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MARCH, 2025
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter
in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
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When I left off last month, I had begun talking about a time that is coming, that a lot of Christians, as well as the ungodly, better hope doesn't occur any time soon.
That time, is when the 'True Church', will be removed from this earthly realm. The reason I say this is because, from the Christian standpoint, many, who can't wait to get out of here, better hope He doesn't Remove it because they are in no Spiritual Condition, to be Removed.
Now, right there, some are saying how can I say something like that?? They will say, I am being judgmental. They will say that I am the reason that people don't want anything to do with Christians, like myself, because we think that we are better than anyone else.
Well, that misconception, comes from one particular source, and that is the Devil, and those ministers of his that are pastoring most of the churches in this nation, and especially in the black community.
Addressing the last part first. When it all boils down to the basics, there are only two [2] types of individuals on this earth. They are either God's Children [Saved/Born Again], or they are not. And if they aren't, then that makes them the children of the Devil.
It is that simple!!!!
If I, or anyone else that is Saved, is addressing someone who is not Saved, then that means we are addressing you as someone that has a far better insight to what is going on in this world, than they do. It does not mean that we are better, just more enlightened!!
And the only reason we got like this is because of who it is that we were taught by.
If you are being taught by a man that is anointed by God to be in that position, then, you will have a far greater depth of understanding God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, than someone who is being taught by someone else.
Because, if you know anything about Him, you will know that among other things, He does not compromise His Word for anyone. In fact, He assures us that He values His Word, even above all else. That means that He says what He means, and means what He says. He doesn't change, or compromise on it.
[Mal. 3:6]
Knowing Him, and His Word, goes a long way in helping His Children see what the Devil is doing, and through whom he is doing it.
Being Judgmental. This is a deception, in that what they are calling 'judgmental', is nothing more than telling the Truth concerning a certain person, group or whatever, as to how it aligns with the Word of God.
People that use this term, when it applies to Christians, are usually trying to get them to remain quiet, and keep their thoughts to themselves.
In other words, what they say and do, is their business, and not yours. The only problem is, in far too many instances, if Christians don't say anything, then the problem or activity will soon spread to the point that it does affect everyone. But, by then it will be too late. Someone has been hurt, or worse, whereas, if the problem was addressed while it was in its 'infancy', then the person[s], would not have suffered.
You know, all the time, we hear of companies, and individuals being sued for injuries suffered by a lawyer's client. And usually the lawyer will state that the company or individual 'knew' about the problem, weeks, months or years back, and did nothing. Now there's a problem.
People have no problem supporting the victim in that situation. But, try telling them that something that they are doing is a problem, and all of a sudden, you are being 'judgmental!'
All of this boils down to the fact that the people, for the most part, have no 'moral compass/standard' to go by. By that I means, the rules are consistently changing to accommodate what I would call a bunch of 'spoiled brats!!'
By this I mean, these are people that, if they can't get what they want, they will throw all types of 'fits', and engage in destructive behavior until they get what they want.
You have probably seen kids in a market or store with their parents, and they see a toy or some candy that they want, and the parent doesn't let them have it?? The result is, right there in the store, the child throws a fit, laying down on the floor, hollering a screaming.
At one time, that only occurred once, because, right there in the store, the parent would take their belt off, or use their hand on the child's leg, or behind, and give them something to really cry about.
You try that today, and you are probably going to get arrested for child abuse, or at the least, scolded by someone in the store telling you that you need to find some other way to deal with a disobedient child.
Those of us that know God, know what the result of listening to this type of foolishness usually leads up to.
The cemeteries are full of examples of people that wanted their own way, until they met someone that didn't give a hoot about them.
Or, and this is about just as bad, they become people in power, and try to mold society in to what they think it should be.
The thing is, if you are going against what God says, then, you are in for all types of problems.
God/Christ tells us to pursue peace with all men, including our enemies. However, you are to do it, without compromising His Principles.
Just because a person may not like me, doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad person that if they needed help with something, and I was able to help them, that I would not do so.
However, if what they wanted me to help them do, violated my moral principles, them that is where I would refrain.
Well, who is responsible for instilling these types of principles in us?? It starts with our parents. And where are they getting their principles from?? Hopefully from the Church.
