In a few weeks, Bill Clinton, will be moving out of the white house after 8 years, as president of the US.

When this time comes, for all presidents, they usually have a record, or legacy, that is a compilation of all the things that they accomplished over their term(s) in office.

In most of these, upwards of 90 percent, that record is positive, with substantial contributions to the nation, the world and to the good of the particular party that they were affiliated with.

It was not unusual for the outgoing president, to, during the campaigning, to campaign for the candidate of that party.

However, in the case of Bill Clinton, there has been a totally different scenario.

From the start, Bill Clinton, is the first president, in recent history, to win an election, with less that 1/2 the vote. His numbers were 43% in '92, and about 48%, in '96.

In both instances, it was a third party candidate, that took votes from both parties, with the Republicans suffering the most.

This, in some ways reveals a problem with the system the way it is.

If we are going to elect someone as president, then, it should be, that they attained that office, by getting over 50% of the vote. Anything less than that, and we have a person that does not represent the majority of those that voted.

In a case like this, there should be another election held, as a run off between the two top vote getters. We have that type of situation in many state and local elections, where you have the primaries in August (here in Michigan), then the general election in November is between the two top vote getters. That way, there will be no question who won the election. The way it is now, if enough people ran for the office, and they were all good outstanding people, we could conceivably have a president in office, with less than 40% of the vote.

The election laws need to be changed, to allow a run off election, so that people won't be going around saying that the president doesn't represent the majority.

The next thing was his being responsible for the Democrats losing control of both the house and the senate after 40 and 12 years, respectively.

This came about, because of policies that he had tried to implement shortly after getting in to office. The main catalyst of this 'house cleaning,' was his and Hillary's, National Health Care Plan.

This plan, though having the right motives, was a disaster because, in order for it to work the way it should, thousands of people would have to lose their jobs, taxes would go up, and lives would be at risk.

Whether you like them or not, HMO's, and other private health care providers, employ thousands of people, whose jobs would be eliminated or seriously affected, by this plan.

Taxes would go up, because, the government would have to create a whole new system, setting up buildings, hiring employees, providing minimum wage, at least. Then there is the equipment, and a slew of other things that would literally put us in more debt, unless they got the money from somewhere else.

That somewhere would either be the money that the HMO's are getting, or from all of us, by way of higher taxes.

Another thing about the closure of the HMO's, many people would lose the control over their choice of doctor's.

Next, was the fact that with there only being a limited number of places for members of this plan to go, many people would find themselves in situations of having to wait for days and weeks to see a doctor. If they needed surgery, they could conceivably have to wait months for it. During that time, they could die.

Other nations, that have this type of system, have set examples of what could happen if we went down this road.

Canadians, frequently leave their country, to come over here for medical treatment, because their system is inadequate. Yet, Clinton wanted to copy their system.

After all the facts were considered, people resoundingly rejected it, and gave a mandate to the Republicans, in 1994, by giving them control of both houses.
For the first time in over 40 years, the Republicans had control, all thanks to Clinton.

Then, we have the war in Kosovo.

Even though we were not actually involved, in the war, the humanitarian aspect of the slaughter that was taking place, could not be ignored by us.

Bill Clinton, in an effort to stop the bloodshed, tried to get the Serbs, to cease their hostilities to no avail. They, essentially laughed in his face.

Seeing that wouldn't work, he threatened to respond with action if they didn't stop. He, in effect, drew a line in the sand, and dared them to cross it.

They did.

Clinton's response was to back up a few steps, and draw another line in the sand, and dare them to cross, it.

They did it again.

He backed up a few steps and drew another line, and dared them to cross it.

Once again, they did.

This scenario was making the entire US look bad, because we have been known to say something and back it up with action, immediately. All we have to do, is look at former President George Bush's response to Sadaam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. If you want to go back some years, we can look a John Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis. In both of these instances we were known as a nation that said what it meant, and meant what it said. But along came Bill, and no more.

Then we have the fact that his administration, with the people he picked for cabinet positions, has been the most corrupt, in the history of the presidency. More of his people have not only been accused of wrongdoing, but actually indicted for their illegal activities. So that means these were not just hearsay situations, but factual.

Then, there is the character of the man himself. They say, 'birds of a feather, flock together.'

