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SCRIPTURE PRV. 1:7, 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: BUT FOOLS DESPISE WISDOM AND INSTRUCTION.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
The message for this month, has to do with a somewhat touchy subject. And that is, what actions must a person be involved in, to be classified as a fool?
The reason why I say it is touchy, is because I don't believe there is a single person that would be comfortable being called a fool. Our nature is one of feeling good about ourselves, no matter what position in life we find ourselves in.
Sure, we may not have a lot of wealth, a first class job or education, we may be on the lower rung on the ladder of respectability in our community, but, in our minds, that doesn't make us fools. It just means, we are the victims of what people call,
'bad luck!!'
Bad luck, is a means or vehicle by which we can avoid taking any responsibility for our condition.
What it essentially does is, in short, put the blame on someone, or something else. And as such, we can keep on going our merry way, and stop worrying and fretting about things, that are out of our control.
Those are the cards we were dealt, so we might as well accept them, and work from there.
Oh sure, we can always try to better ourselves. And, if that occurs, fine!! If not, don't worry about it.
Psychiatrists, psychologists and sociologists
['the new gods' as I call them], tell us that the reasons for the vast majority of mental illness, drug use and suicide, comes from the fact that people can't deal with the problems they face.
And, most of that comes from the fact that they can't deal with any sort of criticism, so they seek an avenue of escape. This means getting rid of those that criticize them, or taking their own lives.
If someone says anything negative about them, then according to the
'new gods', they are the ones with the problem, and not them.
What all of this boils down to is, no one has the right to degrade another person, no matter what the circumstance may be.
As a result, society is fast being overtaken by people who have no connection to, or perception of right and wrong. As long as it feels right to them, then that is all that matters.
Anyone that won't accept that, should be ignored, at the least!!.
Now, while all of this sounds good, it is totally ludicrous.
That is because, if that person is destroying themselves, let alone, others, then, saying, or doing nothing is a recipe for disaster for everyone involved.
And since most of society follows this line of reasoning, then you can see the results every time you turn on the TV, listen to the news, or even step outside your house. Chaos!!!
And, what makes it worse, is that law enforcement, and the courts are going along with the program.
When police are called to the scene of some act of violence caused by someone who is possibly mentally ill, as they call it, they are supposed to use different tactics with them, than they would in regular situations.
If they handle the person too roughly, or injure/kill the person, they run the risk of being sued.
All of this stems from the fact that people take no responsibility for their actions, because almost no one holds them accountable. And those that do, are the ones with the problem.
With that being said, then, evidently, they have to include God, as being the problem as well. Because He holds all of us accountable for our actions, no matter what!!!
We can't go around doing whatever we feel like doing, and expect Him to accept it. Someone is going to have to change their way of doing things, and it is definitely not going to be Him!!
Take a look at the first of our subject scriptures. It tells us that the fear [or reverence] of the Lord, is the beginning of knowledge!! It then goes on to say but FOOLS DESPISE WISDOM AND INSTRUCTION!!
What it is saying is that knowledge of the Lord [who He is, what He is, what His Rules are, and what the consequences of either following them, or, going against them are], is essential in having a life that is either Blessed or cursed by Him.
The second verse puts it in a slightly different frame, by using the word wisdom, which is a term that compliments knowledge. It ends by saying that the knowledge of the holy, is understanding.
To explain this, let me use the example of something most of us do every day. Driving a car.
Practically all of us that are of age, know how to drive a car. And to us, it is no big deal. You get in it, start it, put it in drive, and you are on your way. You know how to speed it up using the accelerator, and how to stop it, using the brakes.
No problem.
However, there are times when you have to alter how you drive it, depending on the circumstances.
That takes wisdom and understanding.
If you are parked between 2 vehicles, one in front of you, and one behind you, you can't just hop in, put it in drive and take off. You have to slowly maneuver it out of that space before you can proceed. Otherwise, you are going to tear up your car, and possibly the others as well.
That is the least of your possible problems.
Let's say you are driving on the street, or maybe the freeway, and the speed limit is 35 on the street, and 75 on the freeway.
Depending on traffic, and weather conditions, you may not be able to safely drive at those speeds. This is where wisdom and understanding come in.
If traffic is bumper to bumper, you can't drive at the posted speeds, because, once again, you might tear up your car, or someone else's.
If there is ice, or oil on the road, and you have no other traffic to worry about, driving at the posted speeds, could very well cause you to lose control of your car, crash, and maybe injure or kill yourself.