It is the job of the anointed man of God, to give instruction in Righteousness to those that are in his flock. If he does his job then, the people have a far better chance of achieving what God's purpose for their lives is. Of course, the people will have to follow that advice/direction.
On the other hand, if he doesn't, then the people are left with the idea that God doesn't really have anything to say about how they are doing things.
They are a train wreck waiting to happen.
Now imagine what happens when one or more of these 'train wrecks', ends up in a position of power or making laws for this country to live by!!!
That is essentially what we have in this nation today. And that is why the nation, and especially the black community is suffering all of the problems we are.
We are essentially thumbing our noses at the directions God is giving us to follow.
Now, just what do you think God is going to do about that??? Well, according to those 'spoiled brats/train wrecks', nothing.
So, they go about passing 'laws' that they feel will make the people more likely to keep them in power, so that they can become more wealthy and powerful.
And it works because the people have no insight as to what the result of their choices will bring because the preachers that they trust and listen to, are no sounding the alarm about the dangers that lie ahead.
The Church, is here to give them that warning, and, if necessary, take steps to tear down the image that the people have of God not having anything to say about what they are doing.
When the Bible uses terms like, 'the weapons of our warfare', 'Destroy the works of the Devil', 'tearing down the strongholds of the enemy', and many other scriptures that let us know what the Christian/Church, is here to do. There is no way you can say that its mission is to bring 'peace on earth, and good will toward men!!'
From the time God created mankind, the Devil has declared war on us. And, as long as he is still able to have the ability to do that, then, the Church, the Children of God, are in a war. And that war will continue until Christ Himself, puts a stop to him, the Devil.
In the mean time, the Devil will wreak havoc wherever he can, in nations, in governments, in states, cities, and even families. And he will especially do it in the Church. Even among those that are saved sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, and baptized in Jesus' name.
You say, No way??
Down through the years, I have known of several preachers, that were Pentecostal, that got themselves in to positions where they either had to step down, or were removed from their position in the Church as Bishop, because they, got entangled with ungodly behavior, or doctrine that definitely was unacceptable.
When a Church gets to the point where leadership is no longer intolerant to sin, especially abominable sin like homosexuality/lesbianism, and starts placing those people in offices in the Church, it is time to leave that Church.
Just to make it clear, the place for the homosexual/lesbian, in the Church, is in the congregation, and not as some type of official office holder, or even choir director, or in the choir.
The reason being, these positions are supposed to be offering up, what is called a 'sweet smelling savor', to God. And that means it is not contaminated with something that is not pure. If something comes up to God that is impure/contaminated, it is unacceptable to Him, and is rejected.
In the old testament, God struck people down that contaminated what was supposed to be His. Talking about the people's worship and praise.
The way things are in the Church today, speaking out against those types of things, even when you have scripture backing it up, you will most likely be labeled divisive, by other Christians.
And when the ungodly see the mess that is going on in the Church, they will say to themselves, 'why should I join something like that??? I don't have that much problem out here. I don't need all that mess!!'
Peace and tranquility would be nice, don't get me wrong. However, as the subject scriptures tells us, that is not what Christ's mission for the Church is, at this present time.
One would think that peace and tranquility in a person's household would be automatic. Certainly Christ would want that to be the case.
Yes that is what He wants there to be. However, if a grown family member begins to embrace things that are clearly outside of Godliness, then, it must be addressed immediately. If nothing is said, then others in the family may start embracing that, or some other form of ungodly behavior, then, you will have one big mess to deal with.
The best thing to do, as they used to say in the '80's, and before, is to
'nip it in the bud.' That means, get it out before it grows into a
full blown crisis! One of the major problems we have in society today, comes from following the advice of people that say you should just let them grown out of it. Or maybe they are just expressing who they really are.
There are a lot of things, and animals that when they are just starting out, may look just as cute and adorable as they could be. That when they are mature, are just as destructive, and deadly as the most deadliest things on earth.
In fact, Satan, when he was first created by God, was the most beautiful Angel of God's Angelic Host!! So, if he turned out the way he did, then you know why you have to be wary of all the adorable things people come up with, in living their lives.
The mission of the Church, is not here to make peace, but to destroy the works of the Devil.