After 35 days of challenges, legal maneuvering and all sorts of controversial rulings, on December 12, 2000, George W. Bush, was finally declared the winner of election 2000, for the office of president.

This declaration, came about, after the US Supreme court, in a 7 to 2 ruling, struck down the procedures that the Gore campaign was employing, to try to overtake Bush's lead, to win the election.

What the Supreme court ruled on, was the complaint by Bush, that they were violating his right to equal protection.

According to law, the equal protection, had to do with the fact that Gore, only wanted to have votes counted in precincts that favored him. He had no desire to have votes counted in other precincts that favored Bush. Also, in those precincts that favored Gore, the criteria used to find votes for Gore, was such that even if a person voted a split ticket (i.e. voting all Democratic for other offices and not voting for president, or voting for Bush, but not having a clear hole, would either be rejected, or given to Gore). Cutting to the chase, they wanted a wide open standard for Gore, while restricting Bush.

The thing that really nailed the door shut, was Gore's own spokesman, who represented him, before the court. When asked, what standard were they using to count the votes?? He replied, 'there was no standard. They may be different from precinct to precinct, or for that matter, from table to table, within the same room.'

This type of thinking, is totally a violation of Bush's civil rights. Equal protection means that one standard must be applied to all votes, not just certain ones.

So, when the court struck down the Florida supreme courts ruling, there was not enough time to go back and do it the right way, so, Bush, who had the lead throughout the whole controversy, won the presidency.

Many are saying that the Supreme court, gave him the presidency, and that it was a purely political decision. However, 2 of the Democrat appointed justices on the court, sided with the majority. So, that accusation is moot.

To most of these people, they look at Bush's winning of the presidency as tainted, and illegitimate.

George Bush, will have a big job ahead of him, in overcoming what a lot of people, especially the African-American community, who feel that they were cheated, and disenfranchised.

Bush, ran on a platform of unifying the country, versus Gore, who ran on issues that pitted groups against each other. Just how Bush will fare with his agenda, remains to be seen. He has a lot to overcome.

First, he has to deal with a congress, and senate, that is split nearly 50 - 50. The senate has 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats. In the house, I believe the Republicans have a 5 - 10 seat majority over the Democrats. That is a formidable task, seeing that in order to get anything passed, he will have to get about half of the Democrats to agree with him, in order to further his agenda, which includes a tax cut, that the Democrats have opposed all through the campaign, and even before.

Then we have campaign finance reform, something that both parties have waffled on, but that needs to be reformed.

It has long been said that the Republican party, is the party of the rich, seeing that most of their support, comes from them, because they feel he is their only defense against those of us that want them to part with their money and give it to them.

This has been the main attack mode that the Democrats use, in trying to defeat Republicans. They want to tax the rich, and claim the Republicans want to make them richer.

Then we have issues like abortion, and gun control, and the environment. How will he be able to get the Democrats, and even some of his own party, to go along with him??? Only faith in God, can get him through.

According to what is known about him, as Governor of Texas, he had the same situation, of being the head, of a state, with a Democratic controlled congress and senate. However, during his tenure, he was able to get many things accomplished, proving that he could get things done, despite who he had to work with.

When he made his acceptance speech he made it from the house of congress, among Democrats, and Republicans, a show of the unity between both parties.

A lot of Americans will be waiting to see just what this man is about. Most of these, are African Americans, who feel that he only has bad things in store for them, and they just don't trust him.

While talking with some of them one day, shortly after the election, it was quite evident that these feeling run deep.

They feel, the whole thing, was a set up. One lady said, it had to be a set up, because the state that the problem was in, is the state that his brother, is governor of. She said, there is no way any one can convince her that it wasn't a planned situation.

It didn't help that his brother was governor, and that only adds to the problem.

Bush has a lot to prove, and he won't have too much time to do it, because he doesn't have much time to get his cabinet together, and approved by the house and senate.

There are already rumblings about one of his appointees, because of his stance on some major issues, especially abortion.

However, Bush is working to include members of the opposition party on his cabinet.

So, we will have to wait and see, how things turn out. Quite frankly, I believe we have a man that will do all of us that supported him, proud, and make believers out of his doubters. Of course, only God, knows.

My prayers go out for him, and this nation.
