Over the course of my 43 years as an evangelist, I have attended many funerals, watched people on TV being interviewed by news-people after the tragic loss of a family member, especially a child, being seen wailing and asking 'WHY GOD!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM/HER FROM ME???
In these moments of grief, agony and despair, I can understand what they are feeling, because as a little child, I witnessed this same thing when my great aunt lost her daughter, and a neighborhood friend lost his mother.
This type of reaction to the death of a loved one is common. And, there is nothing wrong with it.
However, if you will note the subject scripture and title for this message, you will see something that you may not quite understand or believe. And that is, in far too many of those cases, what happened to their loved one, was a direct result of their own actions [talking about the survivors].
Many of us, including Christians, have very little understanding of how things are setup in this worldly realm. And because they don't have a
'personal relationship' with God, through Jesus Christ, they are essentially walking around as blind as the proverbial bat.
And, being in this position, leaves them open to dangers both physical, and spiritual. Because, it leaves you open to more than the voice of God/Christ, but the voice of the enemy of all mankind, Satan!!
This is because he has access to your mind, just like God does. And as a result, will use that access to get you to go along with whatever he says. And, depending on just what it is he is telling you, you will either accept it, or reject it.
The thing is, if you don't have a guidepost by which to measure what he is telling you, you will more than likely fall in to the position that
'this has to be God, because it sounds right!!'
Look!!! Just because something sounds good, does not mean it is coming from God. Satan can make anything sound good, and, provide evidence to support it, while in reality, leading you to your own destruction.
This is why it is necessary for the saints of God, to be knowledgeable as to what God will and won't do. And you can only do that by spending as much time getting to know Him, as you can.
If we go back to what happened to Adam and Eve, when Satan, in the form of a serpent, tricked Eve in to going against the One Commandment that God had given them, you will see the core of his tricks.
One of the main things he did, was challenge and distort, what God said. He got her to believe that God was hiding something from them, to keep them from being like Him.
He then proceeds to appeal to her eyes, getting her to see how beautiful and innocent the fruit of the tree, really was. It is not how something looks, or appears to be as much as it is what God says about it!!
The vast majority of our problems in the world, this nation and especially the black community, have to do with this very same reaction to what He says.
The other thing he does, is to challenge her to defy the Commandment of God, by telling her that nothing will happen to her if she does it, by saying 'they would not die, but be as gods!!'
These three things, are all that he has to deceive people, and if we could get past them, then things would be better for us.
But how do you do that??? You have to have a deep knowledge of the Word of God, and how God thinks, to do it.
Let's look at what happened to Jesus in the wilderness when Satan tried to use these very same tactics on Him, and how He responded.
After He had been baptized by John and empowered by the Holy Ghost, He went in to the wilderness to fast and commune with the Father. Well, after 40 days, Satan appears to a supposedly weakened, and starving Individual, and starts trying to get Him to defy God.
This is a major point of his attack!!! He will always come to you when you are in a desperate, weakened and vulnerable state, to get you to do something that you would not otherwise do. And, in many times, he has orchestrated the circumstances, to get you there.
He starts out with addressing the most obvious condition that Jesus is facing, hunger.
Now, he knows who Jesus is because, once again, he challenges God's Word, by saying to Jesus, 'If you are the Son of God.' Remember, when Jesus was baptized,
God said, 'This is My Beloved Son...'
He then continues by saying in so many words, 'because of who you are, you can command this stone to turn in to bread, to feed yourself!!'
Now because of who He is, He could have done exactly that but, His response was
'It is written...'
Jesus laid the foundation of all of what Christianity is supposed to be about, and that is, prioritizing what is most important, and that is the
Word of God. Even when you are starving, or in some other desperate condition, God is to be First, in your thinking.
Jesus said 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God!'
After that, he leads Jesus up high in the mountains, and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world, and tells Him, he will give Him all of them, if He will bow down and worship him.
Notice something here, Jesus did not refute Satan telling Him that all the kingdoms of the world were his to give. Because in reality, they are!! God gave Adam control over this world system, and Adam turned it all over to Satan.
Anyway, Jesus responded with 'It is written that thou shall only worship God, and Him only shall you serve!'
Next, Satan tells Him to, in effect attempt suicide, because, once again, because of who He is, the Angels will protect Him from injury or worse.