So, what regulates your decisions while driving?? Wisdom, which brings in to play the understanding of what is most likely to happen driving at the posted speed.
These are facts that are undeniable, and do not change. You either take heed, or suffer the consequences.
Well, fools completely disregard all these facts because they want to do what they want to do, and hate following anything that interferes with that state of mind.
Just like in the above situations, God has set up rules for us to live by, and, they are not subject to change meaning, you either go along with the program, or pay the price!
People that refuse to be restrained by God's Rules, are the clear example of fools, because, in spite of what is common knowledge, they are intent on doing whatsoever they feel like doing.
And, what is the consequence of this??
A lot of them, by way of education, popularity, and just plain defiance, have made their way in to positions of power as lawyers, judges, activists, politicians, teachers/professors and worst yet, pastors and bishops.
And from those positions, they wield power and influence on others, which, has translated in to the chaos we see happening before us everyday.
If you will consider the fact that this is nothing new, but has been going on since Adam and Eve, one thing becomes very clear and that is, we have a host of examples of the consequences of not following God's Laws.
One of God's primary laws states that '
you reap, what you sow!!'[Gal. 6:7].
If you plant tomatoes, you will reap tomatoes. If you plant wheat, you will reap wheat!! Plant an apple tree, and you will reap apples!! That is God's Law at work.
All of this goes back to Genesis, when God created every thing and He said that everything will reproduce, after its own kind
.[Gen. 1:11-13, 21, 24-25].
So, what we then have is a blueprint of whatever is sown, or created, will reproduce itself. This goes for both good, and evil! You can't sow good, and reap evil. Neither can you sow evil, and reap good.
Fools, refuse to accept this irreversible/unchangeable law, because they want to do what they want to do, no matter who they hurt, or offend. Not only that, but they will get violent, if they can't have what they want!!
Let me give you a couple of present day situations of fools reaping what they have sown.
Women, since the early '70's, have insisted on, and supported the right to kill babies in their wombs. They call it, a woman's health issue.
They call it that, because, they have been told, that what is growing inside of them is not a baby, but a fetus/tumor. And as such, is not murder.
God says otherwise!! So, what is His response??
If they want to kill babies, in the womb, He will allow the killing of their babies, outside the womb, meaning their children that they have with them. In other words, death brings death!!
Over 77 million babies have been aborted since it was legalized, to date. And, the number of children that have been killed or died from accidents, diseases, drugs, suicide, crime and whatever else, is a clear indication to those that know how things work, that this law is very much in play.
And for the record, this means children of all ages. In short, parents are going to be burying their children, rather than the other way around.
Then we have LGBTQ!!
Their thing is, they aren't satisfied with how God made them, and the roles they are supposed to play. So, what do they do?? They throw all that out the window, and declare themselves as being something they are not. This is in direct defiance of God's design.
So, once again, since they want to sow defiance to Him, then, they reap the consequences. AIDS, depression, violence, rejection, other diseases and the like that will eventually destroy them.
Now my point is this.
IF people truly reverenced the Lord, they would be inclined to get to know as much about Him as they could. That would be getting knowledge. Then, when they get that
knowledge, they would also see the consequences of what happens to people that obey/disobey Him.
[Deut. 28 entire].
Then, they could make better choices
[using wisdom], if that is what they want to do.
The message throughout the Bible is that God created things to operate according to His Design, and they will not change. So, it's either His way [Holiness], or, the Highway [Hell].
Now, after that, if they choose the latter, then it can be rightly said, that person has to be a fool, in the eyes of God!!
And, it goes a little further in that those that give support to them to continue in that action, will suffer the same as those involved in it.
[Rom. 1:18 - *32*].
Try as they might, they that continue in what can best be described as utter foolishness, will reap what is known as a
'fool's reward!!'
My job is to sound the alarm and let them know that there is an alternative, and that is obedience to Him, through Jesus Christ!!
And, the Good News is, it is never too late for anyone that is alive, to come to Him, and ask His forgiveness, with sincerity, and receive it.
So, it is not like a person has gone too far to reap the benefits of His Salvation. But, they have to want to change their ways, and not just trying to get what they can get out of Him, because, that won't work, He knows each of us, inside and out!!
A simple prayer is all it takes, but it has to be made from the heart.
Lord Jesus, I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sinful ways. I ask you to come in to my heart, and be Lord of my life, and help me to be the type of person you want me to be. I ask this in the name of Jesus!! Amen!!
With that prayer, you have left the identity of a fool, and have become wise. It's your choice.