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Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter
in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.



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The message for this month, is one of those issues that will undoubtedly have a lot of people ready to cancel their subscriptions, and donations to this ministry.

The reason being, is that I am about to literally destroy just about everyone's image of just exactly what the mission of the Church is supposed to be, versus what most Christians are out here everyday giving their blood sweat and energy to accomplish.

The reason I say 'just about everyone's image' is because, if you are not being led by the Holy Spirit, then, you are being led by the Devil. And that is about over 90 percent of those that name the name of Christ!!!

If you are a Christian, and you are trying to accomplish something, you have God's Promise to be with you to guide and protect you as you head toward that goal.

The thing is though, that only applies to those things that are in His Will and Purpose for your life. Anything that goes contrary to that, puts you in the position of being out there on your own!!

And, that is what is wrong with most people in this nation, that claim to be Christians. They are out here pursuing things that they feel are in line with good, moral character, but, the means that they are using to get there, are an affront to God.

Every time I turn around, I hear some church folk talking about how we Christians need to quit being judgmental, and divisive, and show the 'love of God!!'

When I say 'we Christians', I am talking about those of us that refuse to compromise with Devil, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially the ungodly, just so that we can have, or live in peace.

Those of us that hold to the Truth, are not going to be well received by the ungodly, and most of those in the Church, because of a long held mistaken belief of just what it is that the Church is here for.

In order to find that out, we have to look at the One who is the Head of the Church, and I am not talking about the Pope, your Bishop, or pastor. I am talking about the Architect of it, and the mission He assigned it to do.

The Architect of it, is God, the Father. The Head of it is Jesus Christ. The Enforcer and Power behind it is the Holy Ghost!! All three, are in one accord on what the Church is here to accomplish. And friend, it is nowhere near what you have been led to believe that is.

Let's start with Jesus Christ!!!

The Bible says that 'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,.....[Jn. 3:16]. So, from that, we see that God Loves us!!!

Before He came here, the Angels proclaimed that His coming would culminate in peace and good will toward all mankind.

Every Christmas season, people are going around with a spirit of love and peace, and even the cards we send out, usually have a message of peace and love inscribed on them.

However, though the goal is coming, and will eventually become a reality, it will not happen by the hand of mankind, but by the Power of God, after He disposes of the Devil, and the ungodly. That's it!!

That time, may be years or centuries from now. Then again, it could be tomorrow, or sooner.

In the mean time, what is left, is a warfare between good and evil, God/Christ and the Devil, Heaven and Hell!!

From the time He was born, until He was baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus was, for the most part a good child.

About the only thing He did that annoyed His earthly parents, was that He spent an inordinate amount of time in the temple, learning from the religious leaders of that day.

When His parents chastised Him for disappearing without telling them where He was going, He said that they should know that He had to be about His Father's Business!![Lk. 2:49]

Then, the next time we see Him, He is getting ready to be baptized by John the Baptist!! John says he needs to be baptized by Jesus!! [Mat. 3:15]Jesus says He wants to do this to fulfil all Righteousness!!! Meaning He didn't want to cut corners.

After that, the Holy Spirit descends on Him, and God announces that this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!!

Fast forward past the wilderness experience to the point that He enters the temple. And what happens??? A man possessed with a devil recognizes Him and cries out. [Mark 1:23]

This is the first confrontation with a person that is bound by the Devil.

Now think about this. Jesus, before He was baptized by John, had probably been in this Synagogue many times, and nothing happened.

It is safe to say that this same man was probably attending, and things were fine. But as soon as Jesus comes in, full of the Holy Ghost, now the demon in the man has a fit.

But, it doesn't stop there.

As soon as He announces His message, and mission, the religious leaders, the ones that taught Him when He was a Child, are now feeling threatened by Him, when He starts preaching with authority, and showing them the error of their ways.

Now here is one of the first problems that Christ faced, and that the Church is faced with.

Here is Jesus, in His House, the Church, addressing the priests, His employees [if you could call them that], that are supposed to be teaching the people about Him, and yet, they don't even recognize Him.

