He then gave Moses His Commandments, to give to the children of Israel!! Along with those, He set certain actions that were to be taken when someone violated those commandments.
Now, depending on what the offense was, the punishment to be meted out, was anything from banishment from the camp for a day or longer, up to being put to death.
The lesson to be learned back then was, and, today is, even though sin, is sin, there were differing degrees of sin, which called for differing degrees of punishment. Just like today, crime is crime. However, there are differing degrees and classifications of crime, and as such, differing degrees of punishments.
If a person stole $100.00, and another person murdered someone, in cold blood, and both got caught and were found guilty in a court of law, you wouldn't expect the thief to be given the same sentence as the murderer, or vice-versa, would you?
Well, that is the same way God deals with us.
So, the Rules have been set.
Now, according to Him, these Rules, need to be relayed to the people, so that they will know how to conduct themselves.
In order for that to happen, God uses a specific group of people to accomplish this. These are His Anointed Priests[Preachers].
These are people who have been, as it could be said, Certified by God/Jesus Christ, Ti be able to speak for, and, demonstrate the Power of God! They have His Stamp of Approval!!
Even with this being the case, if they don't follow the Rules that He has given them to follow, He will Revoke that Certification. At that time, they will no longer be able to hear from Him until such time as they repent.
This is where we get in to the next part of the scripture where it says, '
The key to this is, they rejected knowledge, meaning they were warned by Him, and chose to go against Him.
Now, right on the heels of that, God issues the punishment when He says, '
This then, gets us to the meat of this message, and why I say 'the black community needs new leadership!!'
If we have leadership that is not in-line with God, then, as the first scripture in our subject scriptures says, they are blind!! They don't know what is Right and Wrong, in His Sight!!
When a person is blind to the Ways of God, then, anything they say or do, is essentially their own feelings about the issue they are addressing. And depending on the issue, the consequences could spell disaster. I am talking about God's Moral Laws!!
People in this position [not hearing from God], that happen to carry the title Bishop, Reverend, Doctor, Evangelist, or whatever else that is used to identify them as men/women of God, are the most dangerous people that there are.
Why?? Because, what they say and do, will influence more souls to be lost for eternity, because they are giving out the wrong advice.
Going back decades, whenever anything that has to do with Morality, as defined by God, these individuals will side with the perpetrators, and accuse those that stand against them as being the ones that are immoral.
A good example is their stance on abortion, and capital punishment.
In Gen. 9:6, God instituted what we call today 'capital punishment!!'
All over this nation, black leadership has taken the stance that it 'capital punishment' is immoral!!' What they are saying then is,
'God is Immoral!!'
Mind you now, it was instituted to deal with those people that were guilty of murder [first-degree, premeditated]. That meant that the guilty person, deliberately set out to kill their victim!
Now, at the same time, they support a woman's right to, with the help of an abortionist, to cold-bloodedly murder the baby in her womb. And how do they justify this?? By saying it is not human, it is a fetus!!
But wait a minute!!! If a person murders a pregnant woman, they are usually charged with the killing of 2 people!!
Do you see the lunacy that is going on here???
This is what happens when you have no direction from God. You end up making a total fool out of yourself. And since it is people like this that over 90 percent of our community listens to, then, you can see our problem!!
As I said in part one, when people want to criticize me for 'airing our dirty laundry' in public, I have to tell you, it is already out there with all the bells and whistles, drawing attention to itself!!
But then, God gives this stark warning, that because of this, He says,
Now you know, if anything, we would want God to prosper and Bless our children, and their children, and their children and so on!!
However, because of our actions, as directed by these 'religious leaders', that isn't going to happen.
Why should God Bless and Protect your children, when, at the same time, you support the killing of someone else's children?? Not to mention that these are God's Babies that are being killed!!
Without His protection, your kids are left at the mercy of the Devil, to destroy them. And, that is exactly what he is doing.
Since the black community is the #1 supporter of this abomination, then it stands to reason why your kids are the #1 victims of shootings, accidents, drug overdoses, suicides, deaths to diseases that others survive and other things that reveal how bad our problems are.
As I have said in the past, this is not systemic racism, as many of you want to call it, it is God fulfilling His Word on your kids.
And, when I say 'kids', I am not only talking about the young people. If you are 60+ years old, and you have grown children, this applies to them as well.
So, here you are, engaging in an open warfare with God, and when He lowers the hammer on you, you look to your leaders, and to cover their behinds, they feed you the old 'racism, GOP, Trump, Bush' line!! And you fall for it!!
Everyone outside of our community can see it, but, you don't!! Then you want to run around protesting how you don't get any respect!
Listen, in order to get some respect, you have to first, respect yourself! Then, you will be able to respect others, which, in turn will get you respect!
But no!!! That would mean that you, and/or your leaders were wrong, and that couldn't be. We are the smartest people in the world!! We are the descendants of the kings and queens of Africa!!
The thing is, you keep falling for the line that your leaders feed you so that you will continue to follow what they say, without question.
They are playing to your ego!! And since they are delivering those all important votes to the pro-abortion politicians, they get enriched with money, favors and and other perks, to keep you supporting them, to the destruction of yourselves, and your children.
If you like that position, then, you are the biggest fools to hit the pike. Especially when, at the same time, you claim to be a Christian!!
How are you going to claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, while at the same time, support everything that He says we should be standing against??
Now, I only addressed abortion in this message because it is the single biggest offense against God that there is. And, that alone, is enough for Him to destroy this nation.
We do have the gay-rights/marriage issue, separation of Church and state, affirmative action, all of which God rejects, but these 'religious leaders' support.
They may claim that don't support them but, if they support the party that does, then, they support them by default.
However, abortion is the main issue that you need to be concerned with.
In 2022, the SCOTUS, overturned the 50 year old Right to abortion ruling, which was a step in the right direction for this nation, in relation to God.
Ever since then, the pro-abortion bunch, arshalling all their people, with this president vowing to make abortion, once againn the law of the land. And backing him, once again, are those 'black preachers!!'
He can come in to their churches, and speak to their congregations, telling them what is at stake, and they will listen and fall in line.
He will tell them, that the former president, Donal Trump, his opponent, is a threat to women everywhere because he wants to further restrict a women's right to kill their babies.
Now while I am not all that enthused with him, when it comes to him, or killing babies, he is the obvious choice!!
And those that choose to attack and persecute him, remember, He is doing the right thing, in the eyes of God, when it comes to this and other moral issues. Persecuting him, is just like persecuting God. And there is a price to pay.
Listen, are you worried about looking like a traitor to your race, or a fool?? In the eyes of others in our community, that is highly likely. But, consider the alternative. You definitely wouldn't want to look like a fool in the eyes of the One, who, can destroy you, and your soul, in hell!!
So, when it comes to this present leadership, do what the scripture says, and,
turn away!!
More next month!!