Once again, Jesus responds with
'It is written, thou shall not tempt God!'
If you will notice, everything Satan tried to get Jesus to do, was within His ability to do, but, in order to be pleasing to the Father, He submitted His will to what was pleasing to God.
As the Bible summarizes it,
1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
These are the only things Satan has at his disposal to use against us. And, if we can only recognize that, and the fact that the only way to defeat him is by knowing the Word of God, and walking in it, then he has no chance to deceive us.
But there is a problem.
Most of those that claim to be Christians, including those that also claim to be sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, are doing the exact opposite.
And why is this???
They don't know the Word of God, or are being led by those that don't know it!! If people are being taught by a person with a 6th grade education, then, obviously they can't grow beyond that point. By the same token, if you are being taught by someone that is not knowledgeable to what God has to say about the issues of life facing you every day, then, you will not be able to advance beyond the point of their knowledge.
Unfortunately, for the black community, black leadership is proving to be totally spiritually inadequate to lead God's people.
As a result, most of them are getting their messages from, not God, but Satan!!
They may not think so, but, if you will look at what they say, and how they promote themselves, and how they use scriptures to justify ungodliness, you are looking at a Devil. And as a result, anyone sitting under them, is a Devil in the making!!
No doubt about it!!!
Abortion, gay rights/marriage, separation of God and state, affirmative action, opposing what God says is morally Right, and supporting what God says is sin, punishing and attacking the Righteous, while giving aid and comfort to the ungodly is their mission Yet the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson. and other black preachers who enjoy the prominence and prestige of being leaders in our community, receive their 30 pieces of silver, to betray Christ, so that they can enjoy their positions!!
The thing is, God tells us that we need to know the tricks that the Devil uses against us. He goes in to Great Detail, with scripture after scripture, to acquaint us with not only how He views things, but how the Devil will use anything, and anyone to get us to turn away from God.
And, one of his most successful tricks is to use preachers to accomplish this.
2Cor. 11:13-15 tells us how Satan can transform himself into a angel of light[righteousness], and that the same thing can be done by his ministers[preachers]. Remember how I said earlier about devils in the making??
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.
Notice the last part, talking about rightly dividing the Word of Truth!!! Why do you think it is in there?? Because the Devil and his ministers will wrongly divide it and come up with something that sounds 'spot on'. But is so full of holes you could drive a car through it.
Just because the Bible says something in one passage of scripture, does not mean you shouldn't look to see if every other scripture in it, supports that particular scripture, or if not, why??
A good practice to use in studying scripture is this.
'if you read a scripture, and come up with an opinion as to what God is saying concerning a particular subject, then as you continue reading, you find even 1 scripture that contradicts the opinion you drew from the first scripture, the Bible didn't contradict itself, your opinion of that scripture was wrong.'
This is what Satan and his ministers do.
One of the most common revelations of this has to do with what people call 'judging!!'
The vast majority of people, Christian or not, say that it is wrong to judge others. The reason, they say, is that the Bible, and Jesus, no less, speaks against it.
The problem is, Jesus went on to give examples of how to determine what a person is about, by their actions, and what they say. If you read the old testament, it was God who ordained the office of 'judge.' In fact there is an entire book called Judges, in the old testament. So how can one say that judging is wrong??
The only way to do that is by deception, or ignoring scriptures that say otherwise!!
What Satan and his ministers would have you believe when it comes to this and other major issues, is that God has changed, and that Jesus is the new, more tolerant image of God. A God that is so willing to be accepted by everyone, that He is willing to overlook activities in people today, that He destroyed nations in the past for.
If you don't know this one point, you are bound for destruction. That point is,
God says, I change not!!![Mal. 3:6].
What this means is, He still hates sin, and still deals with it the same way He did in the past even though He deals with it according to the design He put forth before the world was Created.
Changing from burnt sacrifices to the shed Blood of Jesus, was not a change, but part of His overall Plan!!
Satan and his ministers would have you believe otherwise. That is why, when something bad happens to them, they don't even consider that they brought it on themselves, or even their loved ones. That is the reason for the 'Why God' phenomena!! They can't accept God allowing it to happen, because,
God is love!! and he is, BUT MOST OF ALL, GOD IS JUST!!!