This type of situation is likened to, bringing confusion in to the House of God.

But, in reality, that is what will happen when you bring the Truth in to an assembly[a house of God], that the Devil has control over.

Truth and lies, Right and wrong, Light and darkness, Righteousness and sin, can not occupy the same space at the same time or co-exist together, and still have peace.

Yet, that is what most Church folk are trying to do, all for the sake of showing the Love of Christ!! It is nothing more than a guilt trip that the Devil uses to get Christians to shut up!!!

He wants to make them feel that they are embarrassing Christ. And many are falling for it, hook, line and sinker.

But, if you will take a gander at the subject verses of scripture, you will see just exactly what Christ is about, and what His Church is to be doing.

In this dispensation of the Church age, unlike what most want to believe, we are here for One Purpose, and that is to wage 'war' on the Devil!!

And this war, gets down to the 'nitty gritty' when Jesus makes it as personal as you can get. He says He is going to tear families apart, if need be.

You can't get more personal than that!!!

Now if He is going to do that to families, then what in the world makes you think He is going to skip over all of this political 'manure', that is somehow supposed to be exempt from Him tearing that apart as well???

What the Church needs to pay attention to, is the Word of God, and quit listening to 'experts, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, the medical profession, WOKE, BLM, and the rest of those that are trying to tell the people that we can have peace, apart from God.'

They may not be saying it directly, but that is exactly what it all means.

Let me give you a few other scriptures to prove the point.

1Jn 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL.

Heb 10:12 But this man[Christ], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

Heb 10:13 From henceforth expecting till HIS ENEMIES BE MADE HIS FOOTSTOOL.

2Cor 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:


2Cor 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

These are a few of a multitude of scriptures that describe just exactly what Christ's mission for the Church, His Church is. And it is not to be trying to make peace with the Devil and his minions.

In Ephesians 6, starting at verse 10, we are given a look at all of what is provided for us to

engage the world, in this warfare.

Yet, in so many instances both in the world, and the church, any thing that tends to divide people is quickly labeled being divisive by them.

My answer to that can be summed up in one word!!! TOUGH!!!

The world, this nation and especially the black community in this nation is suffering the consequences of trying to 'compromise' with the enemies, not of ours, but of Christ!!

The more we try to bring peace, while overlooking the evil that is being put in front of us to accept, the worse things have been, and are getting.

It is as if the Church is trying to win a popularity contest. The thing is they are winning, but, with the wrong side of the issue.

Prv. 14:12, 16:25 There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death and destruction.

That says it all.

Look at what God says when we try to be friends with the ungodly.

Jas 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world[ungodly] is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

You think God is going to let His enemies in to Heaven?? I hope you aren't that foolish!!!

The Church has no business trying to appease the world's vision of what it is supposed to be like. It is supposed to be setting the example for the world to follow. But, most of the time, it is the other way around.

That is why you can go in to a lot of churches, and be presented with what looks like some sort of Broadway play, or rock concert.

The people aren't there to hear a Word from the Lord. They are there to be entertained.

All sense of Holiness and Reverence of God, is gone. The preachers, the choir, look and act more like 2-bit hustlers and street people than the sanctified oracles of God.

The messages are designed to get more people in to the seats, so that there will be more money in the offering plate. Not for the poor and needy and the House of God, but for the salaries of the leaders of the church.

Everyone is made to feel that they are OK.

There are no alter calls, because, no one is going to end up in hell, if it exists, because God loves us too much.

And, since that is the case, the world can continue to go merrily on its way without any sense of fear of God.

The only thing is, they have to deal with a bunch of 'Right-wing, religious nuts', that won't shut up about the pending judgment that is coming, and now is, upon most of them.

If only they could get rid of us, then, that would be a good start. But, we aren't going anywhere. And they better hope we stay around a little longer.

Because, when the time comes for us to be Removed from this earth, THEN, the Devil will have free reign to unleash all hell on earth. More next month!!