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(THIS IS WAR!!! [4])
(For the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
In closing
last month, I stated that when it comes to revealing the Truth of God's Word, God Himself is responsible for opening our eyes so that we can see it. And He does that by way of the Holy Spirit.
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
This scripture, in a nutshell, reveals what is needed for a person to not only be able to correctly interpret the Word of God, but to be able to see what the future holds for those that walk the paths of sin and rebellion.
You see, people tend to think that just because an individual has a better educational status than someone else, or has a talent to be able to influence others with their speech or actions, that they would naturally be better equipped to be able to explain the bible to others.
But thank God, that is not how He does things.
I have said it before and I will say it again, God prepares those He wants to use, and not those that are prepared!
By that I mean, I have heard hundreds of preachers, male and female, talk about how they always wanted to be a minister. So, when they got the chance they went to some bible college, or other institution of higher learning, to get one or more degrees in 'religious studies' so that they could be better prepared to preach.
Sounds good, doesn't it? And under any other field of endeavor, I would absolutely agree with their premise.
However, when it comes to the Word of God, you can throw all that stuff out the window, because that is the very thing that will prove to be your undoing.
If you will read any of the gospels, you will see a contrast between those that Jesus called as His disciples and the Pharisees, and other religious leaders of His day.
The thing that stands out is, all of His disciples were common everyday men who, for the most part were educated in other fields of occupation and not even thinking about being preachers.
The religious leaders of His day were the most educated group of preachers that you could find because they were in the blood-line of the Levites, who were descendants of Aaron, the first man called by God to be a priest, and whose family was ordained for that task.
So, when Jesus came on the scene, and began to expound on the scriptures, these men were offended because He was not part of their order of priests.
He was the son of a carpenter, a nobody, as far as they were concerned. Yet, here He was, God in the Flesh, and they didn't even recognize Him.
Think about this.
The bible is the Word of God. Jesus is the Word made Flesh, Consequently, if anyone can correctly explain the bible, then Jesus is the One to go to.
Remember last month when I gave the passage of scripture from Ecclesiastes saying there is nothing happening today, that hasn't already happened??
Well, that is what we have today.
We have educated people, or people that have a certain ability to attract and influence a lot of people, that have decided to become spokespersons for God. Problem is, they are just as blind as those religious leaders back then.
I don't think that anyone, knowing they are addressing Jesus, God in the Flesh, would set about to correct Him, and call Him a homophobe, intolerant, a bully, waging a war on women, a racist or any other name used today to describe those of us that refuse to succumb to the national doctrine of being 'politically correct.'
So then, the only other explanation has to be, they are blind to the Truth. And that blindness has to be caused by one thing, and that is the absence of the Holy Spirit!!!
This blindness causes them not to be able to discern right from wrong, good from evil, truth from a lie and so on.
The bible is a book of instructions, if you will, that explains everything we need to know about who we are, where we came from, why we are here, and most importantly who He/Christ, is.
It also tells us what has happened in the past, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future!!
Now, the way that it is written, seems to be just a bunch of random stories, myths, parables, and sayings that seem to do nothing but leave the reader, more confused as to what it all means.
So, what is a person to do??
The obvious answer is to seek help in understanding what they are reading.
The next question is, where can one find this help??
Here's what you need to consider.
If I write you a letter, and there is something in it that you don't quite understand, wouldn't it be the logical thing for you to contact me and ask for clarification on that issue??
Now of course, you could go to one of these educated individuals and see what they say, but, even among them, they may come up with several different opinions on it. So which one is right??
The only sure-fire way for you to get the exact interpretation, would be to ask me, the author.
Well, by the same token, since God is the author of the bible, then, who better than Him, to explain its contents to you??
The mess we find ourselves in today is the direct result of us seeking out educated folk, many of whom may have some sort of bias that they want to hide, and as such, will give you answers that may seem to fit, but are actually designed to make themselves look good to you, so that they can gain your trust.
This, while at the same time, being blind to the Truth of the Word of God.
Remember the scripture I gave you last month about how the Devil, and his ministers can transform themselves in to ministers of light?? This is what it is talking about.
These are people, who have put all their faith and trust in to the institutions of higher learning, and their accomplishments in dealing with the common mentality of man, while at the same time, rejecting anything that contradicts what they believe, which, when it comes to God, is just about everything.
Man operates on his 5 senses. What he can see, hear, smell, taste and feel.
Anything outside of that, and he is lost.
This is why, according to man, God doesn't exist!! Because man can't employ any of his senses to prove that He is real!!
I can't tell you how much money has been wasted by mankind, to find evidence to settle the age old questions of where man came from, how old the earth really is, and how to solve all of the problems we have in the world today.
I'm just estimating it, but, I would say it is over $100 trillion, that have gone absolutely nowhere, when in reality, you could go in to most bookstores, spend about a couple of dollars, and pick up a bible [King James Version especially], and find all the answers you need. And the best thing is, they all work!!
However, they, the scriptures are arranged like a puzzle, and as we all know, every piece has to fit in its specific place for you to get the correct finished result.
Some of the scriptures are so plain that, quite frankly, you would have to have help to misunderstand them. However, even these, can be used incorrectly to the detriment of an individual or society.
The clearest example is St. John 3:16, which states 'For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'
This scripture, is known as the 'heart of the Gospel', in that it gives us the assurance that God loves all of us so much, that He sent His Son, His only begotten Son, here to die for us, so that we could have eternal life with Him.
However, the problem comes in when people fail to take in to consideration, the full meaning of the word 'believeth.
If I were to ask the majority of you, even if you were an atheist, 'who was/is Jesus Christ' most of you would say He was/is supposed to be the Son of God, or God in the flesh.
Upon further examination, most of you would say He lived about a little over 2000 years ago.
What this shows is that most of you believe He was a real person that lived back then. However, that is as far as you are willing to take it. And on this alone, you think you will enter in to Heaven when the time comes, on this alone.
In reality, you could be headed for hell!!
Because the scripture is also saying that you have to believe everything He says, and be about doing what He says for you to do.
This is where the rubber meets the road.
The majority of you take parts of the bible that you like and set about building your faith on them. While at the same time, you completely ignore the parts you don't like.
Imagine a master telling his servant to do something and the servant examines it, and refuses to do it. What do you think would happen to him??
Better yet, let's say you have a job working for someone. And let's say they told you to do certain tasks. And let's say you did some of them but rejected others because you didn't feel like doing it, or you felt they were beneath you.
Do you think you could keep your job??? I don't think so.
Well, when you profess to believe in Christ, then that means you are essentially, voluntarily making Him, Lord/Boss, over your life.
Jesus puts it like this, Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
He also says, Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits[the things they say and do] ye shall know them. Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; BUT HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.
Jas 1:22 But BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD, AND NOT HEARERS ONLY, deceiving your own selves.
This is the part of that puzzle I was talking about.
All these scriptures tie in with JOHN 3:16 to relay the message that merely believing that Jesus lived 2000 years ago, and was a great teacher and prophet, is not enough!! You have to, as they say, HEAR, AND OBEY!!
I will get more in to this next month!!