During his campaign, questions were brought up about his character. We were told by the Democrats, 'Character, doesn't matter!'

He was said to be a philanderer, even though he is married. He denied it. Women came forth with accusations, and he denied it. He would say one thing, one day, and then deny he said it a few days later.

He was the type of president, who would not take a stand on anything positive, but would do so, on negative things.

Cutting taxes is a positive step. He stood for no cuts, but for raising them. The death and marriage taxes, are examples of taxes that needed to be done away with, but he vetoed each one when it came to him for signing.

He consistently found ways to raise taxes, or signed legislation that would do that.

Do you remember the government shutdowns that took place due to the infamous budget battle in '95? It was shut down twice, because, rather than give people a tax cut, he chose to close down the government, until people were duped in to believing the Republicans were the ones that were responsible.

He, along with the Democrats, lied about the supposed cuts in all of the social programs, by making people feel that they were going to lose what they did have, even though all of the programs, actually had raises in them.

He was getting away with all of this, because, the economy was going along pretty good, and he was getting good ratings for it, even though he hadn't done anything to get it where it was.

Then came Monica Lewinsky, and things changed.

When he was accused of the same things he was accused of during his campaign, and he used the same tactic, he denied everything. To everyone that supported him, this was another false accusation. So, to prove his stance on his innocence, he got on TV, and publicly denied it.

But, unlike before, there was a little thing, known as 'the blue dress.'

And, for the first time of his presidency, he had to admit the truth.

Seeing that he had to go before congress, and lied to them about the affair, he had committed an impeachable offense, which would later be something that will go down in history.

With a legacy of lies, deceit and nothing to be proud of, the only thing he had, was an economy that was the best in history.

That alone was something to brag about.

But then, during that time, when the campaign for the next president was going on, something strange was happening.

Usually in a campaign, if the president isn't running again, he usually helps his party's candidate, by campaigning for them. But, not this time.

Because of all the controversy, and despite the good economy, his party, and the candidate, his vice president, wanted no part of him. Now that's bad.

It was billed as, Al Gore, being his own man, seeing that during his tenure as vice president, Al Gore was seen as Clinton's puppet, who was at his beck and call, all the time. So, this separation was seen as his way of demonstrating he could win, without Clinton's help.

Anyway, Clinton's one strong part, crashed around him when the economy started going bad. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, the failure of his policies began to show up, when California started having problems with supplying electrical power.

There were warnings of exceptionally high prices for home heating oil for this winter in the northeast, but, he did nothing. It has been forecast that prices will nearly double from what they were last year, and rather than address a solution to the problem, he is leaving that, to the new administration.

This was due to a lack of his addressing the situation of the energy crisis that the Republicans had been warning about for the past 2 years, at least. Now all of this stuff is coming to a head, just as he is leaving office.

Then we have China gate, where secrets of our defense weapons were somehow given to the Chinese, in what appears to be a weapons technology, for money to fund the Democratic National Committee's war chest for the election of Democrats.

During his tenure, the backbone of this nation, the military, has been put under the control of the United Nations. They have been used as anything but, what they are supposed to be used for, and that is keeping the peace, and protecting, this nation and its allies.

When Clinton reduced the budget, he did it, by cutting back on our military budget. If called upon to do it again, we could not even come close to doing what we did in the Persian Gulf war. We don't have the manpower.

I was shocked to know that many military personnel, on active duty, have to get food stamps. It is because of this, and other things like it, that many people have avoided joining the military.

This is not the same military that we had before Clinton took office. It is a shell of its formal self. Manpower has been cut about 35%.

So, what is he trying to do before he leaves office?? He is trying to broker a peace deal between the Israelis, and the Palestinians.

The man is knocking himself out, trying to accomplish something, that, in my mind, would only come about, if God intervened.

Over the past few months, Clinton has been talking with both sides, and having them come to the US to talk, but everything just falls through.

If he could pull it off, it most assuredly would go in to the history books, as the most notable thing he has done. It would far and away, eclipse all of the failures, and deceptions of his entire administration.

You know, the full impact of the past 8 years, hasn't really begun to take effect yet. We may not realize the damage that he has done to this nation, until 3 to 5 years down the road. By then, George Bush, will most likely get the blame, if the Democrats have anything to say about it.
